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A practical problem: shall we be guided by superior knowledge or love?

1a Now to deal with the matter of meat which has been sacrificed to idols.

1b-3 It is not easy to think that we “know” over problems like this, but we should remember that while knowledge may make a man look big, it is only love that can make him grow to his full stature. For whatever a man may know, he still has a lot to learn, but if he loves God, he is opening his whole life to the Spirit of God.

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A practical problem: shall we be guided by superior knowledge or love?

1a Now to deal with the matter of meat which has been sacrificed to idols.

1b-3 It is not easy to think that we “know” over problems like this, but we should remember that while knowledge may make a man look big, it is only love that can make him grow to his full stature. For whatever a man may know, he still has a lot to learn, but if he loves God, he is opening his whole life to the Spirit of God.

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