Psalm 97

The Lord reigns,(A) let the earth be glad;(B)
    let the distant shores(C) rejoice.
Clouds(D) and thick darkness(E) surround him;
    righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.(F)
Fire(G) goes before(H) him
    and consumes(I) his foes on every side.
His lightning(J) lights up the world;
    the earth(K) sees and trembles.(L)
The mountains melt(M) like wax(N) before the Lord,
    before the Lord of all the earth.(O)
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,(P)
    and all peoples see his glory.(Q)

All who worship images(R) are put to shame,(S)
    those who boast in idols(T)
    worship him,(U) all you gods!(V)

Zion hears and rejoices
    and the villages of Judah are glad(W)
    because of your judgments,(X) Lord.
For you, Lord, are the Most High(Y) over all the earth;(Z)
    you are exalted(AA) far above all gods.
10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil,(AB)
    for he guards(AC) the lives of his faithful ones(AD)
    and delivers(AE) them from the hand of the wicked.(AF)
11 Light shines[a](AG) on the righteous(AH)
    and joy on the upright in heart.(AI)
12 Rejoice in the Lord,(AJ) you who are righteous,
    and praise his holy name.(AK)


  1. Psalm 97:11 One Hebrew manuscript and ancient versions (see also 112:4); most Hebrew manuscripts Light is sown

Psalm 99

The Lord reigns,(A)
    let the nations tremble;(B)
he sits enthroned(C) between the cherubim,(D)
    let the earth shake.
Great is the Lord(E) in Zion;(F)
    he is exalted(G) over all the nations.
Let them praise(H) your great and awesome name(I)
    he is holy.(J)

The King(K) is mighty, he loves justice(L)
    you have established equity;(M)
in Jacob you have done
    what is just and right.(N)
Exalt(O) the Lord our God
    and worship at his footstool;
    he is holy.

Moses(P) and Aaron(Q) were among his priests,
    Samuel(R) was among those who called on his name;
they called on the Lord
    and he answered(S) them.
He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;(T)
    they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.

Lord our God,
    you answered them;
you were to Israel a forgiving God,(U)
    though you punished(V) their misdeeds.[a]
Exalt the Lord our God
    and worship at his holy mountain,
    for the Lord our God is holy.


  1. Psalm 99:8 Or God, / an avenger of the wrongs done to them

Psalm 115(A)

Not to us, Lord, not to us
    but to your name be the glory,(B)
    because of your love and faithfulness.(C)

Why do the nations say,
    “Where is their God?”(D)
Our God is in heaven;(E)
    he does whatever pleases him.(F)
But their idols are silver and gold,(G)
    made by human hands.(H)
They have mouths, but cannot speak,(I)
    eyes, but cannot see.
They have ears, but cannot hear,
    noses, but cannot smell.
They have hands, but cannot feel,
    feet, but cannot walk,
    nor can they utter a sound with their throats.
Those who make them will be like them,
    and so will all who trust in them.

All you Israelites, trust(J) in the Lord
    he is their help and shield.
10 House of Aaron,(K) trust in the Lord
    he is their help and shield.
11 You who fear him,(L) trust in the Lord
    he is their help and shield.

12 The Lord remembers(M) us and will bless us:(N)
    He will bless his people Israel,
    he will bless the house of Aaron,
13 he will bless those who fear(O) the Lord
    small and great alike.

14 May the Lord cause you to flourish,(P)
    both you and your children.
15 May you be blessed by the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven(Q) and earth.

16 The highest heavens belong to the Lord,(R)
    but the earth he has given(S) to mankind.
17 It is not the dead(T) who praise the Lord,
    those who go down to the place of silence;
18 it is we who extol the Lord,(U)
    both now and forevermore.(V)

Praise the Lord.[a](W)


  1. Psalm 115:18 Hebrew Hallelu Yah

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