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III. Threefold Summons to Hear the Word of the Lord

Chapter 3

First Summons

Hear this word, Israelites, that the Lord speaks concerning you,
    concerning the whole family I brought up from the land of Egypt:
You alone I have known,[a]
    among all the families of the earth;(A)
Therefore I will punish you
    for all your iniquities.

[b]Do two journey together
    unless they have agreed?
Does a lion roar in the forest
    when it has no prey?
Does a young lion cry out from its den
    unless it has seized something?
Does a bird swoop down on a trap on the ground
    when there is no lure for it?
Does a snare spring up from the ground
    without catching anything?
Does the ram’s horn sound in a city
    without the people becoming frightened?
Does disaster befall a city
    unless the Lord has caused it?(B)

(Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.)

The lion has roared,
    who would not fear?(C)
The Lord God has spoken,
    who would not prophesy?

Proclaim this in the strongholds of Assyria,[c]
    in the strongholds of the land of Egypt:
“Gather on the mount of Samaria,
    and see the great disorders within it,
    the oppressions within its midst.”[d]
10 They do not know how to do what is right—
    oracle of the Lord
Storing up in their strongholds
    violence and destruction.
11 Therefore thus says the Lord God:
An enemy shall surround the land,
    tear down your fortresses,
    and pillage your strongholds.
12 Thus says the Lord:
As the shepherd rescues from the mouth of the lion
    a pair of sheep’s legs or the tip of an ear,
So shall the Israelites escape,
    those who dwell in Samaria,
With the corner of a couch
    or a piece of a cot.[e]

13 Hear and bear witness against the house of Jacob—
    an oracle of the Lord God, the God of hosts:
14 On the day when I punish Israel for its crimes,
    I will also punish the altars of Bethel;
The horns of the altar shall be broken off
    and fall to the ground.[f](D)
15 I will strike the winter house
    and the summer house;
The houses of ivory shall lie in ruin,
    and their many rooms shall be no more—
    oracle of the Lord.

Chapter 4

Second Summons

Hear this word, you cows of Bashan,[g]
    who live on the mount of Samaria:
Who oppress the destitute
    and abuse the needy;
Who say to your husbands,
    “Bring us a drink!”
The Lord God has sworn by his holiness:
Truly days are coming upon you
    when they shall drag you away with ropes,
    your children with fishhooks;
You shall go out through the breached walls
    one in front of the other,
And you shall be exiled to Harmon—[h]
    oracle of the Lord.

Come to Bethel[i] and sin,
    to Gilgal and sin all the more!
Each morning bring your sacrifices,
    every third day your tithes;
Burn leavened bread as a thanksgiving sacrifice,
    proclaim publicly your voluntary offerings,
For so you love to do, Israelites—
    oracle of the Lord God.

Though I made your teeth
    clean of food in all your cities,
    and made bread scarce in all your dwellings,
Yet you did not return to me—
    oracle of the Lord.(E)
(F)And I withheld the rain from you
    when the harvest was still three months away;
I sent rain upon one city
    but not upon another;
One field was watered by rain,
    but the one I did not water dried up;
Two or three cities staggered to another to drink water
    but were not satisfied;
Yet you did not return to me—
    oracle of the Lord.
I struck you with blight and mildew;
    locusts devoured your gardens and vineyards,
    the caterpillar consumed your fig trees and olive trees;
Yet you did not return to me—
    oracle of the Lord.(G)
10 I sent upon you pestilence like that of Egypt;(H)
    with the sword I killed your young men and your captured horses,
    and to your nostrils I brought the stench of your camps;
Yet you did not return to me—
    oracle of the Lord.
11 I overthrew you
    as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah;
    you were like a brand plucked from the fire,(I)
Yet you did not return to me—
    oracle of the Lord.
12 Therefore thus I will do to you,[j] Israel:
    and since I will deal thus with you,
    prepare to meet your God, O Israel!
13 The one who forms mountains and creates winds,
    and declares to mortals their thoughts;
Who makes dawn into darkness
    and strides upon the heights of the earth,
    the Lord, the God of hosts, is his name!

Chapter 5

Third Summons[k]

Hear this word which I utter concerning you,
    this dirge, house of Israel:
She is fallen, to rise no more,
    virgin Israel;
She lies abandoned on her land,
    with no one to raise her up.(J)
For thus says the Lord God
    to the house of Israel:
The city that marched out with a thousand
    shall be left with a hundred,
Another that marched out with a hundred
    shall be left with ten.
For thus says the Lord[l]
    to the house of Israel:
Seek me, that you may live,(K)
    but do not seek Bethel;
Do not come to Gilgal,
    and do not cross over to Beer-sheba;
For Gilgal shall be led into exile
    and Bethel shall be no more.
[m]Seek the Lord, that you may live,
    lest he flare up against the house of Joseph[n] like a fire
    that shall consume the house of Israel, with no one to quench it.

IV. Three Woes

First Woe

Woe to those who turn justice into wormwood
    and cast righteousness to the ground,


  1. 3:2 You alone I have known: precisely because Israel enjoyed a special status among the nations of the world in the eyes of the Lord (but see 9:7) it was called to a high degree of fidelity to God. Because Israel has failed in this expectation, it must experience God’s punishment.
  2. 3:3–8 The metaphors in these sayings illustrate the principle of cause and effect, and lead up to the conclusion in v. 8.
  3. 3:9 Assyria: following the Greek version, the Hebrew text has “Ashod.” It is supposed that this was a copyist’s error: “Assyria” seems intended, in order to parallel “Egypt” in the next line.
  4. 3:9 With a keen sense of irony, Amos invites the most powerful oppressors in Israel’s memory, past and present—Egypt and Assyria—to see and marvel at the great oppression and injustice being wrought within Samaria by the people of Israel.
  5. 3:12 The “escape” is clearly a disaster, not a deliverance.
  6. 3:14 On Bethel, see also 4:4; 5:5–6; and 7:13. The prophet is condemning the religiosity and formalism of the worship by Israel’s leaders.
  7. 4:1 Cows of Bashan: the pampered women of Samaria; Bashan was a region east of the Sea of Galilee, famous for its rich pasture and fattened herds.
  8. 4:3 Harmon: or perhaps “Mount Mon”; an unidentified site, probably far to the north of Israel, under the control of Assyria.
  9. 4:4 Come to Bethel: Amos’s invitation to the people to come and “sin” at two of the major religious centers in Samaria is sarcastic. His point is that sacrifice and worship without justice is an abomination to the God of Israel; cf. 5:21–24.
  10. 4:12 Therefore thus I will do to you: this climax of vv. 6–12, announcing the sentence the Lord intends to pass on Israel, is open-ended.
  11. 5:1–17 These verses form a chiastic section beginning and ending with a lament over Israel (vv. 2, 16–17) and containing a double appeal to “seek” the Lord (vv. 4, 14). This editorial arrangement gives the whole section a negative cast, in effect nullifying the only hopeful verse in Amos (v. 15). Israel is as good as dead.
  12. 5:4–5 For thus says the Lord…Bethel shall be no more: these two verses continue the sarcasm of 4:4–5, verses in which Amos invites the people to come and “sin” at Bethel and Gilgal. The cult cities of Samaria should have been places where God could be “sought” but, because of the sins of the Northern Kingdom, these cities would cease to exist.
  13. 5:6 These verses have been rearranged to achieve the proper sequence according to the best possible manuscript tradition. Cf. the Textual Notes accompanying the translation.
  14. 5:6 House of Joseph: the kingdom of Israel or Northern Kingdom, the chief tribes of which were descended from Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph; cf. 5:15; 6:6.