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12 I do thankings to him, that [hath] comforted me in Christ Jesus our Lord, for he guessed me faithful, and put me in ministry [putting me in ministry],

13 that first was a blasphemer [the which I first was a blasphemer], and a pursuer, and full of wrongs. But I have gotten the mercy of God, for I unknowing did in unbelief.

14 But the grace of our Lord over abounded, with faith and love that is in Christ Jesus.

15 A true word and worthy all receiving, for Christ Jesus came into this world to make sinful men safe, of which I am the first [of whom I am the first].

16 But therefore I have gotten mercy, that Christ Jesus should show in me first all patience, to the informing of them that shall believe to him into everlasting life.

17 And to the king of worlds, undeadly and invisible God alone [to God alone], be honour and glory into worlds of worlds. Amen.

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