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And He said unto me, Sh’lomo binecha, he shall build My Bais and My khatzerot (courts, courtyards), for I have chosen him to be Beni (My Son), and I will be his Av.

Moreover I will establish his Malchut ad l’olam, if he be steadfast to do My mitzvot and My mishpatim, as on this yom.

Now therefore in the sight of kol Yisroel the kehal Hashem, and in the ears of Eloheinu, be shomer and seek for all the Mitzvot Hashem Eloheichem lema’an (in order that) ye may possess this eretz hatovah; and leave it for a nachalah for your banim after you ad olam.

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And He said unto me, Sh’lomo binecha, he shall build My Bais and My khatzerot (courts, courtyards), for I have chosen him to be Beni (My Son), and I will be his Av.

Moreover I will establish his Malchut ad l’olam, if he be steadfast to do My mitzvot and My mishpatim, as on this yom.

Now therefore in the sight of kol Yisroel the kehal Hashem, and in the ears of Eloheinu, be shomer and seek for all the Mitzvot Hashem Eloheichem lema’an (in order that) ye may possess this eretz hatovah; and leave it for a nachalah for your banim after you ad olam.

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