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Psalm 118

A Song of Victory

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his steadfast love endures for ever!

Let Israel say,
    ‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’
Let the house of Aaron say,
    ‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’
Let those who fear the Lord say,
    ‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’

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Psalm 19

God’s Glory in Creation and the Law

To the leader. A Psalm of David.

The heavens are telling the glory of God;
    and the firmament[a] proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours forth speech,
    and night to night declares knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words;
    their voice is not heard;
yet their voice[b] goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.

In the heavens[c] he has set a tent for the sun,
which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy,
    and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them;
    and nothing is hidden from its heat.

The law of the Lord is perfect,
    reviving the soul;
the decrees of the Lord are sure,
    making wise the simple;
the precepts of the Lord are right,
    rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is clear,
    enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the Lord is pure,
    enduring for ever;
the ordinances of the Lord are true
    and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
    even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey,
    and drippings of the honeycomb.

11 Moreover by them is your servant warned;
    in keeping them there is great reward.
12 But who can detect their errors?
    Clear me from hidden faults.
13 Keep back your servant also from the insolent;[d]
    do not let them have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
    and innocent of great transgression.

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable to you,
    O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 20

Prayer for Victory

To the leader. A Psalm of David.

The Lord answer you in the day of trouble!
    The name of the God of Jacob protect you!
May he send you help from the sanctuary,
    and give you support from Zion.
May he remember all your offerings,
    and regard with favour your burnt sacrifices.Selah

May he grant you your heart’s desire,
    and fulfil all your plans.
May we shout for joy over your victory,
    and in the name of our God set up our banners.
May the Lord fulfil all your petitions.

Now I know that the Lord will help his anointed;
    he will answer him from his holy heaven
    with mighty victories by his right hand.
Some take pride in chariots, and some in horses,
    but our pride is in the name of the Lord our God.
They will collapse and fall,
    but we shall rise and stand upright.

Give victory to the king, O Lord;
    answer us when we call.[e]

Psalm 21

Thanksgiving for Victory

To the leader. A Psalm of David.

In your strength the king rejoices, O Lord,
    and in your help how greatly he exults!
You have given him his heart’s desire,
    and have not withheld the request of his lips.Selah
For you meet him with rich blessings;
    you set a crown of fine gold on his head.
He asked you for life; you gave it to him—
    length of days for ever and ever.
His glory is great through your help;
    splendour and majesty you bestow on him.
You bestow on him blessings for ever;
    you make him glad with the joy of your presence.
For the king trusts in the Lord,
    and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved.

Your hand will find out all your enemies;
    your right hand will find out those who hate you.
You will make them like a fiery furnace
    when you appear.
The Lord will swallow them up in his wrath,
    and fire will consume them.
10 You will destroy their offspring from the earth,
    and their children from among humankind.
11 If they plan evil against you,
    if they devise mischief, they will not succeed.
12 For you will put them to flight;
    you will aim at their faces with your bows.

13 Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength!
    We will sing and praise your power.

Psalm 22

Plea for Deliverance from Suffering and Hostility

To the leader: according to The Deer of the Dawn. A Psalm of David.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
    Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer;
    and by night, but find no rest.

Yet you are holy,
    enthroned on the praises of Israel.
In you our ancestors trusted;
    they trusted, and you delivered them.
To you they cried, and were saved;
    in you they trusted, and were not put to shame.

But I am a worm, and not human;
    scorned by others, and despised by the people.
All who see me mock at me;
    they make mouths at me, they shake their heads;
‘Commit your cause to the Lord; let him deliver—
    let him rescue the one in whom he delights!’

Yet it was you who took me from the womb;
    you kept me safe on my mother’s breast.
10 On you I was cast from my birth,
    and since my mother bore me you have been my God.
11 Do not be far from me,
    for trouble is near
    and there is no one to help.

12 Many bulls encircle me,
    strong bulls of Bashan surround me;
13 they open wide their mouths at me,
    like a ravening and roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water,
    and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax;
    it is melted within my breast;
15 my mouth[f] is dried up like a potsherd,
    and my tongue sticks to my jaws;
    you lay me in the dust of death.

16 For dogs are all around me;
    a company of evildoers encircles me.
My hands and feet have shrivelled;[g]
17 I can count all my bones.
They stare and gloat over me;
18 they divide my clothes among themselves,
    and for my clothing they cast lots.

19 But you, O Lord, do not be far away!
    O my help, come quickly to my aid!
20 Deliver my soul from the sword,
    my life[h] from the power of the dog!
21     Save me from the mouth of the lion!

From the horns of the wild oxen you have rescued[i] me.
22 I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters;[j]
    in the midst of the congregation I will praise you:
23 You who fear the Lord, praise him!
    All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him;
    stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel!
24 For he did not despise or abhor
    the affliction of the afflicted;
he did not hide his face from me,[k]
    but heard when I[l] cried to him.

25 From you comes my praise in the great congregation;
    my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
26 The poor[m] shall eat and be satisfied;
    those who seek him shall praise the Lord.
    May your hearts live for ever!

27 All the ends of the earth shall remember
    and turn to the Lord;
and all the families of the nations
    shall worship before him.[n]
28 For dominion belongs to the Lord,
    and he rules over the nations.

29 To him,[o] indeed, shall all who sleep in[p] the earth bow down;
    before him shall bow all who go down to the dust,
    and I shall live for him.[q]
30 Posterity will serve him;
    future generations will be told about the Lord,
31 and[r] proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn,
    saying that he has done it.

Psalm 23

The Divine Shepherd

A Psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;[s]
    he restores my soul.[t]
He leads me in right paths[u]
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[v]
    I fear no evil;
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff—
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely[w] goodness and mercy[x] shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
    my whole life long.[y]

Psalm 24

Entrance into the Temple

Of David. A Psalm.

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,
    the world, and those who live in it;
for he has founded it on the seas,
    and established it on the rivers.

Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?
    And who shall stand in his holy place?
Those who have clean hands and pure hearts,
    who do not lift up their souls to what is false,
    and do not swear deceitfully.
They will receive blessing from the Lord,
    and vindication from the God of their salvation.
Such is the company of those who seek him,
    who seek the face of the God of Jacob.[z]Selah

Lift up your heads, O gates!
    and be lifted up, O ancient doors!
    that the King of glory may come in.
Who is the King of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty,
    the Lord, mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O gates!
    and be lifted up, O ancient doors!
    that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord of hosts,
    he is the King of glory.Selah


  1. Psalm 19:1 Or dome
  2. Psalm 19:4 Gk Jerome Compare Syr: Heb line
  3. Psalm 19:4 Heb In them
  4. Psalm 19:13 Or from proud thoughts
  5. Psalm 20:9 Gk: Heb give victory, O Lord; let the King answer us when we call
  6. Psalm 22:15 Cn: Heb strength
  7. Psalm 22:16 Meaning of Heb uncertain
  8. Psalm 22:20 Heb my only one
  9. Psalm 22:21 Heb answered
  10. Psalm 22:22 Or kindred
  11. Psalm 22:24 Heb him
  12. Psalm 22:24 Heb he
  13. Psalm 22:26 Or afflicted
  14. Psalm 22:27 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb you
  15. Psalm 22:29 Cn: Heb They have eaten and
  16. Psalm 22:29 Cn: Heb all the fat ones
  17. Psalm 22:29 Compare Gk Syr Vg: Heb and he who cannot keep himself alive
  18. Psalm 22:31 Compare Gk: Heb it will be told about the Lord to the generation, 31 they will come and
  19. Psalm 23:2 Heb waters of rest
  20. Psalm 23:3 Or life
  21. Psalm 23:3 Or paths of righteousness
  22. Psalm 23:4 Or the valley of the shadow of death
  23. Psalm 23:6 Or Only
  24. Psalm 23:6 Or kindness
  25. Psalm 23:6 Heb for length of days
  26. Psalm 24:6 Gk Syr: Heb your face, O Jacob

The Resurrection of Jesus

24 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body.[a] While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women[b] were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men[c] said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.[d] Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.’ Then they remembered his words, and returning from the tomb, they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. 10 Now it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told this to the apostles. 11 But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. 12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; then he went home, amazed at what had happened.[e]

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  1. Luke 24:3 Other ancient authorities add of the Lord Jesus
  2. Luke 24:5 Gk They
  3. Luke 24:5 Gk but they
  4. Luke 24:5 Other ancient authorities lack He is not here, but has risen
  5. Luke 24:12 Other ancient authorities lack verse 12

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