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14 And I do thankings to God, that evermore maketh us to have victory in Christ Jesus, and showeth by us the odour of his knowing in each place;[a]

15 for we be the good odour of Christ to God, among these that be made safe, and among these that perish. [for we be the good odour, or savour, of Christ to God, in these that be made safe, and in these that perish.]

16 To others soothly odour of death into death [Soothly to others we be odour of death into death], but to the others we be odour of life into life. And to these things who is so able?

17 For we be not as many, that do adultery by the word of God, but we speak of cleanness, as of God, before God in Christ. [Soothly we be not as full many, adulterating the word of God, but of cleanness, but as of God, before God in Christ we speak.]

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  1. 2 Corinthians 2:14 Therefore be thankings to God, that ever maketh us to have victory in Christ Jesus, and showeth by us the odour, or savour/or sweetness, of his knowing in each place;