16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.(A)

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Philip(A) went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many,(B) and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.(C) So there was great joy in that city.

Simon the Sorcerer

Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery(D) in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great,(E) 10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God.”(F) 11 They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery. 12 But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God(G) and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized,(H) both men and women. 13 Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles(I) he saw.

14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria(J) had accepted the word of God,(K) they sent Peter and John(L) to Samaria. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit,(M) 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them;(N) they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.(O) 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them,(P) and they received the Holy Spirit.(Q)

18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”

20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money!(R) 21 You have no part or share(S) in this ministry, because your heart is not right(T) before God. 22 Repent(U) of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”

24 Then Simon answered, “Pray to the Lord for me(V) so that nothing you have said may happen to me.”

25 After they had further proclaimed the word of the Lord(W) and testified about Jesus, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages.(X)

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These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans.(A)

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10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him.(A) But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!(B) For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”(C)

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The twenty-four elders(A) and the four living creatures(B) fell down(C) and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried:

“Amen, Hallelujah!”(D)

Then a voice came from the throne, saying:

“Praise our God,
    all you his servants,(E)
you who fear him,
    both great and small!”(F)

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14 The four living creatures(A) said, “Amen,”(B) and the elders(C) fell down and worshiped.(D)

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10 the twenty-four elders(A) fall down before him(B) who sits on the throne(C) and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;(A) and you will be my witnesses(B) in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,(C) and to the ends of the earth.”(D)

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Many Samaritans Believe

39 Many of the Samaritans from that town(A) believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”(B) 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. 41 And because of his words many more became believers.

42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”(C)

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The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan(A) woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.[a])

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  1. John 4:9 Or do not use dishes Samaritans have used

32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan,(A) as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

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  1. Luke 10:35 A denarius was the usual daily wage of a day laborer (see Matt. 20:2).

52 And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan(A) village to get things ready for him; 53 but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. 54 When the disciples James and John(B) saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them[a]?”(C) 55 But Jesus turned and rebuked them. 56 Then he and his disciples went to another village.

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  1. Luke 9:54 Some manuscripts them, just as Elijah did

23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.(A)

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