2 Maccabees 2
Wycliffe Bible
2 Forsooth it is found in (the) writings [or in (the) describings] of Jeremy (or Jeremiah), the prophet, that he commanded them that passed over (or who were carried away), for to take (of the) fire, as it is signified, and as he bade to men passing over, or (taken) captive.
2 And he gave to them the law, lest they forgot the behests (or the commandments) of the Lord; and that they should not err in (their) souls, [or understandings], seeing golden and silvern simulacra, and (the) ornaments or adornments of them.
3 And he said other such things, and admonished, that they should not remove the law from their hearts.
4 Soothly it was in that writing, how the prophet bade, by God’s answer made to him, that the tabernacle and the ark follow with them (or with him), till he went out into the hill in which Moses ascended, and saw the heritage of God.
5 And Jeremy came, and found there a place of [a] den (or a cave), and brought in thither the tabernacle, and the ark, and (the) altar of incense, and stopped the door.
6 And some men came together that followed, for to mark the place to (or for) them, and [they] might not find (it).
7 Forsooth as Jeremy knew, he blamed them, and said, that the place shall be unknown, till God gather the congregation (together) of people, and be made helpful, or merciful. [Forsooth as Jeremy knew, he blaming them said, that the place shall be unknown, till God gather the congregation together of people, and be made healthful, or merciful.]
8 And then the Lord shall show these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear; and a cloud shall be, as to Moses it was showed, and as when Solomon asked, that the place should be hallowed to the great God, this cloud showed; [And then the Lord shall show these things, and the majesty of the Lord shall appear; and a cloud shall be, as and to Moses was showed, and as when Solomon asked, that the place should be hallowed to great God;]
9 and as having wisdom, he offered (the) sacrifice of (the) hallowing, and of (the) performing (or of the completion) of the temple.
10 As and Moses prayed to the Lord, and fire came down from heaven, and wasted the burnt sacrifice(s); as and Solomon prayed, and fire came down from heaven, and wasted the burnt sacrifice[s].
11 And Moses said, For that it is not cleansed, that was for sin, and (so) it was wasted.
12 Also and Solomon in eight days made solemn the hallowing (or celebrated the feast).
13 Forsooth and these same things were put in descriptions, and expositions of Nehemiah; and as he made a little bible (or a library), and gathered books of countries, and of prophets, and of David, and epistles of kings, and gifts. [Forsooth and these same things were born in descriptions, and the almeries (or the aumbries) of Nehemiah; and as he making a little bible (or a library), gathered of countries books, and of prophets, and of David, and epistles of kings, and gifts.]
14 Also soothly and Judas gathered all those things which he learned by battle, that befell to us, and they be with us.
15 Therefore if ye desire these, send ye (someone) which shall bear (them) to you.
16 Therefore we doing purifying, have written to you; therefore ye shall do well, if ye shall do these days.
17 Forsooth it is God that delivered his people, and yielded his heritage to all, and realm, and priesthood, and hallowing (or the Temple),
18 as he promised in the law, we hope that soon he shall have mercy on us, and shall gather (us together) from under heaven into the holy place; for he delivered us from great perils, and purged the place.
19 Soothly of Judas Maccabeus, and his brethren, and of (the) purifying of the great temple, and of (the) hallowing of the altar;
20 but and of the battles, that pertain to Antiochus the noble, (or Antiochus Epiphanes), and his son Eupator;
21 and of lightnings that were made from heaven, to them that strongly did for (the) Jews, so that, when they were few, they avenged all the country, and drove (out) an heathen multitude,
22 and recovered the most famous temple in all the world; and delivered the city, (so) that the laws that were done away were restored; for the Lord was made helpful to them, with all peaceability.
23 And also we attempted, or assayed for to abridge in one book, (all the) things comprehended of (or by) Jason of Cyrene in five books.
24 Forsooth we beheld [or we beholding] the multitude and (the) hardness (or the difficulty) of books, to men willing (or desiring) for to begin the tellings of stories, for (the) multitude of things;
25 and soothly we had busyness, (or concern), [or soothly we cared], that it were delectation, or liking, of soul to men willing (or desiring) for to read; forsooth to studious men, that they might lightlier (or easier) betake to mind; forsooth that to all men reading profit be given.
26 And soothly we took to us-selves [or to ourselves] that received this work, by cause (or because) of abridging, not (an) easy travail, but soothly a work full of wakings (or of watching) and [of] sweat.
27 As these that make ready a feast, and seek for to please to the will of other men, for (the) grace of many men, we suffer willfully travail (or willingly we suffer this travail);
28 forsooth we grant the truth of all authors, but we us-self study to shortness, by the form given. [forsooth granting the truth of all authors, but we ourselves studying to shortness, after the form given.]
29 Forsooth as it is to the chief carpenter of a new house, to be busy of (or for) all the building [Forsooth as it is for to care, or (to be) busy, to the wright of the new house, of (or for) all the building]; to him soothly that busyeth for to paint, those things be to be sought out, that be covenable to (or suitable for) adorning; so it is to be guessed also in (or with) us.
30 Forsooth for to gather understanding, and ordain a word, and full busily for to inquire all parts of the story, each by themselves, accordeth to an author;
31 forsooth for to (pur)sue (or to follow) shortness of saying, and for to eschew out (pur)suings of things, is to be granted to the abridger.
32 Therefore from henceforth we shall begin the telling; be it enough for to have said so much of prefaction (or of prefacing), or before speaking; for it is folly for to float out, either be long, before the story, but in that story for to be made short.
2001 by Terence P. Noble