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“If you ·correct [instruct; discipline] ·someone who makes fun of wisdom [a mocker], you will be insulted.
    If you correct an evil person, you will ·get hurt [L be blemished].
Do not correct ·those who make fun of wisdom [mockers], or they will hate you.
    But correct the wise, and they will love you.
·Teach [L Give to] the wise, and they will become even wiser;
    ·teach [inform] ·good people [the righteous], and they will ·learn even more [L add to their learning].

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10 A wink may ·get you into [or cause] trouble,
and foolish talk will lead to your ruin.

11 The ·words [L mouth] of a ·good [righteous] person ·give life, like a fountain of water [L is a fountain of life],
but the ·words [L mouth] of the wicked ·contain nothing but [conceals] violence.

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13 ·Wise people speak with understanding [L Wisdom is found on understanding lips],
but ·people without wisdom should be punished [L a rod is for the backs of those who lack sense/heart].

14 The wise ·don’t tell [store up; treasure] everything they know,
but the ·foolish talk too much and are ruined [L mouth of a fool means imminent ruin].

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13 Gossips ·can’t keep [L go/walk around revealing] secrets,
but a trustworthy person ·can [keeps a confidence; L covers up a word].

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13 Evil people are trapped by their ·evil [offensive] talk,
but ·good [righteous] people ·stay out of trouble [escape from distress].

14 People will be rewarded for ·what they say [L the fruit of their mouth],
and they will also be rewarded for ·what they do [L the work of their hands].

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16 Fools quickly show that they are upset,
but the ·wise [prudent] ·ignore [conceal; hide] ·insults [contempt].

17 An honest witness tells the truth,
but a dishonest witness tells lies.

18 ·Careless [Chattering] words stab like a sword,
but ·wise words bring [L a wise tongue brings] healing.

19 ·Truth [L Truthful lips] will continue forever,
but ·lies are [L a lying tongue lasts] only for a moment.

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22 The Lord ·hates [detests] ·those who tell lies [false lips]
but ·is pleased with [favors] those who ·keep their promises [do what is true].

23 ·Wise [Prudent] people ·keep what they know to themselves [L conceal/hide their knowledge],
but ·fools can’t keep from showing how foolish they are [L the heart of fools proclaim their stupidity].

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25 ·Worry [Anxiety] ·is a heavy load [leads to depression],
but a ·kind [good] word cheers you up.

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People will ·be rewarded for what they say [L eat well from the fruit of their mouth],
but ·those who can’t be trusted [the faithless] ·want only [L have an appetite for] violence.

Those who ·are careful about what they say [L watch/guard their mouth] protect their lives,
but whoever ·speaks without thinking [L spreads their lips wide] will be ruined.

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·Fools will be punished for their proud words [The talk of fools is a rod for their back; or In the mouth of fools is a sprig of pride],
but the ·words [L lips] of the wise will protect them.

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