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And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make Goyim of thee, and Melechim shall come out of thee.

And I will establish My Brit (covenant) between Me and thee and thy zera after thee in their dorot for a Brit Olam, to be Elohim unto thee, and to thy zera after thee.

And I will give unto thee, and to thy zera after thee, the Eretz wherein thou art now a ger, kol Eretz Kena’an, for an Achuzzah (Possession) Olam (Everlasting); and I will be their Elohim.

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And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make Goyim of thee, and Melechim shall come out of thee.

And I will establish My Brit (covenant) between Me and thee and thy zera after thee in their dorot for a Brit Olam, to be Elohim unto thee, and to thy zera after thee.

And I will give unto thee, and to thy zera after thee, the Eretz wherein thou art now a ger, kol Eretz Kena’an, for an Achuzzah (Possession) Olam (Everlasting); and I will be their Elohim.

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