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20 And Dovid said to kol HaKahal, Barchu nah es Hashem Eloheichem. And kol HaKahal blessed Hashem Elohei Avoteihem, and bowed down, and fell prostrate before Hashem and before HaMelech.

21 And they sacrificed zevakhim unto Hashem, and offered olot unto Hashem, on the next day after that yom, even a thousand parim (bulls), a thousand eilim (rams), and a thousand kevasim, with their nesakim, and zevakhim in abundance for kol Yisroel;

22 And did eat and drink before Hashem on that day with simchah gedolah. And they crowned Sh’lomo Ben Dovid Melech the second time, and anointed him unto Hashem to be Nagid (ruler), and Tzadok to be Kohen.

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20 And Dovid said to kol HaKahal, Barchu nah es Hashem Eloheichem. And kol HaKahal blessed Hashem Elohei Avoteihem, and bowed down, and fell prostrate before Hashem and before HaMelech.

21 And they sacrificed zevakhim unto Hashem, and offered olot unto Hashem, on the next day after that yom, even a thousand parim (bulls), a thousand eilim (rams), and a thousand kevasim, with their nesakim, and zevakhim in abundance for kol Yisroel;

22 And did eat and drink before Hashem on that day with simchah gedolah. And they crowned Sh’lomo Ben Dovid Melech the second time, and anointed him unto Hashem to be Nagid (ruler), and Tzadok to be Kohen.

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