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(A) I am Nahum from Elkosh.[a] And this is the message[b] that I wrote down about Nineveh.[c]

The Fierce Anger of the Lord

The Lord God demands loyalty.
In his anger, he takes revenge
    on his enemies.
The Lord is powerful,
    yet patient;
he makes sure that the guilty
    are always punished.
He can be seen in storms
    and in whirlwinds;
clouds are the dust from his feet.

At the Lord's command,
    oceans and rivers dry up.
Bashan, Mount Carmel,
and Lebanon[d] wither,
    and their flowers fade.
At the sight of the Lord,
mountains and hills
    tremble and melt;
the earth and its people
    shudder and shake.
Who can stand the heat
    of his furious anger?
It flashes out like fire
    and shatters stones.

The Power of Assyria Will Be Broken

The Lord is good.
He protects those who trust him
    in times of trouble.
But like a roaring flood,
the Lord chases his enemies
    into dark places
    and destroys them.[e]
So don't plot against the Lord!
He wipes out his enemies,
    and they never revive.
10 They are like drunkards
    overcome by wine,
or like twisted thornbushes
    burning in a fire.[f]
11 Assyria, one of your rulers
has made evil plans
    against the Lord.

12 But the Lord says, “Assyria,
no matter how strong you are,
    you will be cut down!
My people Judah,
I have troubled you before,
    but I won't do it again.
13 I'll snap your chains
and set you free
    from the Assyrians.”

14 Assyria, this is what else
    the Lord says to you:
“Your name will be forgotten.
I will destroy every idol
    in your temple,
and I will send you to the grave,
    because you are worthless.”

15 (B) Look toward the mountains,
    people of Judah!
Here comes a messenger
    with good news of peace.
Celebrate your festivals.
    Keep your promises to God.
Your evil enemies are destroyed
and will never again
    invade your country.

Nineveh Will Fall

Nineveh, someone is coming
    to attack and scatter you.
Guard your fortresses!
Watch the road! Be brave!
    Prepare for battle!
Judah and Israel are like trees
with branches broken
    by their enemies.
But the Lord is going to restore
    their power and glory.

* Nineveh, on this day of attack,
your enemies' shields are red;
    their uniforms are crimson.
Their horses[g] prance,
    and their armored[h] chariots
dart around like lightning
    or flaming torches.
An officer gives a command.
But his soldiers stumble,
    as they hasten to build
a shelter to protect themselves
against rocks thrown down
    from the city wall.[i]

The river gates[j] fly open,
    and panic floods the palace.
Nineveh is disgraced.
    The queen is dragged off.
Her servant women mourn;
    they moan like doves,
and they beat their breasts
    in sorrow.[k]
Nineveh is like a pond
    with leaking water.
Shouts of “Stop! Don't go!”
can be heard everywhere.
    But everyone is leaving.

Enemy soldiers shout,
“The city is full of treasure
    and all kinds of wealth.
Steal her silver! Grab her gold!”

10 Nineveh is doomed! Destroyed!
Her people tremble with fear;
    their faces turn pale.[l]
11 What happened to this city?
    They were safer there
than powerful lions in a den,
    with no one to disturb them.
12 These are the same lions
that ferociously attacked
    their victims,
then dragged away the flesh
    to feed their young.

13 The Lord All-Powerful
    is against you, Nineveh.
God will burn your chariots
and send an army to kill
    those young lions of yours.
You will never again
    make victims of others
or send messengers to threaten
    everyone on this earth.

Punishment for Nineveh

The Lord said:

Doom to the crime capital!
Nineveh, city of murder
    and treachery,
here is your fate—
cracking whips,
    churning wheels;
galloping horses,
    roaring chariots;
cavalry attacking,
    swords and spears flashing;
soldiers stumbling
    over piles of dead bodies.
You were nothing more
    than a prostitute
using your magical charms
and witchcraft
    to attract and trap nations.

But I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    am now your enemy.
I will pull up your skirt
and let nations and kingdoms
    stare at your nakedness.
I will cover you with garbage,
treat you like trash,
    and rub you in the dirt.
Everyone who sees you
    will turn away and shout,
“Nineveh is done for!
Is anyone willing to mourn
    or to give her comfort?”

Nineveh's Fate Is Sealed

Nineveh, do you feel safer
    than the city of Thebes?[m]
The Nile River
    was its wall of defense.[n]
Thebes trusted the mighty power
    of Ethiopia[o] and Egypt;
the nations of Put[p] and Libya
    were her allies.
10 But she was captured and taken
    to a foreign country.
Her children were murdered
    at every street corner.
The members of her royal family
    were auctioned off,
and her high officials
    were bound in chains.

11 Nineveh, now it's your turn!
You will get drunk and try to hide
    from your enemy.
12 Your fortresses are fig trees
    with ripe figs.
Merely shake the trees,
and fruit will fall
    into every open mouth.
13 Your army is weak.
Fire has destroyed the crossbars
    on your city gates;
now they stand wide open
    to your enemy.

14 Your city is under attack.
Haul in extra water!
    Strengthen your defenses!
Start making bricks!
    Stir the mortar!
15 You will still go up in flames
    and be cut down by swords
that will wipe you out like a field
    attacked by grasshoppers.
So, go ahead and increase
    like a swarm of locusts![q]

16 More merchants are in your city
than there are stars
    in the sky—
but they are like locusts
that eat everything,
    then fly away.
17 Your guards and your officials
    are swarms of locusts.
On a chilly day
    they settle on a fence,
but when the sun comes out,
they take off
    to who-knows-where.

18 King of Assyria,
your officials and leaders
    are sound asleep,
while your people are scattered
    in the mountains.
Yes, your people are sheep
    without a shepherd.
19 You're fatally wounded.
    There's no hope for you.
But everyone claps
    when they hear this news,
because your constant cruelty
    has caused them pain.


  1. 1.1 Elkosh: The location of Elkosh is not known.
  2. 1.1 message: Or “vision.”
  3. 1.1 Nineveh: The capital of Assyria, the hated enemy of Israel.
  4. 1.4 Bashan, Mount Carmel, and Lebanon: Three regions noted for their trees and flowers.
  5. 1.8 the Lord chases his enemies … and destroys them: Or “the Lord chases Nineveh … and destroys her.”
  6. 1.10 fire: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 10.
  7. 2.4 horses: Two ancient translations; Hebrew “spears.”
  8. 2.4 armored: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  9. 2.5 to build … city wall: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  10. 2.6 river gates: Nineveh was protected by a moat filled with water from the nearby Tigris River.
  11. 2.7 sorrow: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 7.
  12. 2.10 faces turn pale: Or “ashes cover their faces.”
  13. 3.8 Thebes: In 663 b.c., the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal captured this Egyptian city, which seems to have been built with protection similar to that of Nineveh.
  14. 3.8 was its … defense: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  15. 3.9 Ethiopia: The Hebrew text has “Cush,” which was a region south of Egypt that included parts of the present countries of Ethiopia and Sudan.
  16. 3.9 Put: A region in Africa, possibly part of the present country of Libya.
  17. 3.15 locusts: A type of grasshopper that comes in swarms and causes great damage to plant life.

I am Habakkuk the prophet. And this is the message[a] that the Lord gave me.

Habakkuk Complains to the Lord

Our Lord, how long must I beg
for your help
    before you listen?
How long before you save us
    from all this violence?
Why do you make me watch
    such terrible injustice?
Why do you allow violence,
lawlessness, crime, and cruelty
    to spread everywhere?
Laws cannot be enforced;
    justice is always the loser;
criminals crowd out honest people
    and twist the laws around.

The Lord Answers Habakkuk

(A) Look and be amazed
at what's happening
    among the nations!
Even if you were told,
you would never believe
    what's taking place now.
(B) I am sending the Babylonians.
They are fierce and cruel—
    marching across the land,
    conquering cities and towns.

How fearsome and frightening.
Their only laws and rules
    are the ones they make up.
Their cavalry troops are faster
    than leopards,
more ferocious than wolves
    hunting at sunset,
and swifter than hungry eagles
    suddenly swooping down.

They are eager to destroy,[b]
and they gather captives
    like handfuls of sand.
10 They make fun of rulers
    and laugh at fortresses,
while building dirt mounds
    so they can capture cities.[c]
11 Then suddenly they disappear
    like a gust of wind—
those sinful people who worship
    their own strength.

Habakkuk Complains Again

12 Holy Lord God, mighty rock,[d]
you are eternal,
    and we[e] are safe from death.
You are using those Babylonians
    to judge and punish others.[f]
13 But you can't stand sin or wrong.
So don't sit by in silence
    while they gobble up people
who are better than they are.

14 The people you put on this earth
are like fish or reptiles
    without a leader.
15 Then an enemy comes along
and takes them captive
    with hooks and nets.
It makes him so happy
16 that he offers sacrifices
    to his fishing nets,
because they make him rich
    and provide choice foods.
17 Will he keep hauling in his nets
and destroying nations
    without showing mercy?

The Lord Answers Habakkuk Again

While standing guard
    on the watchtower,
I waited for the Lord's answer,
before explaining the reason
    for my complaint.[g]
Then the Lord told me:
“I will give you my message
    in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly enough
    to be read at a glance.
(C) At the time I have decided,
    my words will come true.
You can trust what I say
    about the future.
It may take a long time,
but keep on waiting—
    it will happen!

(D) “I, the Lord, refuse to accept
    anyone who is proud.
Only those who live by faith
    are acceptable to me.”[h]

Trouble for Evil People

Wine[i] is treacherous,
and arrogant people
    are never satisfied.
They are no less greedy
    than death itself—
they open their mouths as wide
as the world of the dead
    and swallow everyone.

But they will be mocked
with these words:
    You're doomed!
You stored up stolen goods
and cheated others
    of what belonged to them.
But without warning,
those you owe
    will demand payment.
Then you will become
    a frightened victim.
You robbed cities and nations
everywhere on earth
    and murdered their people.
Now those who survived
    will be as cruel to you.

You're doomed!
You made your family rich
    at the expense of others.
You even said to yourself,
    “I'm above the law.”
10 But you will bring shame
    on your family
and ruin to yourself
    for what you did to others.
11 The very stones and wood
in your home
    will testify against you.

12 You're doomed! You built a city
    on crime and violence.
13 (E) But the Lord All-Powerful
    sends up in flames
what nations and people
    work so hard to gain.

14 (F) Just as water fills the sea,
    the land will be filled
with people who know
    and honor the Lord.

15 You're doomed!
You get your friends drunk,
    just to see them naked.
16 Now you will be disgraced
    instead of praised.
The Lord will make you drunk,
and when others see you naked,
    you will lose their respect.
17 You destroyed trees and animals
    on Mount Lebanon;
you were ruthless to towns
    and people everywhere.
Now you will be terrorized.

Idolatry Is Foolish

18 What is an idol worth?
    It's merely a false god.
Why trust a speechless image
made from wood or metal
    by human hands?
19 What can you learn from idols
covered with silver or gold?
    They can't even breathe.
Pity anyone who says to an idol
of wood or stone,
    “Get up and do something!”

20 Let all the world be silent—
the Lord is present
    in his holy temple.

Habakkuk's Prayer

This is my prayer:[j]
    I know your reputation, Lord,
and I am amazed
    at what you have done.
Please turn from your anger
    and be merciful;
do for us what you did
    for our ancestors.

You are the same Holy God
who came from Teman
    and Paran[k] to help us.
The brightness of your glory
    covered the heavens,
and your praises were heard
    everywhere on earth.
Your glory shone like the sun,
and light flashed from your hands,
    hiding your mighty power.
Dreadful diseases and plagues
marched in front
    and followed behind.
When you stopped,
    the earth shook;
when you stared,
    nations trembled;
when you walked
    along your ancient paths,
eternal mountains and hills
    crumbled and collapsed.
The tents of desert tribes
in Cushan and Midian[l]
    were ripped apart.

Our Lord, were you angry
with the monsters
    of the deep?[m]
You attacked in your chariot
    and wiped them out.
Your arrows were ready
    and obeyed your commands.[n]

You split the earth apart
    with rivers and streams;
10 mountains trembled
    at the sight of you;
rain poured from the clouds;
    ocean waves roared and rose.
11 The sun and moon stood still,
while your arrows and spears
    flashed like lightning.

12 In your furious anger,
    you trampled on nations
13 to rescue your people
    and save your chosen one.[o]
You crushed a nation's ruler
and stripped his evil kingdom
    of its power.[p]
14 His troops had come like a storm,
hoping to scatter us
    and glad to gobble us up.
To them we were refugees
    in hiding—
but you smashed their heads
    with their own weapons.[q]
15 Then your chariots churned
    the waters of the sea.

Habakkuk's Response to God's Message

16 When I heard this message,[r]
I felt weak from fear,
    and my lips quivered.
My bones seemed to melt,
    and I stumbled around.
But I will patiently wait.
Someday those vicious enemies
    will be struck by disaster.[s]

Trust in a Time of Trouble

17 Fig trees may no longer bloom,
    or vineyards produce grapes;
olive trees may be fruitless,
    and harvest time a failure;
sheep pens may be empty,
    and cattle stalls vacant—
18 but I will still celebrate
because the Lord God
    is my Savior.
19 (G) The Lord gives me strength.
He makes my feet as sure
    as those of a deer,
and he helps me stand
    on the mountains.[t]

To the music director:
Use stringed instruments.


  1. 1.1 message: Or “vision.”
  2. 1.9 eager to destroy: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  3. 1.10 dirt mounds … cities: Attacking armies often build dirt mounds against city walls to make it easier for them to climb the wall and capture the city.
  4. 1.12 mighty rock: The Hebrew text has “rock,” which is sometimes used in poetry to compare the Lord to a mountain where his people can run for protection from their enemies.
  5. 1.12 we: Hebrew; one ancient Jewish tradition “you.”
  6. 1.12 You … others: Or “You will judge and punish those Babylonians.”
  7. 2.1 I … complaint: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  8. 2.4 Only … me: Or “But those who are acceptable to me will live because of their faithfulness.”
  9. 2.5 Wine: The Standard Hebrew Text; the Dead Sea Scrolls “Wealth.”
  10. 3.1 prayer: The Hebrew text adds “according to the shigionoth,” which may mean a prayer of request or a prayer to be accompanied by a special musical instrument.
  11. 3.3 Teman … Paran: Teman is a district in Edom, but the name is sometimes used of the whole country of Edom; Paran is the hill country along the western border of the Gulf of Aqaba. In Judges 5.4, the Lord is said to have marched from Edom to help his people; in Deuteronomy 33.2, Paran is mentioned in connection with the Lord's appearance at Sinai.
  12. 3.7 Cushan and Midian: Tribes of the Arabian desert who were enemies of Israel.
  13. 3.8 monsters of the deep: The Hebrew text has “rivers and oceans,” which may stand for the powerful monsters that were thought to have lived there before the Lord defeated them.
  14. 3.9 obeyed your commands: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  15. 3.13 chosen one: Or “chosen ones.”
  16. 3.13 You crushed … power: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  17. 3.14 but you … weapons: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  18. 3.16 heard this message: Or “saw this vision.”
  19. 3.16 I will … disaster: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  20. 3.19 stand on the mountains: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.

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