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A faithful word [I shall say]. If any man desireth a bishopric [If any man desire a bishopric], he desireth a good work.

Therefore it behooveth a bishop to be without reproof [Therefore it behooveth a bishop to be irreprehensible, or without reproof], the husband of one wife, sober, prudent, chaste, virtuous, holding hospitality, a teacher;

not given much to wine, not a smiter, but temperate, not full of chiding, not covetous, [not given much to wine, not smiter, but temperate, or patient, not litigious, or full of strife, or chiding, not covetous,]

well-ruling his house, and have sons subject with all chastity [having sons subject with all chastity];

for if any man know not how to govern his house, how shall he have diligence of the church of God [how shall he have diligence, or keeping, of the church of God]?

not new converted to the faith, lest he be borne up into pride, and fall into [the] doom of the devil.

For it behooveth him to have also good witnessing of them that be withoutforth, that he fall not into reproof, and into the snare of the devil.

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