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27 A man of God came to Eli and said to him, “Thus the Lord has said: I revealed[a] myself to the family of your ancestor in Egypt when they were slaves[b] to the house of Pharaoh.(A) 28 I chose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to offer incense, to wear an ephod before me, and I gave to the family of your ancestor all my offerings by fire[c] from the Israelites.(B) 29 Why then look[d] with greedy eye at my sacrifices and my offerings[e] and honor your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choicest parts of every offering of my people Israel?(C) 30 Therefore the Lord the God of Israel declares: I promised that your family and the family of your ancestor should go in and out before me forever, but now the Lord declares: Far be it from me, for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be treated with contempt.(D) 31 See, a time is coming when I will cut off your strength and the strength of your ancestor’s family.[f](E) 32 No one in your family shall ever live to old age.(F) 33 The only one of you whom I shall not cut off from my altar shall be spared to weep out his[g] eyes and grieve his[h] heart; all the members of your household shall die by the sword.[i] 34 The fate of your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, shall be the sign to you: both of them shall die on the same day.(G) 35 I will raise up for myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall go in and out before my anointed one forever.(H) 36 Everyone who is left in your family shall come and prostrate himself before him for a piece of silver or a loaf of bread and shall say, ‘Please put me in one of the priest’s places, that I may eat a morsel of bread.’ ”(I)

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  1. 2.27 Gk Tg Syr: Heb Did I reveal
  2. 2.27 Q ms Gk: MT lacks slaves
  3. 2.28 Or my gifts
  4. 2.29 Q ms Gk: MT then kick
  5. 2.29 Q ms Gk: MT adds that I commanded at this dwelling
  6. 2.31–32 Q ms Gk: MT adds so that no one in your family will live to old age. Then in a distressed place you will look upon all the prosperity of Israel. No one
  7. 2.33 Q ms Gk: MT your
  8. 2.33 Q ms Gk: MT your
  9. 2.33 Q ms Gk: MT die like mortals

22 “Fellow Israelites,[a] listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth,[b] a man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did through him among you, as you yourselves know(A) 23 this man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law.(B) 24 But God raised him up, having released him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power.(C) 25 For David says concerning him,

‘I saw the Lord always before me,
    for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken;(D)
26 therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
    moreover, my flesh will live in hope.
27 For you will not abandon my soul to Hades
    or let your Holy One experience corruption.(E)
28 You have made known to me the ways of life;
    you will make me full of gladness with your presence.’

29 “Fellow Israelites,[c] I may say to you confidently of our ancestor David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.(F) 30 Since he was a prophet, he knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would put one of his descendants on his throne.(G) 31 Foreseeing this, David[d] spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah,[e] saying,

‘He was not abandoned to Hades,
    nor did his flesh experience corruption.’(H)

32 “This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.(I) 33 Being therefore exalted at[f] the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you see and hear.(J) 34 For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says,

‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand,(K)
35     until I make your enemies your footstool.” ’

36 “Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made him both Lord and Messiah,[g] this Jesus whom you crucified.”

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  1. 2.22 Gk Men, Israelites
  2. 2.22 Gk the Nazorean
  3. 2.29 Gk Men, brothers
  4. 2.31 Gk he
  5. 2.31 Or the Christ
  6. 2.33 Or by
  7. 2.36 Or Christ

The Question about David’s Son

41 Then he said to them, “How can they say that the Messiah[a] is David’s son? 42 For David himself says in the book of Psalms,

‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at my right hand(A)
43     until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” ’

44 “David thus calls him Lord, so how can he be his son?”

Jesus Denounces the Scribes

45 In the hearing of all the people he said to the disciples, 46 “Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in long robes and who love respectful greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets.(B) 47 They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”

The Widow’s Offering

21 He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury;(C) he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.(D) He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them, for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”


  1. 20.41 Or the Christ