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10 Now I myself, Sha’ul, appeal to you gently in Moshiach and in his anavah (humility) I who am peh el peh (panim el panim, face to face) "lowly" among you [1C 2:3] but have "chutzpah" with you when absent. [1C 2:4; 7:8]

Now I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show enough chutzpah to oppose certain persons, [1C 4:21] the ones considering us to act according to the standards of the basar of the Olam Hazeh.

For though walking in basar, we war not according to the basar,

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the basar, [Ep 6:13 17] but full of ko’ach through Hashem to the overthrowing of strongholds, reasonings [Jer 1:10; 23:29]

And every high minded thing rising up against the da’as of Hashem, and leading captive every machshavah (thought) into the mishma’at of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, [Isa 2:11,12]

And prepared to discipline all disobedience whenever your mishma’at (obedience) is completed. [2C 2:9]

You look at things according to outward appearance. If anyone has persuaded himself that he belongs to Moshiach, have zikaron (recollection) of this: as he is of Moshiach, so also are we.

Now even if I should glory a little too much [2C 12:6] in our samchut (authority) [as Shlichim of Moshiach] [2C 13:10] which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu gave for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will make good my claim. [Jer1:10]

I did not intend to seem as if my iggrot were meant to frighten you.

10 For they say, "His iggrot indeed are weighty and strong but his physical presence is weak and his shprach (diction), as far as rhetoric is concerned, is despicable."

11 Let such a one consider this: that the dvar we speak through iggrot when absent will become action we will very well do when present! [2C 13:2,10]

12 For we dare not to make a geder (classification) for ourselves or to compare ourselves with some of the ones commending themselves [2C 3:1; 5:12], but when they measure themselves by the standard of one another or compare themselves with one another, they do not show seichel.

13 But we will not boast out of our depth, but will be shomer to keep within the sadeh (field) Hashem has apportioned to us [Ro 12:3] which reached out even as far as you. [Ga 2:7 8]

14 For we were not getting out of our depth when we reached even as far as you. We were the chalutzim (pioneers) who came with the Besuras HaGeulah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

15 We do not boast out of our depth, that is, in the labor of others; but tikvateinu is that, as your emunah grows, our sphere of Shlichus (Divine mission) among you will also be enlarged,

16 So that we may abundantly proclaim the Besuras HaGeulah to the regions beyond you, without boasting in someone else’s Messianic chalutz accomplishments.

17 But HAMMIT HALLELYIT HALLEL; ("The one boasting let him boast" in the L-rd.) [Jer 9:23,24; Ps 34:2; 44:8; 1C 1:13];

18 For it is not the one commending himself that has the haskama (approval), but it is the one to whom [Moshiach] Adoneinu gives the haskama. [1C 4:4 5]

11 I would that you might bear with me in a little tipshus (foolery). Do bear with me!

For I have kinah for you, a kinat Hashem, for, as a shadkhan (marriage broker), I betrothed you to one ish (husband) to present you as a chaste betulah to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach; [HOSHEA 2:19; SHIR HASHIRIM; Ep 5:26-27]

But I fear lest somehow as the Nachash deceived Chavah by his cunning [BERESHIS 3:1-6,13] your machshavot should be led astray from a simple and pure deveykus to Moshiach.

For if a darshan shows up and preaches another Moshiach, another "Yehoshua" (“Yeshua”) other than the one in our drashot, or if you receive a different "Ruach Hakodesh" from the One you received or a different Besuras HaGeulah from the one regarding which you were mekabel, you put up with that well enough. [Ga 1: 8- 9]

For I consider to have come behind the most groise (eminent) Shlichim in absolutely nothing. [1C 15:10; 2C 12:11; Ga 2:6,9]

But if indeed I am unskilled in lashon [1C 1:17; 2:1,13] yet I am not in da’as (knowledge) [Ep 3:4] but in all ways and all things I have made this abundantly clear to you.

Or anshuldiks! (pardon!) did I commit averos by humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I proclaimed Hashem’s Besuras HaGeulah to you free of charge? [1C 9:12, 18]

I robbed other of Moshiach’s Kehillot, did I, in taking wages from them for the avodas kodesh work I did for you? [Pp 4:15]

And when I was present with you and I had lack, I did not burden anyone, [2C 12:13] for my lack was made up by the Achim b’Moshiach who came from Macedonia. So I was shomer not to make myself a burden to you and in that I will remain shomer.

10 As HaEmes of Moshiach is in me, that particular boasting of mine will not be silenced [1C 9:15] in the regions of Achaia!

11 Why? Because I do not have ahavah for you? Hashem knows that I do!

12 But what I do I will also continue to do in order to deny an opening to those who are looking for an opening by their ravrevan (braggart) boasting to be recognized as equals with us.

13 For such ones are shlichei sheker, deceitful po’alim, [Pp 3:2], transforming themselves in a masquerade as shlichim of Moshiach.

14 And no wonder! For even Hasatan transforms himself into a malach ohr (an angel of light);

15 It is no big ‘megillah,’ therefore, if also Hasatan’s ministers transform themselves as ministers of Tzedek. Their end will be according to their ma’asim.

16 Listen here, let no one think me a tipesh (idiot). But if you do think me a yold (fool), then receive me as a yold that I, too, may boast ki hu zeh (a small amount). [2C 12:6]

17 What I speak in this bitachon of boasting, I speak not according to Moshiach Adoneinu, but as a yold.

18 Als (since) many boast according to the basar, I also will boast.

19 For magnanimously you put up with fools, being such talmidei chachomim yourselves!

20 For you put up with it quite well, if anyone trades you into slavery, if anyone turns you into their supper, if anyone lifts your wallet, if anyone exalts himself into your gontser macher, if anyone gives you a klop in the ponem.

21 To my bushah, I say that we were too weak for that! But, nevertheless, in whatever way anyone may have chutzpah in foolishness, I also will speak with chutzpah.

22 Are they Ivrim? So am I. Are they Yisre’elim? So am I. Are they Zera Avraham? So am I. [Pp 3:5]

23 Are they mesharetei HaMoshiach?‖I am talking like someone who is meshuggah.‖[1C 15:10] I can outdo them: in labors more abundantly, in imprisonments more frequently, in beatings more by far, and often near death.

24 By Yehudim chamash p’amim I had the arba’im lashes minus one! [DEVARIM 25:3]

25 Shloshah p’amim I was beaten with rods, [Ac 16:10] pa’am achat I was stoned [Ac 14:19], shloshah p’amim I was shipwrecked, spending a lailah and a yom in the open sea;

26 In journeys often, in sakanot mavet (mortal danger) from rivers, in sakanot mavet from robbers, in sakanot mavet from my own people [Ac 9:23], in sakanot mavet from Goyim [Ac 14:5], in sakanot mavet in the shtetl, in sakanot mavet in the country, in sakanot mavet in the sea, in sakanot mavet among achei sheker (false brothers);

27 In labor and toil, in watchings, often in famine and thirst, in tzomot often, in cold and nakedness; [2C 6:5];

28 Beside the things from without, there is the pressure on me yom yom, the care of all of Moshiach’s Kehillot.

29 Who is weak and I am not weak? [1C 9:22] Who is caused to fall into chet (sin), and I do not burn?

30 If it is necessary for me to boast, then I will boast of my weaknesses. [2C 12:5]

31 Hashem, Elohim HaAv of HaMoshiach Yehoshua knows (Hamevorach l’olmei olamim!) that I am not speaking sheker. [2C 1:23]

32 In Damascus the Ethnarch under King Aretas was guarding the city of Damascus to arrest me,

33 And I was let down through the wall through a window in a basket, and escaped his hands. [Ac 9:24-25]

12 It is necessary for me to boast, nothing gained by it, yet I now come to marot (visions) and chazonot (revelations) of Adoneinu.

I have da’as of a man in Moshiach arba esreh shanah (fourteen years) before, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows—such a man was snatched up and raptured to the raki’a haShlishi of Shomayim.

And I have da’as that such a man, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows,

That he was caught away into Gan-Eden and heard inexpressible dvarim which to utter such words Bnei Adam have no heter (permit).

On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on behalf of myself I will not boast, except in my weaknesses. [2C 11:30]

But if I desire to boast, I will not be a yold (fool) [2C 10:8; 11:16] for I will speak HaEmes; but I spare you, lest anyone gives me credit beyond what he sees in me or hears in me.

Therefore, lest I should be too exalted especially by the excess of my chazonot, there was given to me a kotz (thorn, splinter) in my basar, a malach of Hasatan, for the purpose of using his fists on me [IYOV 2:6], lest I should be too exalted. [Num 33:55]

I davened shalosh p’amim, calling upon Adoneinu that it might depart from me.

And HaAdon said to me, "My Chesed is ad kahn (sufficient for the purpose, enough) for you, for My ko’ach (power) is perfected in weakness." With lev samei’ach therefore will I boast in my weaknesses that the gevurah of Moshiach might be a shelter over me. [1Kgs 19:12]

10 Therefore, I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in tzoros on behalf of Moshiach; for whenever I am weak, then the gibbor (strong man) am I! [Pp 4:11,13]

11 I have been a yold! You forced me. For I ought to be commended by you, for in nothing I was behind the most groise (eminent) Shlichim [2C 11:5], even if I am nothing.

12 Indeed the otot (signs) of the Shliach of Moshiach were brought about among you in all savlanut (patience), both by otot and moftim and gevurot. [Ro 15:19]

13 For in what have you been short-changed compared to the rest of Moshiach’s Kehillot, except that I myself was not a burden on you? [2C 11:9] Do pardon me this slight!

14 Hinei, this is the pa’am shlishit I am ready to come to you [2C 13:1], and I will not be a burden; for I seek not yours but you, for yeladim ought not to lay up for their horim (parents), but horim for their yeladim. [MISHLE 19:14]

15 But with simcha I will expend and be utterly expended for the nefashot (souls) of you [Pp 2:17]. If more abundantly I have ahavah for you, are you to have less ahavah for me?

16 But let the matter of my being a burden on you be as it may, some say, "Crafty jack that I am, I took you by ormah (cunning)" [BERESHIS 3:1]

17 Now I didn’t take advantage of any of you through anyone I sent to you, did I?

18 I urged Titos to go, and I sent with him the Ach b’Moshiach; [2C 8:6, 16-18] Titos didn’t take advantage of you, did he? Did we not walk our derech by the same Ruach Hakodesh? We did not march out of step, did Titos and I?

19 All along have you been thinking that we are making a hitstaddekut (defense, apology) before you? No, before Hashem in Moshiach we speak! Everything we do, Chaverim, is for the sake of your chozek (strength) and edification!

20 For I fear lest efsher (perhaps) when I come I may not find you as I wish [2C 2:1-4] and that you may not find me as you wish; I fear lest efsher there be merivah (strife), kinah (jealousy), ka’as (anger), machalokot (divisions), lashon hora (evil speech), ga’avah (conceit), commotions;

21 Lest when I come again Hashem Elohai may make me anav (humble) before you, and I should have agmat nefesh over many of the ones who committed averos before [2C 13:2], and have not made teshuva from the tumah (uncleanness) and zenut (fornication) and debauchery which they practiced.

13 This is the pa’am hashlishit I am coming to you; [2C 12:14] by the PI SHNAYIM SHLOSHAH EDIM (‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses, DEVARIM 19:15) every dvar shall be established.

I warned those who committed averos before and all the rest, and, now absent, I warn them again, as I did when I made pakad (visit) the pa’am hashenit, that if I come again, I will not spare, I will not be lenient,

Als (since) you seek to test if Moshiach is speaking in me. Moshiach is not weak toward you, but is GIBBOR in you [YESHAYAH 9:5].

For indeed he was talui al HaEtz (“being hanged on the Tree,” DEVARIM 21:23) out of weakness, [Pp 2:7-8] but Moshiach lives by the gevurat Hashem. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet we will live with him by the gevurat Hashem (the power of G-d) toward you.

Perform a bedikah (examination) on yourselves to see if you are in the [Orthodox Jewish] emunah (faith). Test and prove yourselves [1C 11:28]. Or do you yourselves not have da’as that Moshiach is in you? Unless you are reprobate and unapproved. [EKHAH 3:40]

But I have tikvah that you will have da’as that we are not unapproved.

Now we daven (pray) to Hashem that you do not do any rah (evil), not that we Shlichim may appear to have stood the test, but that you may do hatov (the good), though we may seem to have failed.

For we are not able to do anything against HaEmes, but only for HaEmes. [1C 13:6]

For we have lev same’ach when we are megareia (weakened) and you are strong, for this also we daven (pray), that is, for your shelemut (perfection), your tikkun (restoration repair).

10 Therefore, while I am absent I write this iggeret so that when I am present I may not treat you with severity, according to the samchut (authority) which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu gave me for your chozek (strength) and not for your churban. [2C 2:3; 10:8,11]

11 For the rest, Achim b’Moshiach, rejoice with simcha. [Pp 4:4] Come to order and chazzak (be strong)! Have achdus (unity) in your machshavot (thoughts). Live in shalom. And the G-d of ahavah and shalom will be with you. [Ro 15:33]

12 Greet one another with a neshikat hakodesh.

13 All the Kadoshim say, "Shalom!"

14 The Chen v’Chesed Adoneinu Moshiach and the ahavat Hashem and the hitkhabrut HaRuach Hakodesh be with you all. [Zohar: telat rishin khad hu, three heads are one, Zohar vol iii p.288 versa Amsterdam edition]

10 Now I myself, Sha’ul, appeal to you gently in Moshiach and in his anavah (humility) I who am peh el peh (panim el panim, face to face) "lowly" among you [1C 2:3] but have "chutzpah" with you when absent. [1C 2:4; 7:8]

Now I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show enough chutzpah to oppose certain persons, [1C 4:21] the ones considering us to act according to the standards of the basar of the Olam Hazeh.

For though walking in basar, we war not according to the basar,

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the basar, [Ep 6:13 17] but full of ko’ach through Hashem to the overthrowing of strongholds, reasonings [Jer 1:10; 23:29]

And every high minded thing rising up against the da’as of Hashem, and leading captive every machshavah (thought) into the mishma’at of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, [Isa 2:11,12]

And prepared to discipline all disobedience whenever your mishma’at (obedience) is completed. [2C 2:9]

You look at things according to outward appearance. If anyone has persuaded himself that he belongs to Moshiach, have zikaron (recollection) of this: as he is of Moshiach, so also are we.

Now even if I should glory a little too much [2C 12:6] in our samchut (authority) [as Shlichim of Moshiach] [2C 13:10] which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu gave for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will make good my claim. [Jer1:10]

I did not intend to seem as if my iggrot were meant to frighten you.

10 For they say, "His iggrot indeed are weighty and strong but his physical presence is weak and his shprach (diction), as far as rhetoric is concerned, is despicable."

11 Let such a one consider this: that the dvar we speak through iggrot when absent will become action we will very well do when present! [2C 13:2,10]

12 For we dare not to make a geder (classification) for ourselves or to compare ourselves with some of the ones commending themselves [2C 3:1; 5:12], but when they measure themselves by the standard of one another or compare themselves with one another, they do not show seichel.

13 But we will not boast out of our depth, but will be shomer to keep within the sadeh (field) Hashem has apportioned to us [Ro 12:3] which reached out even as far as you. [Ga 2:7 8]

14 For we were not getting out of our depth when we reached even as far as you. We were the chalutzim (pioneers) who came with the Besuras HaGeulah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

15 We do not boast out of our depth, that is, in the labor of others; but tikvateinu is that, as your emunah grows, our sphere of Shlichus (Divine mission) among you will also be enlarged,

16 So that we may abundantly proclaim the Besuras HaGeulah to the regions beyond you, without boasting in someone else’s Messianic chalutz accomplishments.

17 But HAMMIT HALLELYIT HALLEL; ("The one boasting let him boast" in the L-rd.) [Jer 9:23,24; Ps 34:2; 44:8; 1C 1:13];

18 For it is not the one commending himself that has the haskama (approval), but it is the one to whom [Moshiach] Adoneinu gives the haskama. [1C 4:4 5]

11 I would that you might bear with me in a little tipshus (foolery). Do bear with me!

For I have kinah for you, a kinat Hashem, for, as a shadkhan (marriage broker), I betrothed you to one ish (husband) to present you as a chaste betulah to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach; [HOSHEA 2:19; SHIR HASHIRIM; Ep 5:26-27]

But I fear lest somehow as the Nachash deceived Chavah by his cunning [BERESHIS 3:1-6,13] your machshavot should be led astray from a simple and pure deveykus to Moshiach.

For if a darshan shows up and preaches another Moshiach, another "Yehoshua" (“Yeshua”) other than the one in our drashot, or if you receive a different "Ruach Hakodesh" from the One you received or a different Besuras HaGeulah from the one regarding which you were mekabel, you put up with that well enough. [Ga 1: 8- 9]

For I consider to have come behind the most groise (eminent) Shlichim in absolutely nothing. [1C 15:10; 2C 12:11; Ga 2:6,9]

But if indeed I am unskilled in lashon [1C 1:17; 2:1,13] yet I am not in da’as (knowledge) [Ep 3:4] but in all ways and all things I have made this abundantly clear to you.

Or anshuldiks! (pardon!) did I commit averos by humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I proclaimed Hashem’s Besuras HaGeulah to you free of charge? [1C 9:12, 18]

I robbed other of Moshiach’s Kehillot, did I, in taking wages from them for the avodas kodesh work I did for you? [Pp 4:15]

And when I was present with you and I had lack, I did not burden anyone, [2C 12:13] for my lack was made up by the Achim b’Moshiach who came from Macedonia. So I was shomer not to make myself a burden to you and in that I will remain shomer.

10 As HaEmes of Moshiach is in me, that particular boasting of mine will not be silenced [1C 9:15] in the regions of Achaia!

11 Why? Because I do not have ahavah for you? Hashem knows that I do!

12 But what I do I will also continue to do in order to deny an opening to those who are looking for an opening by their ravrevan (braggart) boasting to be recognized as equals with us.

13 For such ones are shlichei sheker, deceitful po’alim, [Pp 3:2], transforming themselves in a masquerade as shlichim of Moshiach.

14 And no wonder! For even Hasatan transforms himself into a malach ohr (an angel of light);

15 It is no big ‘megillah,’ therefore, if also Hasatan’s ministers transform themselves as ministers of Tzedek. Their end will be according to their ma’asim.

16 Listen here, let no one think me a tipesh (idiot). But if you do think me a yold (fool), then receive me as a yold that I, too, may boast ki hu zeh (a small amount). [2C 12:6]

17 What I speak in this bitachon of boasting, I speak not according to Moshiach Adoneinu, but as a yold.

18 Als (since) many boast according to the basar, I also will boast.

19 For magnanimously you put up with fools, being such talmidei chachomim yourselves!

20 For you put up with it quite well, if anyone trades you into slavery, if anyone turns you into their supper, if anyone lifts your wallet, if anyone exalts himself into your gontser macher, if anyone gives you a klop in the ponem.

21 To my bushah, I say that we were too weak for that! But, nevertheless, in whatever way anyone may have chutzpah in foolishness, I also will speak with chutzpah.

22 Are they Ivrim? So am I. Are they Yisre’elim? So am I. Are they Zera Avraham? So am I. [Pp 3:5]

23 Are they mesharetei HaMoshiach?‖I am talking like someone who is meshuggah.‖[1C 15:10] I can outdo them: in labors more abundantly, in imprisonments more frequently, in beatings more by far, and often near death.

24 By Yehudim chamash p’amim I had the arba’im lashes minus one! [DEVARIM 25:3]

25 Shloshah p’amim I was beaten with rods, [Ac 16:10] pa’am achat I was stoned [Ac 14:19], shloshah p’amim I was shipwrecked, spending a lailah and a yom in the open sea;

26 In journeys often, in sakanot mavet (mortal danger) from rivers, in sakanot mavet from robbers, in sakanot mavet from my own people [Ac 9:23], in sakanot mavet from Goyim [Ac 14:5], in sakanot mavet in the shtetl, in sakanot mavet in the country, in sakanot mavet in the sea, in sakanot mavet among achei sheker (false brothers);

27 In labor and toil, in watchings, often in famine and thirst, in tzomot often, in cold and nakedness; [2C 6:5];

28 Beside the things from without, there is the pressure on me yom yom, the care of all of Moshiach’s Kehillot.

29 Who is weak and I am not weak? [1C 9:22] Who is caused to fall into chet (sin), and I do not burn?

30 If it is necessary for me to boast, then I will boast of my weaknesses. [2C 12:5]

31 Hashem, Elohim HaAv of HaMoshiach Yehoshua knows (Hamevorach l’olmei olamim!) that I am not speaking sheker. [2C 1:23]

32 In Damascus the Ethnarch under King Aretas was guarding the city of Damascus to arrest me,

33 And I was let down through the wall through a window in a basket, and escaped his hands. [Ac 9:24-25]

12 It is necessary for me to boast, nothing gained by it, yet I now come to marot (visions) and chazonot (revelations) of Adoneinu.

I have da’as of a man in Moshiach arba esreh shanah (fourteen years) before, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows—such a man was snatched up and raptured to the raki’a haShlishi of Shomayim.

And I have da’as that such a man, whether in or out of the basar I do not have da’as, Hashem knows,

That he was caught away into Gan-Eden and heard inexpressible dvarim which to utter such words Bnei Adam have no heter (permit).

On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on behalf of myself I will not boast, except in my weaknesses. [2C 11:30]

But if I desire to boast, I will not be a yold (fool) [2C 10:8; 11:16] for I will speak HaEmes; but I spare you, lest anyone gives me credit beyond what he sees in me or hears in me.

Therefore, lest I should be too exalted especially by the excess of my chazonot, there was given to me a kotz (thorn, splinter) in my basar, a malach of Hasatan, for the purpose of using his fists on me [IYOV 2:6], lest I should be too exalted. [Num 33:55]

I davened shalosh p’amim, calling upon Adoneinu that it might depart from me.

And HaAdon said to me, "My Chesed is ad kahn (sufficient for the purpose, enough) for you, for My ko’ach (power) is perfected in weakness." With lev samei’ach therefore will I boast in my weaknesses that the gevurah of Moshiach might be a shelter over me. [1Kgs 19:12]

10 Therefore, I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in tzoros on behalf of Moshiach; for whenever I am weak, then the gibbor (strong man) am I! [Pp 4:11,13]

11 I have been a yold! You forced me. For I ought to be commended by you, for in nothing I was behind the most groise (eminent) Shlichim [2C 11:5], even if I am nothing.

12 Indeed the otot (signs) of the Shliach of Moshiach were brought about among you in all savlanut (patience), both by otot and moftim and gevurot. [Ro 15:19]

13 For in what have you been short-changed compared to the rest of Moshiach’s Kehillot, except that I myself was not a burden on you? [2C 11:9] Do pardon me this slight!

14 Hinei, this is the pa’am shlishit I am ready to come to you [2C 13:1], and I will not be a burden; for I seek not yours but you, for yeladim ought not to lay up for their horim (parents), but horim for their yeladim. [MISHLE 19:14]

15 But with simcha I will expend and be utterly expended for the nefashot (souls) of you [Pp 2:17]. If more abundantly I have ahavah for you, are you to have less ahavah for me?

16 But let the matter of my being a burden on you be as it may, some say, "Crafty jack that I am, I took you by ormah (cunning)" [BERESHIS 3:1]

17 Now I didn’t take advantage of any of you through anyone I sent to you, did I?

18 I urged Titos to go, and I sent with him the Ach b’Moshiach; [2C 8:6, 16-18] Titos didn’t take advantage of you, did he? Did we not walk our derech by the same Ruach Hakodesh? We did not march out of step, did Titos and I?

19 All along have you been thinking that we are making a hitstaddekut (defense, apology) before you? No, before Hashem in Moshiach we speak! Everything we do, Chaverim, is for the sake of your chozek (strength) and edification!

20 For I fear lest efsher (perhaps) when I come I may not find you as I wish [2C 2:1-4] and that you may not find me as you wish; I fear lest efsher there be merivah (strife), kinah (jealousy), ka’as (anger), machalokot (divisions), lashon hora (evil speech), ga’avah (conceit), commotions;

21 Lest when I come again Hashem Elohai may make me anav (humble) before you, and I should have agmat nefesh over many of the ones who committed averos before [2C 13:2], and have not made teshuva from the tumah (uncleanness) and zenut (fornication) and debauchery which they practiced.

13 This is the pa’am hashlishit I am coming to you; [2C 12:14] by the PI SHNAYIM SHLOSHAH EDIM (‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses, DEVARIM 19:15) every dvar shall be established.

I warned those who committed averos before and all the rest, and, now absent, I warn them again, as I did when I made pakad (visit) the pa’am hashenit, that if I come again, I will not spare, I will not be lenient,

Als (since) you seek to test if Moshiach is speaking in me. Moshiach is not weak toward you, but is GIBBOR in you [YESHAYAH 9:5].

For indeed he was talui al HaEtz (“being hanged on the Tree,” DEVARIM 21:23) out of weakness, [Pp 2:7-8] but Moshiach lives by the gevurat Hashem. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet we will live with him by the gevurat Hashem (the power of G-d) toward you.

Perform a bedikah (examination) on yourselves to see if you are in the [Orthodox Jewish] emunah (faith). Test and prove yourselves [1C 11:28]. Or do you yourselves not have da’as that Moshiach is in you? Unless you are reprobate and unapproved. [EKHAH 3:40]

But I have tikvah that you will have da’as that we are not unapproved.

Now we daven (pray) to Hashem that you do not do any rah (evil), not that we Shlichim may appear to have stood the test, but that you may do hatov (the good), though we may seem to have failed.

For we are not able to do anything against HaEmes, but only for HaEmes. [1C 13:6]

For we have lev same’ach when we are megareia (weakened) and you are strong, for this also we daven (pray), that is, for your shelemut (perfection), your tikkun (restoration repair).

10 Therefore, while I am absent I write this iggeret so that when I am present I may not treat you with severity, according to the samchut (authority) which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu gave me for your chozek (strength) and not for your churban. [2C 2:3; 10:8,11]

11 For the rest, Achim b’Moshiach, rejoice with simcha. [Pp 4:4] Come to order and chazzak (be strong)! Have achdus (unity) in your machshavot (thoughts). Live in shalom. And the G-d of ahavah and shalom will be with you. [Ro 15:33]

12 Greet one another with a neshikat hakodesh.

13 All the Kadoshim say, "Shalom!"

14 The Chen v’Chesed Adoneinu Moshiach and the ahavat Hashem and the hitkhabrut HaRuach Hakodesh be with you all. [Zohar: telat rishin khad hu, three heads are one, Zohar vol iii p.288 versa Amsterdam edition]