Deuteronomy 29:25
New King James Version
25 Then people would say: ‘Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt;
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Hebrews 8:9
New King James Version
9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the Lord.
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Jeremiah 40:2-3
New King James Version
2 And the captain of the guard took Jeremiah and (A)said to him: “The Lord your God has pronounced this doom on this place. 3 Now the Lord has brought it, and has done just as He said. (B)Because you people have sinned against the Lord, and not obeyed His voice, therefore this thing has come upon you.
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Jeremiah 31:32
New King James Version
32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that (A)I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, [a]though I was a husband to them, says the Lord.
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- Jeremiah 31:32 So with MT, Tg., Vg.; LXX, Syr. and I turned away from them
Jeremiah 22:9
New King James Version
9 Then they will answer, (A)‘Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and worshiped other gods and served them.’ ”
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Isaiah 47:6
New King James Version
6 (A)I was angry with My people;
(B)I have profaned My inheritance,
And given them into your hand.
You showed them no mercy;
(C)On the elderly you laid your yoke very heavily.
Isaiah 24:1-6
New King James Version
Impending Judgment on the Earth
24 Behold, the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste,
Distorts its surface
And scatters abroad its inhabitants.
2 And it shall be:
As with the people, so with the (A)priest;
As with the servant, so with his master;
As with the maid, so with her mistress;
(B)As with the buyer, so with the seller;
As with the lender, so with the borrower;
As with the creditor, so with the debtor.
3 The land shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered,
For the Lord has spoken this word.
4 The earth mourns and fades away,
The world languishes and fades away;
The (C)haughty[a] people of the earth languish.
5 (D)The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
Because they have (E)transgressed the laws,
Changed the ordinance,
Broken the (F)everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore (G)the curse has devoured the earth,
And those who dwell in it are [b]desolate.
Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are (H)burned,
And few men are left.
- Isaiah 24:4 proud
- Isaiah 24:6 Or held guilty
1 Kings 19:10-14
New King James Version
10 So he said, (A)“I have been very (B)zealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and (C)killed Your prophets with the sword. (D)I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”
God’s Revelation to Elijah
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand (E)on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord (F)passed by, and (G)a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a]a still small voice.
13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, that (H)he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. (I)Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
14 (J)And he said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.”
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- 1 Kings 19:12 a delicate whispering voice
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.