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22 And Kenanyahu, sar HaLevi’im, was for singing; he directed the song, because of his understanding.

23 And Berechyah and Elkanah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

24 And Shevanyahu, and Yehoshaphat, and Netanel, and Amasai, and Zecharyah, and Benayahu, and Eliezer, the Kohanim, did blow the trumpets before the Aron HaElohim; and Oved Edom and Yechiyah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

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22 And Kenanyahu, sar HaLevi’im, was for singing; he directed the song, because of his understanding.

23 And Berechyah and Elkanah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

24 And Shevanyahu, and Yehoshaphat, and Netanel, and Amasai, and Zecharyah, and Benayahu, and Eliezer, the Kohanim, did blow the trumpets before the Aron HaElohim; and Oved Edom and Yechiyah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

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