Nevertheless, you are not the one to build the temple, but your son, your own flesh and blood—he is the one who will build the temple for my Name.’

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11 When your days are over and you go to be with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom. 12 He is the one who will build(A) a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever.(B)

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“Go and tell my servant David, ‘This is what the Lord says: You(A) are not the one to build me a house to dwell in.

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12 When your days are over and you rest(A) with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood,(B) and I will establish his kingdom.(C) 13 He is the one who will build a house(D) for my Name,(E) and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.(F)

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