18 (A)And Solomon had all these articles made in such great abundance that the weight of the bronze was not determined.

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47 And Solomon did not weigh all the articles, because there were so many; the weight of the bronze was not (A)determined.

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20 The two pillars, one Sea, the twelve bronze bulls which were under it, and the carts, which King Solomon had made for the house of the Lord(A)the bronze of all these articles was beyond measure.

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14 Indeed I have taken much trouble to prepare for the house of the Lord one hundred thousand talents of gold and one million talents of silver, and bronze and iron (A)beyond measure, for it is so abundant. I have prepared timber and stone also, and you may add to them.

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And David prepared iron in abundance for the nails of the doors of the gates and for the joints, and bronze in abundance (A)beyond measure,

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