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The Lord's Message to David

(1 Chronicles 17.1-15)

King David moved into his new palace, and the Lord let his kingdom be at peace. Then one day, as David was talking with Nathan the prophet, David said, “Look around! I live in a palace made of cedar, but the sacred chest has to stay in a tent.”

Nathan replied, “The Lord is with you, so do what you want!”

That night, the Lord told Nathan to go to David and give him this message:

David, you are my servant, so listen to what I say. Why should you build a temple for me? I didn't live in a temple when I brought my people out of Egypt, and I don't live in one now. A tent has always been my home wherever I have gone with them. I chose leaders and told them to be like shepherds for my people Israel. But did I ever say anything to even one of them about building a cedar temple for me?

(A) David, this is what I, the Lord All-Powerful, say to you. I brought you in from the fields where you took care of sheep, and I made you the leader of my people. Wherever you went, I helped you and destroyed your enemies right in front of your eyes. I have made you one of the most famous people in the world.

10 I have given my people Israel a land of their own where they can live in peace, and they won't have to tremble with fear any more. Evil nations won't bother them, as they did 11 when I let judges rule my people. And I have kept your enemies from attacking you.

Now I promise that you and your descendants will be kings. 12 (B) I'll choose one of your sons to be king when you reach the end of your life and are buried in the tomb of your ancestors. I'll make him a strong ruler, 13 and no one will be able to take his kingdom away from him. He will be the one to build a temple for me. 14 (C) I will be his father, and he will be my son.

When he does wrong, I'll see that he is corrected, just as children are corrected by their parents. 15 But I will never put an end to my agreement with him, as I put an end to my agreement with Saul, who was king before you. 16 (D) I will make sure that one of your descendants will always be king.

17 Nathan told David exactly what he had heard in the vision.

David Gives Thanks to the Lord

(1 Chronicles 17.16-27)

18 David went into the tent he had set up for the sacred chest. Then he sat there and prayed:

Lord All-Powerful, my family and I don't deserve what you have already done for us, 19 and yet you have promised to do even more. Is this the way you usually treat people?[a] 20 I am your servant, and you know my thoughts, so there is nothing more that I need to say. 21 You have done this wonderful thing, and you have let me know about it, because you wanted to keep your promise.

22 Lord All-Powerful, you are greater than all others. No one is like you, and you alone are God. Everything we have heard about you is true. 23 (E) And there is no other nation on earth like Israel, the nation you rescued from slavery in Egypt to be your own. You became famous by using great and wonderful miracles to force other nations and their gods out of your land, so your people could live here.[b] 24 You have chosen Israel to be your people forever, and you have become their God.

25 And now, Lord God, please do what you have promised me and my descendants. 26 Then you will be famous forever, and everyone will say, “The Lord God All-Powerful rules Israel, and David's descendants are his chosen kings.” 27 After all, you really are Israel's God, the Lord All-Powerful. You've told me that you will let my descendants be kings. That's why I have the courage to pray to you like this, even though I am only your servant.

28 Lord All-Powerful, you are God. You have promised me some very good things, and you can be trusted to do what you promise. 29 Please bless my descendants and let them always be your chosen kings. You have already promised, and I'm sure that you will bless my family forever.


  1. 7.19 Is this … people: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  2. 7.23 You … here: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

A List of David's Victories in War

(1 Chronicles 18.1-13)

Later, David attacked and badly defeated the Philistines. Israel was now free from their control.[a]

David also defeated the Moabites. Then he made their soldiers lie down on the ground, and he measured them off with a rope. He would measure off two lengths of the rope and have those men killed, then he would measure off one length and let those men live. The people of Moab had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.

David set out for the Euphrates River to build a monument[b] there. On his way,[c] he defeated the king of Zobah, whose name was Hadadezer the son of Rehob. In the battle, David captured 1,700 cavalry[d] and 20,000 foot soldiers. He also captured war chariots, but he destroyed all but 100 of them.[e] When troops from the Aramean kingdom of Damascus came to help Hadadezer, David killed 22,000 of them. He left some of his soldiers in Damascus, and the Arameans had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.

Everywhere David went, the Lord helped him win battles.

Hadadezer's officers had carried their arrows in gold cases hung over their shoulders, but David took these cases[f] and brought them to Jerusalem. He also took a lot of bronze from the cities of Betah and Berothai, which had belonged to Hadadezer.

9-10 King Toi of Hamath and King Hadadezer had been enemies. So when Toi heard that David had attacked and defeated[g] Hadadezer's whole army, he sent his son Joram to praise and congratulate David. Joram also brought him gifts made of silver, gold, and bronze. 11 David gave these to the Lord, just as he had done with the silver and gold that he had captured from 12 Edom,[h] Moab, Ammon, Philistia, Amalek, and from King Hadadezer of Zobah.

13 (A) David fought the Edomite[i] army in Salt Valley and killed 18,000 of their soldiers. When he returned, he built a monument.[j] 14 David left soldiers all through Edom, and the people of Edom had to accept him as their ruler.

Wherever David went, the Lord helped him.

A List of David's Officials

(1 Chronicles 18.14-17)

15 David ruled all Israel with fairness and justice.

16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was the commander in chief of the army.

Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud kept the government records.

17 Zadok the son of Ahitub, and Abiathar the son of Ahimelech,[k] were the priests.

Seraiah was the secretary.

18 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was the commander of[l] David's bodyguard.[m]

David's sons were priests.

David Is Kind to Mephibosheth

(B) One day, David thought, “I wonder if any of Saul's family are still alive. If they are, I will be kind to them, because I made a promise to Jonathan.” David called in Ziba, one of the servants of Saul's family. David said, “So you are Ziba.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, I am.”

(C) David asked, “Are any of Saul's family still alive? If there are, I want to be kind to them.”

Ziba answered, “One of Jonathan's sons is still alive, but he can't walk.”

“Where is he?” David asked.

Ziba replied, “He lives in Lo-Debar with Machir the son of Ammiel.”

5-6 David sent some servants to bring Jonathan's son from Lo-Debar. His name was Mephibosheth,[n] and he was the grandson of Saul. He came to David and knelt down.

David asked, “Are you Mephibosheth?”

“Yes, I am, Your Majesty.”

David said, “Don't be afraid. I'll be kind to you because Jonathan was your father. I'm going to give you back the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul. Besides that, you will always eat with me at my table.”

Mephibosheth knelt down again and said, “Why should you care about me? I'm worth no more than a dead dog.”

David called in Ziba, Saul's chief servant, and told him, “Since Mephibosheth is Saul's grandson, I've given him back everything that belonged to your master Saul and his family. 10 You and your 15 sons and 20 servants will work for Mephibosheth. You will farm his land and bring in his crops, so that Saul's family and servants[o] will have food. But Mephibosheth will always eat with me at my table.”

11-13 Ziba replied, “Your Majesty, I will do exactly what you tell me to do.” So Ziba's family and servants worked for Mephibosheth.

Mephibosheth was lame, but he lived in Jerusalem and ate at David's[p] table, just like one of David's own sons. And he had a young son of his own, named Mica.

Israel Fights Ammon

(1 Chronicles 19.1-19)

10 Some time later, King Nahash of Ammon died, and his son Hanun became king. David said, “Nahash was kind to me, and I will be kind to his son.” So he sent some officials to the country of Ammon to tell Hanun how sorry he was that his father had died.

But Hanun's officials told him, “Do you really believe David is honoring your father by sending these people to comfort you? He probably sent them to spy on our city, so he can destroy it.” Hanun arrested David's officials and had their beards shaved off on one side of their faces. He had their robes cut off just below the waist, and then he sent them away. They were terribly ashamed.

When David found out what had happened to his officials, he sent a message and told them, “Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back. Then you can come home.”

The Ammonites realized that they had made David very angry, so they hired more foreign soldiers. Twenty thousand of them were foot soldiers from the Aramean cities of Beth-Rehob and Zobah, 1,000 were from the king of Maacah, and 12,000 were from the region of Tob. David heard what they had done, and he sent out Joab with all of his well-trained soldiers.

The Ammonite troops came out and got ready to fight in front of the gate to their city. The Arameans from Zobah and Rehob and the soldiers from Tob and Maacah formed a separate group in the nearby fields.

Joab saw that he had to fight in front and behind at the same time, and he picked some of the best Israelite soldiers to fight the Arameans. 10 He put his brother Abishai in command of the rest of the army and gave them orders to fight the Ammonites. 11 Joab told his brother, “If the Arameans are too much for me to handle, you can come and help me. If the Ammonites are too strong for you, I'll come and help you. 12 Be brave and fight hard to protect our people and the cities of our God. I pray that the Lord will do whatever pleases him.”

13 Joab and his soldiers attacked the Arameans, and the Arameans ran from them. 14 When the Ammonite soldiers saw that the Arameans had run away, they ran from Abishai's soldiers and went back into their own city. Joab stopped fighting the Ammonites and returned to Jerusalem.

15 The Arameans realized they had lost the battle, so they brought all their troops together again. 16 Hadadezer sent messengers to call in the Arameans who were on the other side of the Euphrates River. Then Shobach, the commander of Hadadezer's army, led them to the town of Helam.

17 David found out what the Arameans were doing, and he brought Israel's whole army together. They crossed the Jordan River and went to Helam, where the Arameans were ready to meet them. 18 The Arameans attacked, but then they ran from Israel. David killed 700 chariot drivers and 40,000 cavalry.[q] He also killed Shobach, their commander.

19 When the kings who had been under Hadadezer's rule saw that Israel had beaten them, they made peace with Israel and accepted David as their ruler. The Arameans were afraid to help Ammon any more.

David and Bathsheba

(1 Chronicles 20.1a)

11 (D) It was now spring, the time when kings go to war.[r] David sent out the whole Israelite army under the command of Joab and his officers. They destroyed the Ammonite army and surrounded the capital city of Rabbah, but David stayed in Jerusalem.

2-4 Late one afternoon, David got up from a nap and was walking around on the flat roof of his palace. A beautiful young woman was down below in her courtyard, bathing as her religion required.[s] David happened to see her, and he sent one of his servants to find out who she was.

The servant came back and told David, “Her name is Bathsheba. She is the daughter of Eliam, and she is the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”

David sent some messengers to bring her to his palace. She came to him, and he slept with her. Then she returned home. But later, when she found out that she was going to have a baby, she sent someone to David with this message: “I'm pregnant!”

David sent a message to Joab: “Send Uriah the Hittite to me.”

Joab sent Uriah to David's palace, and David asked him, “Is Joab well? How is the army doing? And how about the war?” Then David told Uriah, “Go home and clean up.”[t] Uriah left the king's palace, and David had dinner sent to Uriah's house. But Uriah didn't go home. Instead, he slept outside the entrance to the royal palace, where the king's guards slept.

10 Someone told David that Uriah had not gone home. So the next morning David asked him, “Why didn't you go home? Haven't you been away for a long time?”

11 Uriah answered, “The sacred chest and the armies of Israel and Judah are camping out somewhere in the fields[u] with our commander Joab and his officers and troops. Do you really think I would go home to eat and drink and sleep with my wife? I swear by your life that I would not!”

12 Then David said, “Stay here in Jerusalem today, and I will send you back tomorrow.”

Uriah stayed in Jerusalem that day. Then the next day, 13 David invited him for dinner. Uriah ate with David, who gave him so much to drink that he got drunk. But Uriah still did not go home. He went out and slept on his mat near the palace guards. 14 Early the next morning, David wrote a letter and told Uriah to deliver it to Joab. 15 The letter said: “Put Uriah on the front line where the fighting is the worst. Then pull the troops back from him, so that he will be wounded and die.”

16 Joab had been carefully watching the city of Rabbah, and he put Uriah in a place where he knew there were some of the enemy's best soldiers. 17 When the men of the city came out, they fought and killed some of David's soldiers—Uriah the Hittite was one of them.

18 Joab sent a messenger to tell David everything that was happening in the war. 19 He gave the messenger these orders:

When you finish telling the king everything that has happened, 20 he may get angry and ask, “Why did you go so near the city to fight? Didn't you know they would shoot arrows from the wall? 21 (E) Don't you know how Abimelech the son of Gideon[v] was killed at Thebez? Didn't a woman kill him by dropping a large rock from the top of the city wall? Why did you go so close to the city walls?”

Then tell him, “One of your soldiers who was killed was Uriah the Hittite.”

22 The messenger went to David and reported everything Joab had told him. 23 He added, “The enemy chased us from the wall and out into the open fields. But we pushed them back as far as the city gate. 24 Then they shot arrows at us from the top of the wall. Some of your soldiers were killed, and one of them was Uriah the Hittite.”

25 David replied, “Tell Joab to cheer up and not to be upset about what happened. You never know who will be killed in a war. Tell him to strengthen his attack against the city and break through its walls.”[w]

26 When Bathsheba heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. 27 Then after the time for mourning was over, David sent someone to bring her to the palace. She became David's wife, and they had a son.

The Lord's Message for David

The Lord was angry because of what David had done, 12 (F) and he sent Nathan the prophet to tell this story to David:

A rich man and a poor man lived in the same town. The rich man owned a lot of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had only one little lamb that he had bought and raised. The lamb became a pet for him and his children. He even let it eat from his plate and drink from his cup and sleep on his lap. The lamb was like one of his own children.

One day someone came to visit the rich man, but the rich man didn't want to kill any of his own sheep or cattle and serve it to the visitor. So he stole the poor man's lamb and served it instead.

David was furious with the rich man and said to Nathan, “I swear by the living Lord that the man who did this deserves to die! And because he didn't have pity on the poor man, he will have to pay four times what the lamb was worth.”

Then Nathan told David:

You are that rich man! Now listen to what the Lord God of Israel says to you: “I chose you to be the king of Israel. I kept you safe from Saul and even gave you his house and his wives. I let you rule Israel and Judah, and if that had not been enough, I would have given you much more. Why did you disobey me and do such a horrible thing? You murdered Uriah the Hittite by letting the Ammonites kill him, so you could take his wife.

10 “Because you wouldn't obey me and took Uriah's wife for yourself, your family will never live in peace. 11 (G) Someone from your own family will cause you a lot of trouble, and I will take your wives and give them to another man before your very eyes. He will go to bed with them while everyone looks on. 12 What you did was in secret, but I will do this in the open for everyone in Israel to see.”

13-14 David said, “I have disobeyed the Lord.”

“Yes, you have!” Nathan answered. “You showed you didn't care what the Lord wanted.[x] He has forgiven you, and you won't die. But your newborn son will.” 15 Then Nathan went back home.

David's Young Son Dies

The Lord made David's young son very sick.

16 So David went without eating to show his sorrow, and he begged God to make the boy well. David would not sleep on his bed, but spent each night lying on the floor. 17 His officials stood beside him and tried to talk him into getting up. But he would not get up or eat with them.

18 After the child had been sick for seven days, he died, but the officials were afraid to tell David. They said to each other, “Even when the boy was alive, David wouldn't listen to us. How can we tell him his son is dead? He might do something terrible!”

19 David noticed his servants whispering, and he knew the boy was dead. “Did my son die?” he asked his servants.

“Yes, he did,” they answered.

20 David got up off the floor; he took a bath, combed his hair, and dressed. He went into the Lord's tent and worshiped, then he went back home. David asked for something to eat, and when his servants brought him some food, he ate it.

21 His officials said, “What are you doing? You went without eating and cried for your son while he was alive! But now that he's dead, you're up and eating.”

22 David answered:

While he was still alive, I went without food and cried because there was still hope. I said to myself, “Who knows? Maybe the Lord will have pity on me and let the child live.” 23 But now that he's dead, why should I go without eating? I can't bring him back! Someday I will join him in death, but he can't return to me.

Solomon Is Born

24 David comforted his wife Bathsheba and slept with her. Later on, she gave birth to another son and named him Solomon. The Lord loved Solomon 25 and sent Nathan the prophet to tell David, “The Lord will call him Jedidiah.”[y]

The End of the War with Ammon

(1 Chronicles 20.1b-3)

26 Meanwhile, Joab had been in the country of Ammon, attacking the city of Rabbah. He captured the royal fortress 27 and sent a messenger to tell David:

I have attacked Rabbah and captured the fortress guarding the city water supply. 28 Call the rest of the army together. Then surround the city, and capture it yourself. If you don't, everyone will remember that I captured the city.

29 David called the rest of the army together and attacked Rabbah. He captured the city 30 and took the crown from the statue of their god Milcom.[z] The crown was made of about 35 kilograms of gold, and there was a valuable jewel on it. David put the jewel on his own crown.[aa] He also carried off everything else of value. 31 David made the people of Rabbah tear down the city walls[ab] with iron picks and axes, and then he put them to work making bricks. He did the same thing with all the other Ammonite cities.

David went back to Jerusalem, and the people of Israel returned to their homes.

Amnon Disgraces Tamar

13 David had a beautiful daughter named Tamar, who was the sister of Absalom. She was also the half sister of Amnon,[ac] who fell in love with her. But Tamar was a virgin, and Amnon could not think of a way to be alone with her. He was so upset about it that he made himself sick.

Amnon had a friend named Jonadab, who was the son of David's brother Shimeah. Jonadab always knew how to get what he wanted, and he said to Amnon, “What's the matter? You're the king's son! You shouldn't have to go around feeling sorry for yourself every morning.”

Amnon said, “I'm in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister.”

Jonadab told him, “Lie down on your bed and pretend to be sick. When your father comes to see you, ask him to send Tamar, so you can watch her cook something for you. Then she can serve you the food.”

So Amnon went to bed and pretended to be sick. When the king came to see him, Amnon said, “Please, ask Tamar to come over. She can make some special bread[ad] while I watch, and then she can serve it to me.”

David told Tamar, “Go over to Amnon's house and fix him some food.” When she got there, he was lying in bed. She mixed the dough, made the loaves, and baked them while he watched. Then she took the bread out of the pan and put it on his plate, but he refused to eat it.

Amnon said, “Send the servants out of the house.” After they had gone, 10 he said to Tamar, “Serve the food in my bedroom.”

Tamar picked up the bread that she had made and brought it into Amnon's bedroom. 11 But as she was taking it over to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!”

12 She answered, “No! Please don't force me! This sort of thing isn't done in Israel. It's disgusting! 13 Think of me. I'll be disgraced forever! And think of yourself. Everyone in Israel will say you're nothing but trash! Just ask the king, and he will let you marry me.”

14 But Amnon would not listen to what she said. He was stronger than she was, so he overpowered her and raped her. 15 Then Amnon hated her even more than he had loved her before. So he told her, “Get up and get out!”

16 She said, “Don't send me away! That would be worse than what you have already done.”

But Amnon would not listen. 17 He called in his servant and said, “Throw this woman out and lock the door!”

18 The servant made her leave, and he locked the door behind her.

The king's unmarried daughters used to wear long robes with sleeves.[ae] 19 Tamar tore the robe she was wearing and put ashes on her head. Then she covered her face with her hands and cried loudly as she walked away.

Absalom Kills Amnon

20 Tamar's brother Absalom said to her, “How could Amnon have done such a terrible thing to you! But since he's your brother, don't tell anyone what happened. Just try not to think about it.”

Tamar soon moved into Absalom's house, but she was always sad and lonely. 21 When David heard what had happened to Tamar, he was very angry. But Amnon was his oldest son and also his favorite, and David would not do anything to make Amnon unhappy.[af]

22 Absalom treated Amnon as though nothing had happened, but he hated Amnon for what he had done to his sister Tamar.

23 Two years later, Absalom's servants were cutting wool from his sheep in Baal-Hazor near the town of Ephraim, and Absalom invited all of the king's sons to be there.[ag] 24 Then he went to David and said, “My servants are cutting the wool from my sheep. Please come and join us!”

25 David answered, “No, my son, we won't go. It would be too expensive for you.” Absalom tried to get him to change his mind, but David did not want to go. He only said that he hoped they would have a good time.

26 Absalom said, “If you won't go, at least let my brother Amnon come with us.”

David asked, “Why should he go with you?” 27 But Absalom kept on insisting, and finally David let Amnon and all his other sons go with Absalom.

Absalom prepared a banquet fit for a king.[ah] 28 But he told his servants, “Keep an eye on Amnon. When he gets a little drunk from the wine and is feeling relaxed, I'll give the signal. Then kill him! I've commanded you to do it, so don't be afraid. Be strong and brave.”

29 Absalom's servants killed Amnon, just as Absalom had told them. The rest of the king's sons quickly rode away on their mules to escape from Absalom.

30 While they were on their way to Jerusalem, someone told David, “Absalom has killed all of your sons! Not even one is left.” 31 David got up, and in his sorrow he tore his clothes and lay down on the ground. His servants remained standing, but they tore their clothes too.

32 Then David's nephew[ai] Jonadab said, “Your Majesty, not all of your sons were killed! Only Amnon is dead. On the day that Amnon raped Tamar, Absalom decided to kill him. 33 Don't worry about the report that all your sons were killed. Only Amnon is dead, 34 and Absalom has run away.”

One of the guards noticed a lot of people coming along the hillside on the road to Horonaim.[aj] He went and told the king, “I saw some men coming along Horonaim Road.”[ak]

35 Jonadab said, “Your Majesty, look! Here come your sons now, just as I told you.”

36 No sooner had he said it, than David's sons came in. They were weeping out loud, and David and all his officials cried just as loudly. 37-38 (H) David was sad for a long time because Amnon was dead.

David Lets Absalom Come Home

Absalom had run away to Geshur, where he stayed for three years with King Talmai[al] the son of Ammihud. 39 David still felt so sad over the loss of Amnon that he wanted to take his army there and capture Absalom.[am]

14 Joab knew that David couldn't stop thinking about Absalom, 2-3 and he sent someone to bring in the wise woman who lived in Tekoa. Joab told her, “Put on funeral clothes and don't use any makeup. Go to the king and pretend you have spent a long time mourning the death of a loved one.” Then he told her what to say.

The woman from Tekoa went to David. She bowed very low and said, “Your Majesty, please help me!”

David asked, “What's the matter?”

She replied:

My husband is dead, and I'm a widow. I had two sons, but they got into a fight out in a field where there was no one to pull them apart, and one of them killed the other. Now all of my relatives have come to me and said, “Hand over your son! We're going to put him to death for killing his brother.” But what they really want is to get rid of him, so they can take over our land.

Please don't let them put out my only flame of hope! There won't be anyone left on this earth to carry on my husband's name.

“Go on home,” David told her. “I'll take care of this matter for you.”

The woman said, “I hope your decision doesn't cause any problems for you. But if it does, you can blame me.”[an]

10 He said, “If anyone gives you trouble, bring them to me, and it won't happen again!”

11 “Please,” she replied, “swear by the Lord your God that no one will be allowed to kill my son!”

He said, “I swear by the living Lord that no one will touch even a hair on his head!”

12 Then she asked, “Your Majesty, may I say something?”

“Yes,” he answered.

13 The woman said:

Haven't you been hurting God's people? Your own son had to leave the country. And when you judged in my favor, it was the same as admitting that you should have let him come back. 14 We each must die and disappear like water poured out on the ground. But God doesn't take our lives.[ao] Instead, he figures out ways of bringing us back when we run away.

15 Your Majesty, I came here to tell you about my problem, because I was afraid of what someone might do to me. I decided to come to you, because I thought you could help. 16 In fact, I knew that you would listen and save my son and me from those who want to take the land that God gave us.[ap]

17 (I) I can rest easy now that you have given your decision. You know the difference between right and wrong just like an angel of God, and I pray that the Lord your God will be with you.

18 Then David said to the woman, “Now I'm going to ask you a question, and don't try to hide the truth!”

The woman replied, “Please go ahead, Your Majesty.”

19 David asked, “Did Joab put you up to this?”

The woman answered, “Your Majesty, I swear by your life that no one can hide the truth from you. Yes, Joab did tell me what to say, 20 but only to show you the other side of this problem. You must be as wise as the angel of God to know everything that goes on in this country.”

21 David turned to Joab and said, “It seems that I have already given my decision. Go and bring Absalom back.”

22 Joab bowed very low and said, “Your Majesty, I thank you for giving your permission. It shows that you approve of me.”

23 Joab went to Geshur to get Absalom. But when they came back to Jerusalem, 24 David told Joab, “I don't want to see my son Absalom. Tell him to stay away from me.” So Absalom went to his own house without seeing his father.

Absalom Was Handsome

25 No one in all Israel was as handsome and well-built as Absalom. 26 His hair grew so thick and heavy that when he got it cut once a year, it weighed over two kilograms.

27 Absalom had three sons. He also had a daughter named Tamar, who grew up to be very beautiful.

Absalom Finally Sees David

28 Absalom lived in Jerusalem for two years without seeing his father. 29 He wanted Joab to talk to David for him. So one day he sent a message asking Joab to come over, but Joab refused. Absalom sent another message, but Joab still refused. 30 Finally, Absalom told his servants, “Joab's barley field is right next to mine. Go set it on fire!” And they did.

31 Joab went to Absalom's house and demanded, “Why did your servants set my field on fire?”

32 Absalom answered, “You didn't pay any attention when I sent for you. I want you to ask my father why he told me to come back from Geshur. I was better off there. I want to see my father now! If I'm guilty, let him kill me.”

33 Joab went to David and told him what Absalom had said. David sent for Absalom, and Absalom came. He bowed very low, and David leaned over and kissed him.

Absalom Rebels against David

15 Some time later, Absalom got himself a chariot with horses to pull it, and he had 50 men run in front. He would get up early each morning and wait by the side of the road that led to the city gate.[aq] Anyone who had a complaint to bring to King David would have to go that way, and Absalom would ask each of them, “Where are you from?”

If they said, “I'm from a tribe in the north,” Absalom would say, “You deserve to win your case. It's too bad the king doesn't have anyone to hear complaints like yours. I wish someone would make me the judge around here! I would be fair to everyone.”

Whenever anyone came to Absalom and started bowing down, he would reach out and hug and kiss them. That's how he treated everyone from Israel who brought a complaint to the king. Soon everyone in Israel liked Absalom better than they liked David.

Four years[ar] later, Absalom said to David, “Please, let me go to Hebron. I have to keep a promise that I made to the Lord, when I was living with the Arameans in Geshur. I promised that if the Lord would bring me back to live in Jerusalem, I would worship him in Hebron.”[as]

David gave his permission, and Absalom went to Hebron. 10-12 He took 200 men from Jerusalem with him, but they had no idea what he was going to do. Absalom offered sacrifices in Hebron and sent someone to Gilo to tell David's advisor Ahithophel to come.

More and more people were joining Absalom and supporting his plot. Meanwhile, Absalom had secretly sent some messengers to the northern tribes of Israel. The messengers told everyone, “When you hear the sound of the trumpets, you must shout, ‘Absalom now rules as king in Hebron!’ ”

David Has To Leave Jerusalem

13 A messenger came and told David, “Everyone in Israel is on Absalom's side!”

14 David's officials were in Jerusalem with him, and he told them, “Let's get out of here! We'll have to leave soon, or none of us will escape from Absalom. Hurry! If he moves fast, he could catch us while we're still here. Then he will kill us and everyone else in the city.”

15 The officials said, “Your Majesty, we'll do whatever you say.”

16-17 David left behind ten of his wives[at] to take care of the palace, but the rest of his family and his officials and soldiers went with him.

They stopped at the last house at the edge of the city. 18 Then David stood there and watched while his regular troops and his bodyguards[au] marched past. The last group was the 600 soldiers who had followed him from Gath.[av] Their commander was Ittai.

19 David spoke to Ittai and said, “You're a foreigner from the town of Gath. You don't have to leave with us. Go back and join the new king! 20 You haven't been with me very long, so why should you have to follow me, when I don't even know where I'm going? Take your soldiers and go back. I pray that the Lord will be[aw] kind and faithful to you.”

21 Ittai answered, “Your Majesty, just as surely as you and the Lord live, I will go where you go, no matter if it costs me my life.”

22 “Then come on!” David said.

So Ittai and all his men and their families walked on past David.

David Sends the Sacred Chest Back to Jerusalem

23 The people of Jerusalem were crying and moaning as David and everyone with him passed by. He led them across Kidron Valley[ax] and along the road toward the desert.

24 Zadok and Abiathar the priests were there along with several men from the tribe of Levi who were carrying the sacred chest. They set the chest down, and left it there until David and his followers had gone out of the city.

25 Then David said:

Zadok, take the sacred chest back to Jerusalem. If the Lord is pleased with me, he will bring me back and let me see it and his tent again. 26 But if he says he isn't pleased with me, then let him do what he knows is best.

27 Zadok, you are a good judge of things,[ay] so return to the city and don't cause any trouble. Take your son Ahimaaz with you. Abiathar and his son Jonathan will also go back. 28 I'll wait at the river crossing in the desert until I hear from you.

29 Zadok and Abiathar took the sacred chest back into Jerusalem and stayed there. 30 David went on up the slope of the Mount of Olives. He was barefoot and crying, and he covered his head to show his sorrow. Everyone with him was crying, and they covered their heads too.

31 Someone told David, “Ahithophel is helping Absalom plot against you!”

David said, “Please, Lord, keep Ahithophel's plans from working!”

David Sends Hushai Back as a Spy

32 When David reached the top of the Mount of Olives, he met Hushai the Archite[az] at a place of worship. Hushai's robe was torn, and dust was on his head.[ba] 33 David told him:

If you come with me, you might slow us down.[bb] 34 Go back into the city and tell Absalom, “Your Majesty, I am your servant. I will serve you now, just as I served your father in the past.”

Hushai, if you do that, you can help me ruin Ahithophel's plans. 35 Zadok and Abiathar the priests will be there with you, and you can tell them everything you hear in the palace. 36 Then they can send their sons Ahimaaz and Jonathan to tell me what you've heard.

37 David's advisor Hushai slipped back into Jerusalem, at just about the same time Absalom was coming in.

Ziba Gives Food to David

16 (J) David had started down the other side of the Mount of Olives, when he was met by Ziba, the chief servant of Mephibosheth.[bc] Ziba had two donkeys that were carrying 200 loaves of bread, 100 handfuls of raisins, 100 figs,[bd] and some wine.

“What's all this?” David asked.

Ziba said, “The donkeys are for your family to ride. The bread and fruit are for the people to eat, and the wine is for them to drink in the desert when they are tired out.”

(K) “And where is Mephibosheth?” David asked.

Ziba answered, “He stayed in Jerusalem, because he thinks the people of Israel want him to rule the kingdom of his grandfather Saul.”

David then told him, “Everything that used to belong to Mephibosheth is now yours.”

Ziba said, “Your Majesty, I am your humble servant, and I hope you will be pleased with me.”

Shimei Curses David

David was near the town of Bahurim when a man came out and started cursing him. The man was Shimei the son of Gera, and he was one of Saul's distant relatives. He threw stones at David, at his soldiers, and at everyone else, including the bodyguards who walked on each side of David.

Shimei was yelling at David, “Get out of here, you murderer! You good-for-nothing, the Lord is paying you back for killing so many in Saul's family. You stole his kingdom, but now the Lord has given it to your son Absalom. You're a murderer, and that's why you're in such big trouble!”

Abishai said, “Your Majesty, this man is as useless as a dead dog! He shouldn't be allowed to curse you. Let me go over and chop off his head.”

10 David replied, “What will I ever do with you and your brother Joab? If Shimei is cursing me because the Lord has told him to, then who are you to tell him to stop?”

11 Then David said to Abishai and all his soldiers:

My own son is trying to kill me! Why shouldn't this man from the tribe of Benjamin want me dead even more? Let him curse all he wants. Maybe the Lord did tell him to curse me. 12 But if the Lord hears these curses and sees the trouble I'm in, maybe he will have pity on me instead.

13 David and the others went on down the road. Shimei went along the hillside by the road, cursing and throwing rocks and dirt at them. 14 When David and those with him came to the Jordan River, they were tired out. But after they rested, they[be] felt much better.

Hushai Meets Absalom

15 By this time, Absalom, Ahithophel, and the others had reached Jerusalem. 16 David's friend Hushai came to Absalom and said, “Long live the king! Long live the king!”

17 But Absalom asked Hushai, “Is this how you show loyalty to your friend David? Why didn't you go with him?”

18 Hushai answered, “The Lord and the people of Israel have chosen you to be king. I can't leave. I have to stay and serve the one they've chosen. 19 Besides, it seems right for me to serve you, just as I served your father.”

Ahithophel's Advice

20 Absalom turned to Ahithophel and said, “Give us your advice! What should we do?”

21 Ahithophel answered, “Some of your father's wives[bf] were left here to take care of the palace. You should have sex with them. Then everyone will find out that you have publicly disgraced your father. This will make you and your followers even more powerful.”

22 (L) Absalom had a tent set up on the flat roof of the palace, and everyone watched as he went into the tent with his father's wives.

23 Ahithophel gave such good advice in those days that both Absalom and David thought it came straight from God.

17 Ahithophel said to Absalom:

Let me choose 12,000 men and attack David tonight, while he is tired and discouraged. He will panic, and everyone with him will run away. I won't kill anyone except David, since he's the one you want to get rid of. Then I'll bring the whole nation back to you like a bride coming home to her husband.[bg] This way there won't be a civil war.

Hushai Fools Absalom

Absalom and all the leaders of the tribes of Israel agreed that Ahithophel had a good plan. Then Absalom said, “Bring in Hushai the Archite. Let's hear what he has to say.”

Hushai came in, and Absalom told him what Ahithophel had planned. Then Absalom said, “Should we do what he says? And if we shouldn't, can you come up with anything better?”

Hushai said:

This time Ahithophel's advice isn't so good. You know that your father and his followers are real warriors. Now they are as fierce as a mother bear whose cubs have just been killed. Besides, your father has a lot of experience in fighting wars, and he won't be spending the night with the others. He has probably already found a hiding place in a cave or somewhere else.

As soon as anyone hears that some of your soldiers have been killed, everyone will think your whole army has been destroyed. 10 Then even those who are as brave as a lion will lose their courage. All Israel knows what a great warrior your father is and what brave soldiers he has.

11 My advice is to gather all the fighting men of Israel from the town of Dan in the north down to the town of Beersheba in the south. You will have more soldiers than there are grains of sand on the seashore. Absalom, you should lead them yourself, 12 and we will all go to fight David wherever he is. We will fall on him just as dew falls and covers the ground. He and all his soldiers will die! 13 If they go into a walled town, we will put ropes around that town and drag it into the river. We won't leave even one small piece of a stone.

14 Absalom and the others liked Hushai's plan better than Ahithophel's plan. This was because the Lord had decided to keep Ahithophel's plan from working and to cause trouble for Absalom.

Jonathan and Ahimaaz Tell David the News

15 At once, Hushai went to Zadok and Abiathar. He told them what advice Ahithophel had given to Absalom and to the leaders of Israel. He also told them about the advice he had given. 16 Then he said, “Hurry! Send someone to warn David not to spend the night on this side of the Jordan. He must get across the river, so he and the others won't be wiped out!”

17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz[bh] had been waiting at Rogel Spring[bi] because they did not want to be seen in Jerusalem. A servant girl went to the spring and gave them the message for David. 18 But a young man saw them and went to tell Absalom. So Jonathan and Ahimaaz left and hurried to the house of a man who lived in Bahurim. Then they climbed down into a well in the courtyard. 19 The man's wife put the cover on the well and poured grain on top of it, so the well could not be seen.[bj]

20 Absalom's soldiers came to the woman and demanded, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?”

The woman answered, “They went across that stream.”

The soldiers went off to look for the two men. But when they did not find the men, they went back to Jerusalem.

21 After the soldiers had gone, Jonathan and Ahimaaz climbed out of the well. They went to David and said, “Hurry! Get ready to cross the river!” Then they told him about Ahithophel's plan.

22 David and the others got ready and started crossing the Jordan River. By sunrise all of them were on the other side.

Ahithophel Kills Himself

23 When Ahithophel saw that Absalom and the leaders of Israel were not going to follow his advice, he saddled his donkey and rode back to his home in Gilo. He told his family and servants what to do. Then he hanged himself, and they buried him in his family's burial place.

Absalom Puts Amasa in Charge of the Army

24 David went to the town of Mahanaim, and Absalom crossed the Jordan River with the army of Israel. 25 Absalom put Amasa in Joab's place as commander of the army. Amasa's father was Ithra[bk] from the family of Ishmael,[bl] and his mother was Abigal,[bm] the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Joab's mother Zeruiah. 26 The Israelites under Absalom's command set up camp in the region of Gilead.

Friends Bring Supplies to David

27 After David came to the town of Mahanaim, Shobi the son of Nahash came from Rabbah in Ammon,[bn] Machir the son of Ammiel came from Lo-Debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite came from Rogelim.

28-29 Here is a list of what they brought: sleeping mats, blankets, bowls, pottery jars, wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, yogurt, sheep, and cheese.

They brought the food for David and the others because they knew that everyone would be hungry, tired, and thirsty from being out in the desert.

David Gets Ready for Battle

18 David divided his soldiers into groups of 100 and groups of 1,000. Then he chose officers to be in command of each group. He sent out one third of his army under the command of Joab, another third under the command of Abishai the son of Zeruiah, and the rest under the command of Ittai from Gath. He told the soldiers, “I'm going into battle with you.”

But the soldiers said, “No, don't go into battle with us! It won't matter to our enemies if they make us all run away, or even if they kill half of us. But you are worth 10,000 of us. It would be better for you to stay in town and send help if we need it.”

4-6 David said, “All right, if you think I should.”

Then in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, he said, “Joab! Abishai! Ittai! For my sake, be sure that Absalom comes back unharmed.”

David stood beside the town gate as his army marched past in groups of 100 and in groups of 1,000.

Joab Kills Absalom

The war with Israel took place in Ephraim Forest. 7-8 Battles were being fought all over the forest, and David's soldiers were winning. Twenty thousand soldiers were killed[bo] that day, and more of them died from the dangers of the forest than from the fighting itself.

Absalom was riding his mule under a huge tree when his head[bp] caught in the branches. The mule ran off and left Absalom hanging in midair. Some of David's soldiers happened by, 10 and one of them went and told Joab, “I saw Absalom hanging in a tree!”

11 Joab said, “You saw Absalom? Why didn't you kill him? I would have given you ten pieces of silver and a special belt.”

12 The man answered, “Even if you paid me 1,000 pieces of silver here and now, I still wouldn't touch the king's son. We all heard King David tell you and Abishai and Ittai not to harm Absalom. 13 He always finds out what's going on. I would have been risking my life to kill Absalom, because you would have let me take the blame.”

14 Joab said, “I'm not going to waste any more time on you!”

Absalom was still alive, so Joab took three spears and stuck them through Absalom's chest. 15 Ten of Joab's bodyguards came over and finished him off. 16 Then Joab blew a trumpet to signal his troops to stop chasing Israel's soldiers. 17 They threw Absalom's body into a deep pit in the forest and put a big pile of rocks over it.

Meanwhile, the people of Israel had all run back to their own homes.

18 When Absalom was alive, he had set up a stone monument for himself in King's Valley. He explained, “I don't have any sons[bq] to keep my name alive.” He called it Absalom's Monument, and that is the name it still has today.[br]

Ahimaaz Wants To Tell David

19 Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said, “Joab, let me run and tell King David that the Lord has rescued him from his enemies.”

20 Joab answered, “You're not the one to tell the king that his son is dead. You can take him a message some other time, but not today.”

21 Someone from Ethiopia[bs] was standing there, and Joab told him, “Go and tell the king what you have seen.” The man knelt down in front of Joab, then got up and started running.

22 Ahimaaz spoke to Joab again, “No matter what happens, I still want to go. And besides, the Ethiopian has already left.”

Joab said, “Why should you go? You won't get a reward for the news you have!”

23 “I'll run no matter what!” Ahimaaz insisted.

“All right then, run!” Joab said.

Ahimaaz took the road through the Jordan Valley and outran the Ethiopian.

24 Meanwhile, David was sitting between the inner and outer gates[bt] in the city wall. One of his soldiers was watching from the roof of the gate-tower. He saw a man running toward the town 25 and shouted down to tell David.

David answered, “If he's alone, he must have some news.”

The runner was getting closer, 26 when the soldier saw someone else running. He shouted down to the gate, “Look! There's another runner!”

David said, “He must have some news too.”

27 The soldier on the roof shouted, “The first one runs just like Ahimaaz the son of Zadok.”

This time David said, “He's a good man. He must have some good news.”

28 Ahimaaz called out, “We won! We won!” Then he bowed low to David and said, “Your Majesty, praise the Lord your God! He has given you victory over your enemies.”

29 “Is my son Absalom all right?” David asked.

Ahimaaz said, “When Joab sent your personal servant and me, I saw a noisy crowd. But I don't know what it was all about.”

30 David told him, “Stand over there and wait.”

Ahimaaz went over and stood there. 31 The Ethiopian came and said, “Your Majesty, today I have good news! The Lord has rescued you from all your enemies!”

32 “Is my son Absalom all right?” David asked.

The Ethiopian replied, “I wish that all Your Majesty's enemies and everyone who tries to harm you would end up like him!”

David Cries for Absalom

33 David started trembling. Then he went up to the room above the city gate to cry. As he went, he kept saying, “My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! I wish I could have died instead of you! Absalom, my son, my son!”[bu]

19 Someone told Joab, “The king is crying because Absalom is dead.”

David's army found out he was crying because his son had died, and their day of victory suddenly turned into a day of sadness. The troops were sneaking into Mahanaim, just as if they had run away from a battle and were ashamed.

David covered his face with his hands and kept on crying loudly, “My son, Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!”

Joab went to the house where David was staying and told him:

You've made your soldiers ashamed! Not only did they save your life, they saved your sons and daughters and wives as well. You're more loyal to your enemies than to your friends. What you've done today has shown your officers and soldiers that they don't mean a thing to you. You would be happy if Absalom was still alive, even if the rest of us were dead.

Now get up! Go out there and thank them for what they did. If you don't, I swear by the Lord that you won't even have one man left on your side tomorrow morning. You may have had a lot of troubles in the past, but this will be the worst thing that has ever happened to you!

David got up and went to the town gate and sat down. When the people heard that he was sitting there, they came to see him.

Israel and Judah Want David Back

After Israel's soldiers had all returned home, 9-10 everyone in Israel started arguing. They were saying to each other, “King David rescued us from the Philistines and from our other enemies. But then we chose Absalom to be our new leader, and David had to leave the country to get away. Absalom died in battle, so why hasn't something been done to bring David back?”

11 When David found out what they were saying, he sent a message to Zadok and Abiathar the priests. It said:

Say to the leaders of Judah, “Why are you the last tribe to think about bringing King David back home? 12 He is your brother, your own relative! Why haven't you done anything to bring him back?”

13 And tell Amasa, “You're my nephew, and with God as a witness, I swear I'll make you commander of my army instead of Joab.”

14 Soon the tribe of Judah again became followers of David, and they sent him this message: “Come back, and bring your soldiers with you.”

David Starts Back for Jerusalem

15 David started back and had gone as far as the Jordan River when he met the people of Judah. They had gathered at Gilgal and had come to help him cross the river.

16 (M) Shimei[bv] the son of Gera was there with them. He had hurried from Bahurim to meet David. Shimei was from the tribe of Benjamin, and 17 1,000 others from Benjamin had come with him.

Ziba, the chief servant of Saul's family, also came to the Jordan River. He and his 15 sons and 20 servants waded across[bw] to meet David. 18 Then they brought David's family and servants back across the river, and they did everything he wanted them to do.

Shimei Meets with David

Shimei crossed the Jordan River and bowed down in front of David. 19 He said, “Your Majesty, I beg you not to punish me! Please, forget what I did when you were leaving Jerusalem. Don't even think about it. 20 I know I was wrong. That's why I wanted to be the first one from the northern tribes to meet you.”

21 But Abishai shouted, “You should be killed for cursing the Lord's chosen king!”

22 David said, “Abishai, what will I ever do with you and your brother Joab? Is it your job to tell me who has done wrong? I've been made king of all Israel today, and no one will be put to death!” 23 Then David promised Shimei that he would not be killed.

Mephibosheth Meets with David

24-25 (N) Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul, also came to meet David. He had missed David so much that he had not taken a bath or trimmed his beard or washed his clothes the whole time David was gone. David asked him, “Why didn't you go with me?”

26 He answered, “Your Majesty, you know I can't walk. I told my servant to saddle a donkey for me[bx] so I could go with you. But my servant left without me, and 27 then he lied about me. You're as wise as an angel of God, so do what you think is right. 28 After all, you could have killed my whole family and me. But instead, you let me eat at your own table. Your Majesty, what more could I ask?”

29 David answered, “You've said enough! I've decided to divide the property[by] between you and Ziba.”

30 Mephibosheth replied, “He can have it all! I'm just glad you've come home safely.”

Barzillai Returns Home

31 (O) Barzillai came from Rogelim in Gilead to meet David at the Jordan River and go across with him. 32 Barzillai was 80 years old. He was very rich and had sent food to David in Mahanaim.

33 David said to him, “Cross the river and go to Jerusalem with me. I will take care of you.”

34 Barzillai answered:

Your Majesty, why should I go to Jerusalem? I don't have much longer to live. 35 I'm already 80 years old, and my body is almost numb. I can't taste my food or hear the sound of singing, and I would be nothing but a burden. 36 I'll cross the river with you, but I'll only go a little way on the other side. You don't have to be so kind to me. 37 Just let me return to my hometown, where I can someday be buried near my father and mother. My servant Chimham[bz] can go with you, and you can treat him as your own.

38 David said, “I'll take Chimham with me, and whatever you ask me to do for him, I'll do. And if there's anything else you want, I'll also do that.”

39 David's soldiers went on across the river, while he stayed behind to tell Barzillai goodbye and to wish him well. Barzillai returned home, but 40 Chimham crossed the river with David.

Israel and Judah Argue

All of Judah's army and half of Israel's army were there to help David cross the river. 41 The soldiers from Israel came to him and said, “Why did our relatives from Judah secretly take you and your family and your soldiers across the Jordan?”

42 The people of Judah answered, “Why are you so angry? We are the king's relatives. He didn't give us any food, and we didn't take anything for ourselves!”

43 Those from Israel said, “King David belongs to us ten times more than he belongs to you.[ca] Why didn't you think we were good enough to help you? After all, we were the first ones to think of bringing him back!”

The people of Judah argued more strongly than the people of Israel.

Sheba Rebels against David

20 (P) A troublemaker from the tribe of Benjamin was there. His name was Sheba the son of Bichri, and he blew a trumpet to get everyone's attention. Then he said, “People of Israel, David the son of Jesse doesn't belong to us! Let's go home.”

So they stopped following David and went off with Sheba. But the people of Judah stayed close to David all the way from the Jordan to Jerusalem.

David's Ten Wives

(Q) David had left ten of his wives in Jerusalem to take care of his palace. But when he came back, he had them taken to another house, and he placed soldiers there to guard them. He gave them whatever they needed, but he never slept with any of them again.[cb] They had to live there for the rest of their lives as if they were widows.

The Army Goes after Sheba

David said to Amasa, “Three days from now I want you and all of Judah's army to be here!”

Amasa started bringing the army together, but it was taking him more than three days. So David said to Abishai, “Sheba will hurt us more than Absalom ever did. Take my best soldiers and go after him. We don't want him to take over any walled cities and get away from us.”[cc]

Joab Kills Amasa

Abishai left Jerusalem to try and capture Sheba. He took along Joab and his soldiers, as well as David's bodyguard[cd] and best troops. They had gone as far as the big rock at Gibeon when Amasa caught up with them. Joab had a dagger strapped around his waist over his military uniform, but it fell out as he started toward Amasa.

Joab said, “Amasa, my cousin, how are you?” Then Joab took hold of Amasa's beard with his right hand, so that he could greet him with a kiss. 10 Amasa did not see the dagger in Joab's other hand. Joab stuck it in Amasa's stomach, and his insides spilled out on the ground. Joab only struck him once, but Amasa was dying.

Joab and his brother Abishai went off to chase Sheba. 11 One of Joab's soldiers stood by Amasa and shouted, “If any of you are for Joab and David, then follow Joab!”

12 Amasa was still rolling in his own blood in the middle of the road. The soldier who had shouted noticed that everyone who passed by would stop, so he dragged Amasa off the road and covered him with a blanket. 13 After this, no one else stopped. They all walked straight past him on their way to help Joab capture Sheba.

Sheba Hides Out in the Town of Abel

14 Sheba had gone through all of the tribes of Israel when he came to the town of Abel Beth-Maacah. All of his best soldiers[ce] met him there and followed him into the town.

15 Joab and his troops came and surrounded Abel, so that no one could go in or come out. They made a dirt ramp up to the town wall and then started to use a battering ram to knock the wall down.

A Wise Woman Saves the Town

16 A wise woman shouted from the top of the wall,[cf] “Listen to me! Listen to me! I have to talk to Joab! Tell him to come here!” 17 When he came, the woman said, “Are you Joab?”

“Yes, I am,” he answered.

She said, “Please, listen to what I have to say.”

“All right,” he said. “I'll listen.”

18 She said, “Long ago people used to say, ‘If you want good advice, go to the town of Abel to get it.’ The answers they got here were all that was needed to settle any problem. 19 We are Israelites, and we want peace! You can trust us. Why are you trying to destroy a town that's like a mother in Israel? Why do you want to wipe out the Lord's people?”

20 Joab answered, “No, no! I'm not trying to wipe you out or destroy your town! 21 That's not it at all. There's a man in your town from the hill country of Ephraim. His name is Sheba, and he is the leader of a rebellion against King David. Turn him over to me, and we will leave your town alone.”

The woman told Joab, “We will throw his head over the wall.”

22 She went to the people of the town and talked them into doing it. They cut off Sheba's head and threw it to Joab.

Joab blew a signal on his trumpet, and the soldiers returned to their homes. Joab went back to David in Jerusalem.

Another List of David's Officials[cg]

23 Joab was the commander of Israel's entire army.

Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was in command of David's bodyguard.[ch]

24 Adoram[ci] was in charge of the slave-labor force.

Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud kept government records.

25 Sheva was the secretary.

Zadok and Abiathar were the priests.

26 Ira from Jair was David's priest.

The Gibeonites Hang Saul's Descendants

21 While David was king, there were three years in a row when the nation of Israel could not grow enough food. So David asked the Lord for help, and the Lord answered, “Saul and his family are guilty of murder, because he had the Gibeonites killed.”

(R) The Gibeonites were not Israelites; they were descendants of the Amorites. The people of Israel had promised not to kill them,[cj] but Saul had tried to kill them because he wanted Israel and Judah to control all the land.

David had the Gibeonites come, and he talked with them. He said, “What can I do to make up for what Saul did, so that you'll ask the Lord to be kind to his people again?”[ck]

The Gibeonites answered, “Silver and gold from Saul and his family are not enough. On the other hand, we don't have the right to put any Israelite to death.”

David said, “I'll do whatever you ask.”[cl]

They replied, “Saul tried to kill all our people so that none of us would be left in the land of Israel. Give us seven of his descendants. We will hang[cm] these men near the place where the Lord is worshiped in Gibeah, the hometown of Saul, the Lord's chosen king.”

“I'll give them to you,” David said.

(S) David had made a promise to Jonathan with the Lord as his witness, so he spared Jonathan's son Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul. (T) But Saul and Rizpah the daughter of Aiah had two sons named Armoni and Mephibosheth. Saul's daughter Merab[cn] had five sons whose father was Adriel the son of Barzillai from Meholah.[co] David took Rizpah's two sons and Merab's five sons and turned them over to the Gibeonites, who hanged[cp] all seven of them on the mountain near the place where the Lord was worshiped. This happened right at the beginning of the barley harvest.[cq]

Rizpah Takes Care of the Bodies

10 Rizpah spread out some sackcloth[cr] on a nearby rock. She wouldn't let the birds land on the bodies during the day, and she kept the wild animals away at night. She stayed there from the beginning of the harvest until it started to rain.[cs]

The Burial of Saul and His Descendants

11-12 (U) Earlier the Philistines had killed Saul and Jonathan on Mount Gilboa and had hung their bodies in the town square at Beth-Shan. The people of Jabesh in Gilead had secretly taken the bodies away, but David found out what Saul's wife[ct] Rizpah had done, and he went to the leaders of Jabesh to get the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. 13-14 David had their bones taken to the land of Benjamin and buried in a side room in Saul's family burial place. Then he gave orders for the bones of the men who had been hanged[cu] to be buried there. It was done, and God answered prayers to bless the land.

The Descendants of the Rephaim

(1 Chronicles 20.4-8)

15 One time David got very tired when he and his soldiers were fighting the Philistines. 16 One of the Philistine warriors was Ishbibenob, who was a descendant of the Rephaim,[cv] and he tried to kill David. Ishbibenob was armed with a new sword,[cw] and his bronze spearhead[cx] alone weighed about three and a half kilograms. 17 (V) But Abishai[cy] came to the rescue and killed the Philistine.

David's soldiers told him, “We can't let you risk your life in battle anymore! You give light to our nation, and we want that flame to keep burning.”

18 There was another battle with the Philistines at Gob, where Sibbecai from Hushah killed a descendant of the Rephaim named Saph.

19 There was still another battle with the Philistines at Gob. A soldier named Elhanan killed Goliath[cz] from Gath, whose spear shaft was like a weaver's beam.[da] Elhanan's father was Jari[db] from Bethlehem.

20 There was another war, this time in Gath. One of the enemy soldiers was a descendant of the Rephaim. He was as big as a giant and had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. 21 But when he made fun of Israel, David's nephew Jonathan killed him. Jonathan was the son of David's brother Shimei.

22 David and his soldiers killed these four men who were descendants of the Rephaim from Gath.

David Sings to the Lord

(Psalm 18.1-50)

22 David sang a song to the Lord after the Lord had rescued him from his enemies, especially Saul. These are the words to David's song:

Our Lord and our God,
you are my mighty rock,[dc]
    my fortress, my protector.
You are the rock
    where I am safe.
You are my shield,
my powerful weapon,[dd]
    and my place of shelter.

You rescue me and keep me
    safe from violence.
I praise you, our Lord!
    I prayed to you,
and you rescued me
    from my enemies.
Death, like ocean waves,
    surrounded me,
and I was almost swallowed
    by its flooding waters.

Ropes from the world
of the dead
    had coiled around me,
and death had set a trap
    in my path.
I was in terrible trouble
    when I called out to you,
but from your temple
you heard me
    and answered my prayer.
Earth shook and shivered!
The columns supporting the sky[de]
    rocked back and forth.
You were angry
    and breathed out smoke.
Scorching heat and fiery flames
    spewed from your mouth.

10 You opened the heavens
    like curtains,
and you came down
with storm clouds
    under your feet.
11 You rode on the backs
    of flying creatures.[df]
You appeared[dg]
    with the wind as wings.
12 Darkness was your tent!
Thunderclouds filled the sky,
    hiding you from sight.
13 Fiery coals lit up the sky
    in front of you.

14 Lord Most High, your voice
    thundered from the heavens.
15 You scattered your enemies
    with arrows of lightning.
16 You roared at the sea,
and its deepest channels
    could be seen.
You snorted,
and the earth shook
    to its foundations.

17 You reached down from heaven,
and you lifted me
    from deep in the ocean.
18 You rescued me from enemies
who were hateful
    and too powerful for me.
19 On the day disaster struck,
they came and attacked,
    but you defended me.
20 When I was fenced in,
you freed and rescued me
    because you love me.
21 You are good to me, Lord,
    because I do right,
and you reward me
    because I am innocent.
22 I do what you want
    and never turn to do evil.
23 I keep your laws in mind
and never turn away
    from your teachings.
24 I obey you completely
    and guard against sin.
25 You have been good to me
    because I do right;
you have rewarded me
for being innocent
    by your standards.

26 You are always loyal
    to your loyal people,
and you are faithful
    to the faithful.
27 With all who are sincere
    you are sincere,
but you treat the unfaithful
    as their deeds deserve.
28 You rescue the humble,
but you look for ways
    to put down the proud.

29 Our Lord and God,
    you are my lamp.
You turn darkness to light.
30 You help me defeat armies
    and capture cities.

31 Your way is perfect, Lord,
    and your word is correct.
You are a shield for those
    who run to you for help.
32 You alone are God!
    Only you are a mighty rock.[dh]
33 You are my strong fortress,
    and you set me free.
34 (W) You make my feet run as fast
    as those of a deer,
and you help me stand
    on the mountains.

35 You teach my hands to fight
and my arms to use
    a bow of bronze.
36 You alone are my shield,
and by coming to help me,
    you have made me famous.
37 You clear the way for me,
    and now I won't stumble.

38 I kept chasing my enemies
until I caught them
    and destroyed them.
39 I destroyed them!
I stuck my sword
    through my enemies,
and they were crushed
    under my feet.
40 You helped me win victories
and forced my attackers
    to fall victim to me.

41 You made my enemies run,
    and I killed them.
42 They cried out for help,
    but no one saved them;
they called out to you,
    but there was no answer.
43 I ground them to dust,
and I squashed them
    like mud in the streets.

44 You rescued me
    from my stubborn people
and made me the leader
of foreign nations,
    who are now my slaves.
45 They obey and come crawling.
46     They have lost all courage
and from their fortresses
    they come trembling.

47 You are the living Lord!
    I will praise you!
You are a mighty rock.[di]
I will honor you
    for keeping me safe.
48 You took revenge for me,
and you put nations
    in my power.
49 You protected me
    from violent enemies,
and you made me much greater
    than all of them.

50 (X) I will praise you, Lord,
and I will honor you
    among the nations.
51 You give glorious victories
    to your chosen king.
Your faithful love for David
and for his descendants
    will never end.

David's Last Words

23 These are the last words of David the son of Jesse.

The God of Jacob chose David
    and made him a great king.
The Mighty God of Israel
    loved him.[dj]
When God told him to speak,
    David said:
The Spirit of the Lord
    has told me what to say.
Our Mighty Rock,[dk]
    the God of Jacob, told me,
“A ruler who obeys God
    and does right
is like the sunrise
    on a cloudless day,
or like rain that sparkles
    on the grass.”[dl]

I have ruled this way,
and God will never break
    his promise to me.
God's promise is complete
    and unchanging;
he will always help me
    and give me what I hope for.
But evil people are pulled up
    like thornbushes.
They are not dug up by hand,
but with a sharp spear
    and are burned on the spot.

The Three Warriors

(1 Chronicles 11.10-19)

These are the names of David's warriors:

Ishbosheth[dm] the son of Hachmon[dn] was the leader of the Three Warriors.[do] In one battle, he killed 800 men with his spear.[dp]

The next one of the Three Warriors was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite. One time when the Philistines were at war with Israel, he and David dared the Philistines to fight them. Every one of the Israelite soldiers turned and ran, 10 except Eleazar. He killed Philistines until his hand was cramped, and he couldn't let go of his sword. When Eleazar finished, all the Israelite troops had to do was come back and take the enemies' weapons and armor. The Lord gave Israel a great victory that day.

11 Next was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. One time the Philistines brought their army together to destroy a crop of peas growing in a field near Lehi. The rest of Israel's soldiers ran away from the Philistines, 12 but Shammah stood in the middle of the field and killed the Philistines. The crops were saved, and the Lord gave Israel a great victory.

13 One year at harvest time, the Three Warriors[dq] went to meet David at Adullam Cave.[dr] The Philistine army had set up camp in Rephaim Valley 14 and had taken over Bethlehem. David was in his fortress, 15 and he was very thirsty. He said, “I wish I had a drink from the well by the gate at Bethlehem.”

16 The Three Warriors[ds] sneaked into the Philistine camp and got some water from the well near Bethlehem's gate. But after they brought the water back to David, he refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as a sacrifice 17 and said to the Lord, “I can't drink this water! It's like the blood of these men who risked their lives to get it for me.”

The Three Warriors did these brave deeds.

The Thirty Warriors

(1 Chronicles 11.20-47)

18 Joab's brother Abishai was the leader of the Thirty Warriors,[dt] and in one battle he killed 300 men with his spear. He was as famous as the Three Warriors 19 and certainly just as famous as the rest of the Thirty Warriors. He was the commander of the Thirty Warriors, but he still did not become one of the Three Warriors.

20 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a brave man from Kabzeel who did some amazing things. He killed two of Moab's best fighters,[du] and on a snowy day he went down into a pit and killed a lion. 21 Another time, he killed an Egyptian, as big as a giant.[dv] The Egyptian was armed with a spear, but Benaiah only had a club. Benaiah grabbed the spear from the Egyptian and killed him with it. 22-23 Benaiah did these things. He never became one of the Three Warriors, but he was just as famous as they were and certainly just as famous as the rest of the Thirty Warriors. David made him the leader of his bodyguard.

24-39 Some of the Thirty Warriors were:

Asahel the brother of Joab

Elhanan the son of Dodo from Bethlehem

Shammah from Harod

Elika from Harod

Helez the Paltite

Ira the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa

Abiezer from Anathoth

Mebunnai[dw] the Hushathite

Zalmon the Ahohite

Maharai from Netophah

Heleb the son of Baanah from Netophah

Ittai the son of Ribai from Gibeah of the tribe of Benjamin

Benaiah from Pirathon

Hiddai from the streams on Mount Gaash

Abialbon from Beth-Arabah

Azmaveth from Bahurim[dx]

Eliahba from Shaalbon


Jonathan the son of Shammah the Hararite[dz]

Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite

Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai from Maacah

Eliam the son of Ahithophel from Gilo

Hezro from Carmel

Paarai the Arbite

Igal the son of Nathan from Zobah

Bani the Gadite

Zelek from Ammon

Naharai from Beeroth, who carried the weapons of Joab the son of Zeruiah

Ira the Ithrite

Gareb the Ithrite

Uriah the Hittite

There were 37 in all.

David Counts the People

(1 Chronicles 21.1-6)

24 The Lord was angry with Israel again, and he made David think it would be a good idea to count the people in Israel and Judah. So David told Joab and the army officers,[ea] “Go to every tribe in Israel, from the town of Dan in the north all the way south to Beersheba, and count everyone who can serve in the army. I want to know how many there are.”

Joab answered, “I hope the Lord your God will give you 100 times more soldiers than you already have. I hope you will live to see that day! But why do you want to do a thing like this?”

But when David refused to change his mind, Joab and the army officers went out and started counting the people. They crossed the Jordan River and began with[eb] Aroer and the town in the middle of the river valley. From there they went toward Gad and on as far as Jazer. They went to Gilead and to Kadesh in Syria.[ec] Then they went to Dan, Ijon,[ed] and on toward Sidon. They came to the fortress of Tyre, then went through every town of the Hivites and the Canaanites. Finally, they went to Beersheba in the Southern Desert of Judah. After they had gone through the whole land, they went back to Jerusalem. It had taken them 9 months and 20 days.

Joab came and told David, “In Israel there are 800,000 who can serve in the army, and in Judah there are 500,000.”

The Lord Punishes David

(1 Chronicles 21.7-17)

10 After everyone had been counted, David realized he had done wrong. He told the Lord, “What I did was stupid and terribly wrong. Lord, please forgive me.”

11 Before David even got up the next morning, the Lord had told David's prophet Gad 12-13 to take a message to David. Gad went to David and told him:

You must choose one of three ways for the Lord to punish you: Will there be seven[ee] years when the land won't grow enough food for your people? Or will your enemies chase you and make you run from them for three months? Or will there be three days of horrible disease in your land? Think about it and decide, because I have to give your answer to God, who sent me.

14 David was really frightened and said, “It's a terrible choice to make! But the Lord is kind, and I'd rather be punished by him than by anyone else.”

15-16 So that morning, the Lord sent an angel to spread a horrible disease everywhere in Israel, from Dan to Beersheba. And before it was over, 70,000 people had died.

When the angel was about to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord felt sorry for all the suffering he had caused and told the angel, “That's enough! Don't touch them.” This happened at the threshing place that belonged to Araunah the Jebusite.

17 David saw the angel killing everyone and told the Lord, “These people are like sheep with me as their shepherd.[ef] I have sinned terribly, but they have done nothing wrong. Please, punish me and my family instead of them!”

David Buys Araunah's Threshing Place

(1 Chronicles 21.18—22.1)

18-19 That same day the prophet Gad came and told David, “Go to the threshing place that belongs to Araunah and build an altar there for the Lord.”

So David went.

20 Araunah looked and saw David and his soldiers coming up toward him. He went over to David, bowed down low, 21 and said, “Your Majesty! Why have you come to see me?”

David answered, “I've come to buy your threshing place. I have to build the Lord an altar here, so this disease will stop killing the people.”

22 Araunah said, “Take whatever you want and offer your sacrifice. Here are some oxen for the sacrifice. You can use the threshing-boards[eg] and the wooden yokes for the fire. 23 Take them—they're yours! I hope the Lord your God will be pleased with you.”

24 But David answered, “No! I have to pay you what they're worth. I can't offer the Lord my God a sacrifice that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing place and the oxen for 50 pieces of silver. 25 Then he built an altar for the Lord. He offered sacrifices to please the Lord and to ask for his blessings.

The Lord answered the prayers of the people, and no one else died from the terrible disease.


  1. 8.1 Israel … control: Or “David also took the town of Metheg-Ammah away from them.”
  2. 8.3 monument: Kings sometimes set up monuments in lands they had conquered.
  3. 8.3 David … way: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. It may have been Hadadezer who was going to the Euphrates River. And he may have gone there either to build a monument or to put down a rebellion.
  4. 8.4 1,700 cavalry: Hebrew; one ancient translation and 1 Chronicles 18.4 “1,000 chariots and 7,000 cavalry.”
  5. 8.4 He also captured … them: Or “He crippled all but 100 of the horses.”
  6. 8.7 Hadadezer's … cases: Or “Hadadezer's soldiers carried gold shields, but David took these shields.”
  7. 8.9,10 defeated: Or “killed.”
  8. 8.12 Edom: Some Hebrew manuscripts and two ancient translations (see also 1 Chronicles 18.11); most Hebrew manuscripts “Aram.” In Hebrew the words for “Edom” and “Aram” look almost alike.
  9. 8.13 Edomite: Some Hebrew manuscripts and two ancient translations (see also 1 Chronicles 18.12); most Hebrew manuscripts “Aramean.” In Hebrew the words for “Edomite” and “Aramean” look almost alike.
  10. 8.13 built a monument: Or “was famous.”
  11. 8.17 Abiathar the son of Ahimelech: One ancient translation and 1 Samuel 22.11-23; Hebrew “Ahimelech the son of Abiathar.”
  12. 8.18 was the commander of: Not in the Hebrew text of this verse, but see 1 Chronicles 18.17.
  13. 8.18 David's bodyguard: The Hebrew text has “the Cherethites and the Pelethites,” who were foreign soldiers hired by David to be his bodyguard.
  14. 9.5,6 Mephibosheth: Or “Mephibaal” (see the note at 4.4).
  15. 9.10 Saul's family and servants: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation; Hebrew “the son of your master.”
  16. 9.11-13 David's: Hebrew “my.”
  17. 10.18 cavalry: The Hebrew manuscripts and ancient translations differ as to how many and what kind of soldiers were killed.
  18. 11.1 when … war: Or “when the messengers had gone to Ammon” (see 10.2) or “the time when the kings had gone to war” (see 10.6-8).
  19. 11.2-4 as … required: This bathing was often a requirement for worshiping God.
  20. 11.8 and clean up: Or “and sleep with your wife.”
  21. 11.11 somewhere in the fields: Or “at Succoth.”
  22. 11.21 Gideon: The Hebrew text has Jerubbesheth, which stands for “Jerubbaal,” another name for Gideon. See Judges 6.32 and the note on “bosheth” at 2.8 (“besheth” means the same as “bosheth”).
  23. 11.25 break … walls: Or “destroy it.”
  24. 12.13,14 what … wanted: One manuscript of one ancient translation; one Hebrew manuscript “what the Lord had said”; most Hebrew manuscripts “what the enemies of the Lord would think.”
  25. 12.25 Jedidiah: In Hebrew this name means “Loved by the Lord.”
  26. 12.30 the statue of their god Milcom: Or “their king.”
  27. 12.30 David … crown: Or “and David wore the crown.”
  28. 12.31 tear … walls: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  29. 13.1 Tamar … Absalom … Amnon: David was their father, but Amnon had a different mother.
  30. 13.6 special bread: Or “heart-shaped bread” or “dumplings.”
  31. 13.18 long … sleeves: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  32. 13.21 But Amnon … unhappy: The Dead Sea Scrolls and one ancient translation; these words are not in the Standard Hebrew Text.
  33. 13.23 invited … there: Cutting the wool from sheep was a time for celebrating as well as working.
  34. 13.27 Absalom prepared … king: One ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text.
  35. 13.32 David's nephew: The Hebrew text has “the son of David's brother Shimeah.”
  36. 13.34 the road to Horonaim: Or “the road behind him” or “the road to the west.”
  37. 13.34 He … Road: One ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text.
  38. 13.37,38 King Talmai: Absalom's grandfather (see 3.3).
  39. 13.39 David … Absalom: Or “David was comforted over the loss of Amnon, and he no longer wanted to take his army there and capture Absalom.”
  40. 14.9 I hope … me: Or “May I speak some more?”
  41. 14.14 take our lives: Or “make any exceptions.”
  42. 14.16 take … us: Or “make sure we have no part in God's people.”
  43. 15.2 the city gate: Or “the entrance to the king's palace.”
  44. 15.7 Four years: The Hebrew text has “Forty years.”
  45. 15.8 in Hebron: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text.
  46. 15.16,17 wives: See the note at 3.7.
  47. 15.18 bodyguards: See the note at 8.18.
  48. 15.18 the 600 … Gath: These were Philistine soldiers who were loyal to David.
  49. 15.20 I pray … be: One ancient translation; these words are not in the Hebrew text.
  50. 15.23 Kidron Valley: This was considered the eastern boundary of Jerusalem.
  51. 15.27 you … things: Or “You are a prophet” or “You are not a prophet.”
  52. 15.32 Archite: The Archites were part of the tribe of Benjamin (see Joshua 16.2).
  53. 15.32 Hushai's … head: See the note at 1.2.
  54. 15.33 you might slow us down: Hushai was probably very old.
  55. 16.1 chief servant of Mephibosheth: See 9.1-13.
  56. 16.1 figs: Or “pomegranates,” a bright red fruit that looks like an apple.
  57. 16.14 they: Hebrew “he.”
  58. 16.21 wives: See the note at 3.7.
  59. 17.3 back to you … husband: One ancient translation; Hebrew “back to you. The man you are chasing is like bringing back the whole nation.”
  60. 17.17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz: See 15.27.
  61. 17.17 Rogel Spring: South of Jerusalem in Kidron Valley.
  62. 17.19 The man's wife … seen: Everyone would have thought that the woman was drying grain on a mat that she had spread on the ground.
  63. 17.25 Ithra: Or “Jether.”
  64. 17.25 the family of Ishmael: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation; other manuscripts of the same translation “the town of Jezreel”; Hebrew “the people of Israel.”
  65. 17.25 Amasa … Abigal: Abigal and Zeruiah (Joab's mother) were full sisters, and David was evidently their half-brother with the same mother, but a different father. This made Amasa one of David's nephews (see 1 Chronicles 2.12-17).
  66. 17.27 Shobi … Ammon: Shobi was probably the new king of the Ammonites that David had appointed after he captured Rabbah (see 2 Samuel 10.1-3; 12.26-31).
  67. 18.7,8 Twenty … killed: This may refer to the total number or to the number of Absalom's soldiers who were killed.
  68. 18.9 head: Or “hair.”
  69. 18.18 I don't have any sons: According to 14.27, Absalom had three sons. But they could have died young or been put to death for Absalom's murder of Amnon.
  70. 18.18 today: That is, at the time of writing. This monument is not the same as the structure now known as “Absalom's Tomb,” which was built at least 600 years later.
  71. 18.21 Ethiopia: The Hebrew text has “Cush,” which was a region south of Egypt that included parts of the present countries of Ethiopia and Sudan.
  72. 18.24 between … gates: The city gate was often like a tower in the city wall, with one gate on the outside of the wall and another gate on the inside of the wall.
  73. 18.33 son: In Hebrew, this verse is 19.1.
  74. 19.16 Shimei: See 16.5-13.
  75. 19.17 waded across: Or “rushed.”
  76. 19.26 I told … me: Two ancient translations; Hebrew, “I said, ‘I will saddle a donkey for myself.’ ”
  77. 19.29 the property: The property that had belonged to Saul (see 9.7; 16.4).
  78. 19.37 My servant Chimham: Or “My son Chimham.”
  79. 19.43 King David … you: In this verse “Israel” stands for the ten northern tribes and does not include the tribe of Judah in the south.
  80. 20.3 he … again: Because of what Absalom had done (see 16.21,22).
  81. 20.6 get … us: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  82. 20.7 bodyguard: See the note at 8.18.
  83. 20.14 best soldiers: One ancient translation; the difficult Hebrew text may mean either “Berites” or “Bichrites,” Sheba's relatives.
  84. 20.16 the top of the wall: Or “the town.”
  85. 20.23 Another List of David's Officials: See also the list in 8.16,17.
  86. 20.23 David's bodyguard: See the note at 8.18.
  87. 20.24 Adoram: One ancient translation “Adoniram” (see 1 Kings 4.1-6; 5.14).
  88. 21.2 promised … them: See Joshua 9.3-27.
  89. 21.3 ask … again: Saul's guilt had become a curse on Israel that had resulted in famine. For the effects of this curse to be removed, the Gibeonites would have to ask the Lord to be kind to Israel.
  90. 21.4 I'll … ask: Or “What are you asking me to do for you?”
  91. 21.6 hang: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  92. 21.8 Merab: Some Hebrew manuscripts and some manuscripts of one ancient translation. Most other manuscripts have “Michal,” Saul's daughter who was one of David's wives, but she never had any children (see 2 Samuel 6.23). According to 1 Samuel 18.19, Merab was Saul's daughter, and she married Adriel from Meholah.
  93. 21.8 Meholah: Also known as Abel-Meholah.
  94. 21.9 hanged: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  95. 21.9 This … harvest: This would have been late in April.
  96. 21.10 sackcloth: See the note at 3.31.
  97. 21.10 started to rain: This may have been the beginning of the rainy season in September or October. It usually didn't rain from May to September. Or, it may have been a sign that now there would be enough rain again.
  98. 21.11,12 wife: See the note at 3.7.
  99. 21.13,14 hanged: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  100. 21.16 Rephaim: This may refer to a group of people that lived in Palestine before the Israelites and who were famous for their large size.
  101. 21.16 new sword: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  102. 21.16 spearhead: Or “helmet.”
  103. 21.17 Abishai: David's nephew, the brother of Joab.
  104. 21.19 Goliath: According to 1 Chronicles 20.5, Elhanan killed the brother of Goliath.
  105. 21.19 weaver's beam: A large wooden rod used by a weaver when making cloth.
  106. 21.19 Jari: Or “Jaare.”
  107. 22.2 mighty rock: The Hebrew text has “rock,” which is sometimes used in poetry to compare the Lord to a mountain where his people can run for protection from their enemies.
  108. 22.3 powerful weapon: The Hebrew has “the horn,” which refers to the horn of a bull, one of the most powerful animals in ancient Palestine.
  109. 22.8 columns … sky: The sky was sometimes described as a dome that was held up by a foundation or pillars.
  110. 22.11 flying creatures: These were supernatural beings (see the note at 6.2).
  111. 22.11 appeared: Most Hebrew manuscripts; some Hebrew manuscripts “swooped down” (see Psalm 18.10).
  112. 22.32 mighty rock: See the note at 22.2.
  113. 22.47 mighty rock: See the note at 22.2.
  114. 23.1 The Mighty … him: Or “He wrote Israel's favorite songs.”
  115. 23.3 Mighty Rock: See the note at 22.2.
  116. 23.4 sparkles … grass: Or “makes the grass grow.”
  117. 23.8 Ishbosheth: Hebrew “Josheb Bashebeth,” which seems to be another spelling of Ishbosheth. See the note at 2.8, although this is a different Ishbosheth.
  118. 23.8 the son of Hachmon: Or “the Tahchemonite” (see 1 Chronicles 11.11).
  119. 23.8 the Three Warriors: The most honored group of warriors. They may have been part of the Thirty Warriors. “Three” and “thirty” are spelled almost the same in Hebrew, so there is some confusion in the manuscripts as to which group is being talked about in some places in the following lists.
  120. 23.8 with … spear: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text (see 1 Chronicles 11.11).
  121. 23.13 the Three Warriors: Or “three warriors.” Hebrew “three of the thirty most important.”
  122. 23.13 Adullam Cave: This may have happened during the time that David was an outlaw (see 1 Samuel 22.1-6).
  123. 23.16 the Three Warriors: Or “three warriors.”
  124. 23.18 the Thirty Warriors: The second most honored group of warriors. They may have also been officers in the army (see the note at 23.8).
  125. 23.20 Moab's best fighters: Or “big lions in Moab;” one ancient translation “sons of Ariel from Moab.”
  126. 23.21 Egyptian … giant: First Chronicles 11.23; in this verse the Hebrew text has “good-looking Egyptian.”
  127. 23.24-39 Mebunnai: Or “Sibbecai” (see 1 Chronicles 11.26-47).
  128. 23.24-39 Bahurim: Or “Barhum.”
  129. 23.24-39 Jashen: Hebrew “sons of Jashen.”
  130. 23.24-39 Jonathan … Hararite: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation (see 1 Chronicles 11.26-47). In the Hebrew text Jonathan and Shammah are separate members of the list.
  131. 24.2 Joab … officers: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation (see 24.4); 1 Chronicles 21.2; Hebrew “Joab, the officer of the army.”
  132. 24.5 began with: Some manuscripts of one ancient translation; Hebrew “set up camp in.”
  133. 24.6 Kadesh in Syria: Or “the lower slopes of Mount Hermon.”
  134. 24.6 Dan, Ijon: Or “Danjaan,” an unknown place.
  135. 24.12,13 seven: Hebrew; some manuscripts of one ancient translation “three” (see 1 Chronicles 21.12).
  136. 24.17 as their shepherd: The Dead Sea Scrolls, and some manuscripts of two ancient translations (see 1 Chronicles 21.17); these words are not in the Standard Hebrew Text of this verse.
  137. 24.22 threshing-boards: Heavy boards with bits of rock or metal on the bottom. They were dragged across the grain to separate the husks from the kernels.

A List of David's Victories in War

(1 Chronicles 18.1-13)

Later, David attacked and badly defeated the Philistines. Israel was now free from their control.[a]

David also defeated the Moabites. Then he made their soldiers lie down on the ground, and he measured them off with a rope. He would measure off two lengths of the rope and have those men killed, then he would measure off one length and let those men live. The people of Moab had to accept David as their ruler and pay taxes to him.


  1. 8.1 Israel … control: Or “David also took the town of Metheg-Ammah away from them.”

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