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12 All things be leaveful to me, but not all things be speedful. All things be leaveful to me, but I shall not be brought down under any man's power.

13 Meat to the womb, and the womb to meats; and God shall destroy both this and that. And the body not to fornication, but to the Lord, and the Lord to the body.

14 For God raised the Lord, and shall raise us by his virtue.

15 Know ye not, that your bodies be members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and shall I make them the members of a whore? God forbid [Far be it].

16 Whether ye know not, that he that cleaveth to a whore, is made one body? For he saith, There shall be twain in one flesh [There shall be two in one flesh].

17 And he that cleaveth to the Lord, is one spirit.

18 Flee ye fornication; all sin whatever sin a man doeth [all sin whatever a man shall do], is without the body; but he that doeth fornication, sinneth against his body.

19 Whether ye know not, that your members be the temple of the Holy Ghost, that is in you, whom ye have of God, and ye be not your own?

20 For ye be bought with great price. Glorify ye, and bear ye God in your body.

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