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11 Nevertheless neither the man is without the woman, neither the woman is without [the] man, in the Lord.

12 For why as the woman is of the man, so [and] the man is by the woman; but all things be of God.

13 Deem ye yourselves; beseemeth it a woman not covered on the head to pray to God? [Ye yourselves deem; becometh, or beseemeth, it a woman not veiled, or covered, to pray to God?]

14 Neither the nature itself teacheth us [that], for if a man nourish long hair, it is shame to him; [Neither the kind itself teacheth us that, for if a man nourish long hair, it is evil fame to him;]

15 but if a woman nourish long hair, it is glory to her, for hairs be given to her for covering.

16 But if any man is seen to be full of strife, we have none such custom, neither the church of God.

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