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Jesus Christ Was Raised from the Dead

15 Christian brothers, I want to tell the Good News to you again. It is the same as I preached to you before. You received it and your faith has been made strong by it. This is what I preached to you. You are saved from the punishment of sin by the Good News if you keep hold of it, unless your faith was worth nothing.

First of all, I taught you what I had received. It was this: Christ died for our sins as the Holy Writings said He would. (A) Christ was buried. He was raised from the dead three days later as the Holy Writings said He would. (B) Christ was seen by Peter. After that, the twelve followers saw Him. After that, more than 500 of His followers saw Him at one time. Most of them are still here, but some have died. After that, James saw Christ. Then all the missionaries saw Him. Last of all, Christ showed Himself to me as if I had been born too late. For I am the least important of all the missionaries. I should not be called a missionary because I made it so hard for God’s church.

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