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11 Discretion will watch over you.
    Understanding will keep you,
12 to deliver you from the way of evil,
    from the men who speak perverse things,
13 who forsake the paths of uprightness,
    to walk in the ways of darkness,
14 who rejoice to do evil,
    and delight in the perverseness of evil,
15 who are crooked in their ways,
    and wayward in their paths,
16 to deliver you from the strange woman,
    even from the foreigner who flatters with her words,
17 who forsakes the friend of her youth,
    and forgets the covenant of her God;
18 for her house leads down to death,
    her paths to the departed spirits.
19 None who go to her return again,
    neither do they attain to the paths of life.
20 So you may walk in the way of good men,
    and keep the paths of the righteous.
21 For the upright will dwell in the land.
    The perfect will remain in it.
22 But the wicked will be cut off from the land.
    The treacherous will be rooted out of it.

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31 Don’t envy the man of violence.
    Choose none of his ways.
32 For the perverse is an abomination to Yahweh,
    but his friendship is with the upright.

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12 A worthless person, a man of iniquity,
    is he who walks with a perverse mouth,
13 who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet,
    who motions with his fingers,
14 in whose heart is perverseness,
    who devises evil continually,
    who always sows discord.
15 Therefore his calamity will come suddenly.
    He will be broken suddenly, and that without remedy.

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Blessings are on the head of the righteous,
    but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.

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11 The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life,
    but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.
12 Hatred stirs up strife,
    but love covers all wrongs.
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has discernment,
    but a rod is for the back of him who is void of understanding.

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18 He who hides hatred has lying lips.
    He who utters a slander is a fool.

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13 One who brings gossip betrays a confidence,
    but one who is of a trustworthy spirit is one who keeps a secret.

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15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
    but he who is wise listens to counsel.
16 A fool shows his annoyance the same day,
    but one who overlooks an insult is prudent.
17 He who is truthful testifies honestly,
    but a false witness lies.
18 There is one who speaks rashly like the piercing of a sword,
    but the tongue of the wise heals.

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16 Every prudent man acts from knowledge,
    but a fool exposes folly.

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