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14 And if a ger shall stay for a while among you, and will observe the Pesach unto Hashem; according to the chukkat of the Pesach, and according to the mishpat thereof, so shall he do; ye shall have one chukkat, both for the ger, and for him that was born in the land.

15 And on the day that the Mishkan was set up the Anan covered the Mishkan, namely, the Ohel HaEdut; and at erev there was upon the Mishkan as it were the appearance of eish, until boker.

16 So it was tamid: the Anan covered it by day, and the appearance of eish by lailah.

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14 And if a ger shall stay for a while among you, and will observe the Pesach unto Hashem; according to the chukkat of the Pesach, and according to the mishpat thereof, so shall he do; ye shall have one chukkat, both for the ger, and for him that was born in the land.

15 And on the day that the Mishkan was set up the Anan covered the Mishkan, namely, the Ohel HaEdut; and at erev there was upon the Mishkan as it were the appearance of eish, until boker.

16 So it was tamid: the Anan covered it by day, and the appearance of eish by lailah.

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