1 Maccabees 8
Wycliffe Bible
8 And Judas heard the name of Romans (or And Judas had heard of the fame of the Romans), that they be mighty in strengths, and accord to all things that be asked of them; and whoever went to them, they ordained with them friendships;
2 and that they be mighty in strengths. And they heard (of the) battles of them, and good virtues, that they did in Galatia (or among the Galatians), for they wielded them, and led them under tribute;
3 and how many things they did in the country of Spain, and that they brought into power metals of silver and gold that be there;
4 and (that) they wielded each place with their counsel, and (with) patience, or wisdom, (yea), places that were full far from them; and they all-brake (the) kings that came on them from the utmost places of (the) earth, and they smited them with (a) great wound [or and kings that came above to them from the utmost places of (the) earth, they brake (al)together, and smited them with great plague]; forsooth others give to them tribute by all years.
5 And they all-brake in battle Philip, and Perseus, kings of Kittim [or king of Kittim], and others that bare armours, (or arms, or weapons) against them, and wielded them.
6 And they wielded Antiochus, the great king of Asia, that gave battle to them, and had an hundred and twenty elephants [or having an hundred and twenty elephants], and multitude of horsemen, and chariots, and full great host all-broken of (or by) them;
7 and that they took him quick (or that they captured him alive), and ordained to him, that he should give great tribute, and they that reigned after him; and that he should give pledges and ordinance,
8 in the country of India; and they putted out men of Media, and of Lydia, from the best countries of them, and they gave those countries taken of them to king Eumenes; [and the country of India, and men of Media, and of Lydia, (and) of the best countries of them, and they gave them taken of them to king Eumenes;]
9 and that they that were with (the) Greeks, would go, and take away them; [and for they that were with (the) Greeks, would go, and take them;]
10 and the word was known to these Romans, and they sent to them one duke, and they fought against them; and many of them fell, and they led their wives captives, and sons, and robbed them; and wielded the land of them, and destroyed the walls of them, and brought them into servage (or into servitude), till into this day.
11 And they destroyed other realms and isles, that sometime against-stood them, and brought [them] into (or under) (their) power.
12 Forsooth with their friends, and (they) that had rest in them, they kept friendship, and they wielded realms that were next (or were near), and that were far; for whoever heard the name of them, dreaded them.
13 For they reigned, to whom they would be in help for to reign; forsooth which they would, they disturbed (or displaced) from (their) realm [or and whom they would, from (their) realm they disturbed]; and they were greatly enhanced (or exalted).
14 (Yet) In all these Romans [or In all these], no man bare (a) diadem, neither was clothed in purple, for to be magnified therein.
15 And [for] they made to them (or for themselves) a court, and each day they counselled three hundred and twenty, doing counsel (for)evermore of (the) multitude, (so) that they do what things be worthy.
16 And they betake to one man their mastery, either chief governance, by each year, for to be lord of all their land; and all obeish (or obey) to one, and envy is not, neither wrath among them.
17 And Judas chose Eupolemus, the son of John, son of Accos, and Jason, the son of Eleazar, and sent them to Rome, for to ordain with them friendship and fellowship;
18 and (so) that they should take away from them the yoke of (the) Greeks, for they saw that they oppressed the realm of Israel into servage (or into servitude).
19 And they went to Rome, a full great way, and they entered into the court, and said,
20 Judas Maccabeus, and his brethren, and the people of (the) Jews, sent us to you, for to ordain with you fellowship and peace, and for to write together us (as) your fellows and friends [or and for together write us your fellows and friends].
21 And the word pleased in the sight of them.
22 And this is the again-writing, which they again-writed in brazen tables (or which they wrote upon bronze tablets), and sent into Jerusalem, (so) that it were there a memorial, either a thing of mind, of peace and fellowship.
23 Be it well to (the) Romans, and to the folk of (the) Jews, in the sea and (the) land, without end; and sword and enemy be far from them.
24 That if battle befall to (the) Romans before, [or former], (or first), either to all fellows of them in all the lordship of them,
25 the folk of (the) Jews shall bear help, as time asketh [or as time shall ask], with (their) full heart;
26 and the Romans shall not give, neither privily minster to the Jews fighting [or nor they shall give, neither privily minister to the fighting], wheat, armours, (or arms, or weapons), money, ships, as it pleased to (the) Romans; and they shall keep the commandments of them, and take nothing of (or from) them.
27 Forsooth in like manner, and if battle falleth before (or first) to the folk of (the) Jews, (the) Romans shall help of (or with) (a) [good] heart, as time suffereth (or alloweth) them [or as time shall suffer them];
28 and to (the) Romans helping wheat shall not be given, neither armours, (nor arms, or weapons), money, neither ships, as it pleased to (the) Romans; and they shall keep the commandments of them without guile. [and to them helping wheat shall not be given, arms, money, ships, as it pleased to Romans; and they shall keep the commandments of them without guile.]
29 By [or After] these words the Romans ordained to the people of (the) Jews,
30 That if after these words, these either they will put anything to, either do away, they shall do of (or by) their common assent; and whatever things they shall put to, either do away, they shall be steadfast. [That if after these words, these or they shall will (or desire) for to put anything to, or do away, they shall do of their purposing; and whatever things they shall put to, or do away, they shall be steadfast.]
31 But also of (the) evils which king Demetrius hath done against them, we have written to him, and we said, Why hast thou grieved thy yoke on our friends and fellows, the Jews? [But and of evils which king Demetrius hath done into them, we have written to him, saying, Why hast thou grieved thy yoke upon our friends and fellows, the Jews?]
32 Therefore if again they shall come to us against thee, we shall do doom to them, and shall fight with thee by land and (by) sea.
2001 by Terence P. Noble