1 Peter 5
Wycliffe Bible
5 Therefore I, an even-elder man, and a witness of Christ's passions, which also am a communer of that glory, that shall be showed in time to come; beseech the elder men, that be among you,[a]
2 feed ye the flock of God, that is among you, and purvey ye, not as constrained, but willfully, by God [purveying not constrainingly, but willfully, after God]; not for love of foul winning, but willfully,
3 neither as having lordship in the clergy, but that ye be made ensample to the flock, of will.[b]
4 And when the prince of shepherds shall appear, ye shall receive the crown of glory, that may never fade [that shall never fade].
5 Also, ye young men, be ye subject to elder men, and all show ye together meekness[c]; for the Lord withstandeth proud men, but he giveth grace to meek men.
6 Therefore be ye meeked under the mighty hand of God, that he raise you in the time of visitation [that he raise you in the day of visitation],
7 and cast ye all your busyness into him, for to him is care of you. [ye casting into him all your busyness, for to him is care of you.]
8 Be ye sober, and wake ye, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion goeth about, seeking whom he shall devour.
9 Whom against stand ye, strong in the faith, witting that the same passion is made to that brotherhood of you, that is in the world [witting the same passion to be done to that your brotherhood, that is in the world].
10 And God of all grace, that called you into his everlasting glory, you suffering a little [in Christ Jesus], he shall perform, and shall confirm, and shall make firm [he shall perform, shall confirm, and shall make firm].
11 To him be glory and lordship, into worlds of worlds. Amen.
12 By Silvanus, [a] faithful brother to you as I deem, I wrote shortly; beseeching, and witnessing that this is the very grace of God, in which ye stand.
13 The church that is gathered in Babylon, and Marcus, my son, greeteth you well. [The church that is gathered at Babylon greeteth you well, and Marcus, my son.]
14 Greet ye well together in holy kiss. Grace be to you all that be in Christ. Amen.
- 1 Peter 5:1 Therefore I, even-elder and a witness of Christ's passions, beseech the elder men that be in you, which also am a communer of that glory that shall be showed in time to come,
- 1 Peter 5:3 neither as having lordship in the clergy, but made form, or example, of the flock, and of intent, either will.
- 1 Peter 5:5 Also ye younger men, be subject to elder men, forsooth all show ye together meekness
2001 by Terence P. Noble