13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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14 (A)Let all that you do be done with love.

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14 (A)But above all these things (B)put on love, which is the (C)bond of perfection.

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The Greatest Gift

13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of (A)prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, (B)so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And (C)though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body [a]to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

(D)Love suffers long and is (E)kind; love (F)does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not [b]puffed up; does not behave rudely, (G)does not seek its own, is not provoked, [c]thinks no evil; (H)does not rejoice in iniquity, but (I)rejoices in the truth; (J)bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

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  1. 1 Corinthians 13:3 NU so I may boast
  2. 1 Corinthians 13:4 arrogant
  3. 1 Corinthians 13:5 keeps no accounts of evil

Knowing God Through Love(A)

(B)Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who (C)loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (D)In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten (E)Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, (F)not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son (G)to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, (H)if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Seeing God Through Love

12 (I)No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. 13 (J)By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And (K)we have seen and testify that (L)the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 15 (M)Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and (N)he who abides in love abides in God, and God (O)in him.

The Consummation of Love

17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that (P)we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

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For (A)in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but (B)faith working through love.

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29 Jesus answered him, “The [a]first of all the commandments is: (A)‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall (B)love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ [b]This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: (C)‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than (D)these.”

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  1. Mark 12:29 foremost
  2. Mark 12:30 NU omits the rest of v. 30.

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment,

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Now (A)the purpose of the commandment is love (B)from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from [a]sincere faith,

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  1. 1 Timothy 1:5 Lit. unhypocritical

Walk in Christ’s Commandments

I (A)rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father. And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: (B)that we love one another. (C)This is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that (D)as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it.

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10 (A)He who loves his brother abides in the light, and (B)there is no cause for stumbling in him.

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21 This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have (A)hope.

22 (B)Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions (C)fail not.
23 They are new (D)every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my (E)portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I (F)hope in Him!”

25 The Lord is good to those who (G)wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
26 It is good that one should (H)hope (I)and wait quietly
For the salvation of the Lord.

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But let us who are of the day be sober, (A)putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

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