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15 And the Bnei HaLevi’im bore the Aron HaElohim upon their shoulders with the motot (poles) thereon, as Moshe commanded according to the Devar Hashem.

16 And Dovid spoke to the Sarei HaLevi’im to appoint their brethren to be the meshorerim (singers) with instruments of music, nevalim (lyres) and kinnorot (harps) and cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with simchah.

17 So the Levi’im appointed Heman Ben Yoel; and of his brethren, Asaph Ben Berechyahu; and of the Bnei Merari their brethren, Eitan Ben Kushayahu;

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15 And the Bnei HaLevi’im bore the Aron HaElohim upon their shoulders with the motot (poles) thereon, as Moshe commanded according to the Devar Hashem.

16 And Dovid spoke to the Sarei HaLevi’im to appoint their brethren to be the meshorerim (singers) with instruments of music, nevalim (lyres) and kinnorot (harps) and cymbals, sounding, by lifting up the voice with simchah.

17 So the Levi’im appointed Heman Ben Yoel; and of his brethren, Asaph Ben Berechyahu; and of the Bnei Merari their brethren, Eitan Ben Kushayahu;

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