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22 And did eat and drink before Hashem on that day with simchah gedolah. And they crowned Sh’lomo Ben Dovid Melech the second time, and anointed him unto Hashem to be Nagid (ruler), and Tzadok to be Kohen.

23 Then Sh’lomo sat on the kisse Hashem as Melech instead of Dovid Aviv, and prospered, and kol Yisroel obeyed him.

24 And all the sarim, and the gibborim, and all the Bnei HaMelech Dovid submitted themselves unto Sh’lomo HaMelech.

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22 And did eat and drink before Hashem on that day with simchah gedolah. And they crowned Sh’lomo Ben Dovid Melech the second time, and anointed him unto Hashem to be Nagid (ruler), and Tzadok to be Kohen.

23 Then Sh’lomo sat on the kisse Hashem as Melech instead of Dovid Aviv, and prospered, and kol Yisroel obeyed him.

24 And all the sarim, and the gibborim, and all the Bnei HaMelech Dovid submitted themselves unto Sh’lomo HaMelech.

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