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Yea, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue knowledge; and in your knowledge self-control; and in your self-control [a]patience; and in your [b]patience godliness; and in your godliness [c]brotherly kindness; and in your [d]brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to be not idle nor unfruitful unto the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he that lacketh these things is blind, [e]seeing only what is near, having forgotten the cleansing from his old sins.

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  1. 2 Peter 1:6 Or, stedfastness
  2. 2 Peter 1:6 Or, stedfastness
  3. 2 Peter 1:7 Greek love of the brethren.
  4. 2 Peter 1:7 Greek love of the brethren.
  5. 2 Peter 1:9 Or, closing his eyes