44 But Saul had given (A)Michal his daughter, David’s wife, to [a]Palti the son of Laish, who was from (B)Gallim.

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  1. 1 Samuel 25:44 Paltiel, 2 Sam. 3:15

14 So David sent messengers to (A)Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, saying, “Give me my wife Michal, whom I betrothed to myself (B)for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.”

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27 therefore David arose and went, he and (A)his men, and killed two hundred men of the Philistines. And (B)David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full count to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him Michal his daughter as a wife.

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30 [a]Lift up your voice,
O daughter (A)of Gallim!
Cause it to be heard as far as (B)Laish—
[b]O poor Anathoth!

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  1. Isaiah 10:30 Or Cry shrilly
  2. Isaiah 10:30 So with MT, Tg., Vg.; LXX, Syr. Listen to her, O Anathoth

20 (A)Now Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved David. And they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.

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