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15 And they be delivered out to Sanabassar, together with them, that were come into Jerusalem of the captivity, or thralldom, of Babylon. [And they be delivered out to Sanabassar, together with them, that of the captivity of Babylon were come in to Jerusalem.]

16 Forsooth in the time of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, there wrote to him, of these that dwelled in Judea and in Jerusalem, Belemus, and Mithradates, and Tabellius, and Rathymus, Beeltethmus, and Semellius, the scribe, and others dwelling in Samaria, and in other places, they wrote this subject letter to king Artaxerxes. [Forsooth in the time of Artaxerxes, king of Persians, written to him, of these that dwelt in Judea and in Jerusalem, Belemus, and Mithradates, and Tabellius, and Rathymus, Beeltethmus, and Semellius, scribe, and others dwelling in Samaria, and in other places, the underset letter to king Artaxerxes.]

17 Lord, thy children (or thy servants) Rathymus, and Semellius, the scribe, and other doomsmen of thy court, of things that fall in Celosyria and Phenice (or of things that be done in Greater Syria and Phoenicia).

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