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13 Therefore [and] we do thankings to God without ceasing. For when ye had taken of us the word of the hearing of God, ye took it not as the word of men, but as it is verily, the word of God, that worketh in you that have believed.

14 For, brethren, ye be made followers of the churches of God, that be in Judaea, in Christ Jesus, for [and] ye have suffered the same things of your even-lineages, as [and] they of the Jews.

15 Which slew both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and pursued us, and they please not to God, and they be adversaries to all men;

16 forbidding us to speak to heathen men, that they be made safe, that they fill their sins evermore; for the wrath of God came on them into the end [forsooth the wrath of God before came upon them till into the end].

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