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11 But, thou, man of God, flee these things; but follow thou rightwiseness [soothly follow thou rightwiseness], piety, faith, charity, patience, mildness.

12 Strive thou a good strife of faith, catch everlasting life, into which thou art called, and hast acknowledged a good acknowledging before many witnesses.

13 I command to thee before God, that quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, that yielded a witnessing under Pilate of Pontii, a good confession,

14 that thou keep the commandment without wem, without reproof [irreprehensible], [till] into the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ;

15 whom the blessed and alone almighty king of kings and Lord of lords shall show in his times.

16 Which alone hath undeadliness [The which alone hath immortality], and dwelleth in light, to which light no man may come; whom no man saw, neither may see; to whom glory, and honour, and empire be without end [to whom glory, and honour, and empire into without end]. Amen.

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