14 “In those times many shall rise against the king of the south, and the violent among your own people shall lift themselves up in order to fulfill the vision, but (A)they shall fail. 15 Then the king of the north shall come and (B)throw up siegeworks and take a well-fortified city. And the forces of the south shall not stand, or even his best troops, for there shall be no strength to stand. 16 But he who comes against him shall (C)do as he wills, and (D)none shall stand before him. And he shall stand in (E)the glorious land, with destruction in his hand. 17 He shall (F)set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and he shall bring terms of an agreement and perform them. He shall give him the daughter of women to destroy the kingdom,[a] but it shall not stand or be to his advantage. 18 Afterward he shall turn his face to the coastlands and shall capture many of them, but a commander shall put an end to his insolence. Indeed,[b] he (G)shall turn his insolence back upon him. 19 Then he shall turn his face back toward the (H)fortresses of his own land, but he shall (I)stumble and fall, (J)and shall not be found.

20 “Then shall arise in his place one who shall send an (K)exactor of tribute for the glory of the kingdom. But within a few days he shall be broken, neither in anger nor in battle. 21 In his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given. (L)He shall come in without warning and obtain the kingdom (M)by flatteries. 22 Armies shall be (N)utterly swept away before him and broken, even the prince of the covenant. 23 And from the time that an alliance is made with him he shall act deceitfully, and he shall become strong with a small people. 24 (O)Without warning he shall come into (P)the richest parts[c] of the province, and he shall do what neither his fathers nor his fathers' fathers have done, scattering among them plunder, spoil, and goods. He shall devise plans against strongholds, but only for a time. 25 And he shall stir up his power and his heart against (Q)the king of the south with a great army. And the king of the south shall wage war with an exceedingly great and mighty army, but he shall not stand, for plots shall be devised against him. 26 Even those who eat his food shall break him. His army shall be (R)swept away, and many shall fall down slain. 27 And as for the two kings, their hearts shall be bent on doing evil. They shall speak lies at the same table, but to no avail, for (S)the end is yet to be at the time appointed. 28 And he shall return to his land with great wealth, but his heart shall be set against the holy covenant. And he shall work his will and return to his own land.

29 “At the time appointed he shall return and come into the south, but it shall not be this time as it was before. 30 For ships of (T)Kittim shall come against him, and he shall be afraid and withdraw, and shall turn back and (U)be enraged and (V)take action against the holy covenant. He shall turn back and pay attention to those who forsake the holy covenant. 31 Forces from him shall appear and (W)profane the temple and fortress, and shall take away the regular burnt offering. And (X)they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate. 32 He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. 33 (Y)And the wise among the people shall make many understand, though for some days they shall stumble by sword and flame, by captivity and plunder. 34 When they stumble, they shall receive a little help. And many shall join themselves to them with flattery, 35 and some of the wise shall stumble, so that they may be refined, (Z)purified, and (AA)made white, until (AB)the time of the end, (AC)for it still awaits the appointed time.

36 “And the king shall (AD)do as he wills. (AE)He shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, (AF)and shall speak astonishing things against (AG)the God of gods. (AH)He shall prosper (AI)till the indignation is accomplished; for what is decreed shall be done. 37 He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for (AJ)he shall magnify himself above all. 38 He shall honor the god of fortresses instead of these. A god whom his fathers did not know he shall honor (AK)with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god. Those who acknowledge him he shall load with honor. He shall make them rulers over many and (AL)shall divide the land for a price.[d]

40 (AM)“At the time of the end, the king of the south shall attack[e] him, but the king of the north shall rush upon him (AN)like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. And he shall come into countries and (AO)shall overflow and pass through. 41 He shall come into (AP)the glorious land. And tens of thousands shall fall, but these shall be delivered out of his hand: (AQ)Edom and (AR)Moab and the main part of the (AS)Ammonites. 42 He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. 43 He shall become ruler of the treasures of gold and of silver, and all the precious things of Egypt, and the (AT)Libyans and the (AU)Cushites shall follow in his train. 44 But news from the east and the north shall alarm him, and he shall go out with great fury to destroy and devote many to destruction. 45 And he shall pitch his palatial tents between the sea and the glorious holy mountain. Yet he shall come to his end, with none to help him.

The Time of the End

12 “At that time shall arise (AV)Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And (AW)there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, (AX)everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who (AY)sleep in (AZ)the dust of the earth shall (BA)awake, (BB)some to everlasting life, and (BC)some to shame and everlasting contempt. (BD)And those who are wise (BE)shall shine like the brightness of the sky above;[f] and (BF)those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. But you, Daniel, (BG)shut up the words and (BH)seal the book, until (BI)the time of the end. (BJ)Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Then I, Daniel, looked, and behold, two others stood, one on (BK)this bank of the stream and one on that bank of the stream. And someone said to (BL)the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream,[g] (BM)“How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?” And I heard (BN)the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream; (BO)he raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and (BP)swore by him who lives forever that it would be for a (BQ)time, times, and half a time, and that when the shattering of (BR)the power of (BS)the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished. I heard, (BT)but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my lord, what shall be the outcome of these things?” He said, (BU)“Go your way, Daniel, (BV)for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 (BW)Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but (BX)the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, (BY)but those who are wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that (BZ)the regular burnt offering is taken away and (CA)the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12 (CB)Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days. 13 (CC)But go your way till the end. (CD)And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at (CE)the end of the days.”


  1. Daniel 11:17 Hebrew her, or it
  2. Daniel 11:18 The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain
  3. Daniel 11:24 Or among the richest men
  4. Daniel 11:39 Or land as payment
  5. Daniel 11:40 Hebrew thrust at
  6. Daniel 12:3 Hebrew the expanse; compare Genesis 1:6–8
  7. Daniel 12:6 Or who was upstream; also verse 7

The word of the Lord that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, (A)in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of (B)Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.

Hosea's Wife and Children

When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, (C)“Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have (D)children of whoredom, for (E)the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.” So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.

And the Lord said to him, “Call his name Jezreel, for in just a little while (F)I will punish the house of Jehu for the blood of Jezreel, and (G)I will put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel. And on that day (H)I will break the bow of Israel (I)in the Valley of Jezreel.”

She conceived again and bore a daughter. And the Lord said to him, (J)“Call her name No Mercy,[a] for (K)I will no more have mercy on the house of Israel, to forgive them at all. But (L)I will have mercy on the house of Judah, and I will save them by the Lord their God. I (M)will not save them by bow or by sword or by war or by horses or by horsemen.”

When she had weaned No Mercy, she conceived and bore a son. And the Lord said, (N)“Call his name Not My People,[b] for (O)you are not my people, and I am not your God.”[c]

10 [d] Yet (P)the number of the children of Israel shall be (Q)like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered. (R)And (S)in the place where it was said to them, (T)“You are not my people,” it shall be said to them, (U)“Children[e] of (V)the living God.” 11 And (W)the children of Judah and the children of Israel shall be gathered together, and (X)they shall appoint for themselves one head. And they shall go up from the land, for great shall be the day of Jezreel.

Israel's Unfaithfulness Punished

[f] Say to your brothers, (Y)“You are my people,”[g] and to your sisters, (Z)“You have received mercy.”[h]

“Plead with your mother, plead—
    for (AA)she is not my wife,
    and I am not her husband—
that she put away (AB)her whoring from her face,
    and her adultery from between her breasts;
lest (AC)I strip her naked
    and make her as (AD)in the day she was born,
and (AE)make her like a wilderness,
    and make her like a parched land,
    and kill her with thirst.
(AF)Upon her children also I will have no mercy,
    (AG)because they are children of whoredom.
For (AH)their mother has played the whore;
    she who conceived them has acted shamefully.
For (AI)she said, ‘I will go after my lovers,
    who (AJ)give me my bread and my water,
    my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.’
Therefore (AK)I will hedge up her[i] way with thorns,
    and (AL)I will build a wall against her,
    so that she cannot find her paths.
She shall pursue her lovers
    but not overtake them,
and she shall seek them
    but shall not find them.
(AM)Then she shall say,
    ‘I will go and return to (AN)my first husband,
    (AO)for it was better for me then than now.’
And (AP)she did not know
    that it was (AQ)I who gave her
    (AR)the grain, the wine, and the oil,
and who lavished on (AS)her silver and gold,
    (AT)which they used for Baal.
Therefore (AU)I will take back
    my grain in its time,
    and my wine in its season,
and (AV)I will take away my wool and my flax,
    which were to cover her nakedness.
10 Now (AW)I will uncover her lewdness
    in the sight of her lovers,
    and no one shall rescue her out of my hand.
11 (AX)And I will put an end to all her mirth,
    her feasts, her (AY)new moons, her (AZ)Sabbaths,
    and all her (BA)appointed feasts.
12 And (BB)I will lay waste her vines and her fig trees,
    (BC)of which she said,
‘These are (BD)my wages,
    which my lovers have given me.’
I will make them a forest,
    (BE)and the beasts of the field shall devour them.
13 And (BF)I will punish her for (BG)the feast days of the Baals
    when she burned offerings to them
and (BH)adorned herself with her ring and jewelry,
    and went after her lovers
    and forgot me, declares the Lord.

The Lord's Mercy on Israel

14 “Therefore, behold, I will allure her,
    and (BI)bring her into the wilderness,
    and (BJ)speak tenderly to her.
15 And there I will give her her vineyards
    and make the Valley of Achor[j] a door of hope.
And there she shall answer (BK)as in the days of her youth,
    as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

16 “And (BL)in that day, declares the Lord, you will call me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer will you call me ‘My Baal.’ 17 For (BM)I will remove the names of the Baals from her mouth, and they shall be remembered by name no more. 18 And (BN)I will make for them a covenant on that day with the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the creeping things of the ground. And (BO)I will abolish[k] the bow, the sword, and war from the land, and I will make you lie down in (BP)safety. 19 And I will betroth you to me (BQ)forever. (BR)I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. 20 (BS)I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And (BT)you shall know the Lord.

21 “And (BU)in that day (BV)I will answer, declares the Lord,
    I will answer the heavens,
    and they shall answer the earth,
22 and the earth shall answer the grain, the wine, and the oil,
    and they shall answer (BW)Jezreel,[l]
23     and (BX)I will sow her for myself in the land.
And (BY)I (BZ)will have mercy on No Mercy,[m]
    and (CA)I will say to Not My People,[n] (CB)‘You are my people’;
    and he shall say, ‘You are my God.’”

Hosea Redeems His Wife

And the Lord said to me, (CC)“Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins.” So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a (CD)homer and a lethech[o] of barley. And I said to her, “You must (CE)dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you.” For the children of Israel (CF)shall dwell many days (CG)without king or prince, (CH)without sacrifice or (CI)pillar, without (CJ)ephod or (CK)household gods. Afterward (CL)the children of Israel shall return and (CM)seek the Lord their God, and (CN)David their king, (CO)and they shall come in fear to the Lord and to his goodness in the (CP)latter days.


  1. Hosea 1:6 Hebrew Lo-ruhama, which means she has not received mercy
  2. Hosea 1:9 Hebrew Lo-ammi, which means not my people
  3. Hosea 1:9 Hebrew I am not yours
  4. Hosea 1:10 Ch 2:1 in Hebrew
  5. Hosea 1:10 Or Sons
  6. Hosea 2:1 Ch 2:3 in Hebrew
  7. Hosea 2:1 Hebrew ammi, which means my people
  8. Hosea 2:1 Hebrew ruhama, which means she has received mercy
  9. Hosea 2:6 Hebrew your
  10. Hosea 2:15 Achor means trouble; compare Joshua 7:26
  11. Hosea 2:18 Hebrew break
  12. Hosea 2:22 Jezreel means God will sow
  13. Hosea 2:23 Hebrew Lo-ruhama
  14. Hosea 2:23 Hebrew Lo-ammi
  15. Hosea 3:2 A shekel was about 2/5 ounce or 11 grams; a homer was about 6 bushels or 220 liters; a lethech was about 3 bushels or 110 liters

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