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12 For we dare not put us among, or comparison us to some men, that commend themselves; but we measure us in us selves, and comparison us selves to us. [Soothly we dare not put us among, or comparison us to some, that commend themselves; but we meting, or measuring, us in ourselves, and comparisoning ourselves to us.]

13 For we shall not have glory over measure, but by the measure of the rule [but after the measure of rule] which God measured to us, the measure that stretcheth [till] to you.

14 For we overstretch not forth us, as not stretching to you. For [till] to you we came in the gospel of Christ,

15 not glorying over measure in other men's travails. For we have hope of your faith that waxeth in you to be magnified by our rule in abundance [Soothly we having hope of your faith waxing in you to be magnified after our rule in abundance],

16 also to preach into those things that be beyond you, not to have glory in other man's rule [not to glory in other man's rule], in these things that be made ready.

17 [Forsooth] He that glorieth, have glory in the Lord [glory he in the Lord].

18 For not he that commendeth himself is approved [is proved], but whom God commendeth.

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