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Jerusalem cries bitterly at night with tears running down its cheeks.
Out of all those who love the city, no one offers it comfort.
All of Jerusalem’s friends have betrayed it and become its enemies.

“Judah has been exiled after ⌞much⌟ suffering and harsh treatment.
Its ⌞people⌟ live among the nations; they find no rest.
Those who chased them caught up with them
in places where there was no way out.

“The roads to Zion are deserted.[a]
No one comes to the annual festivals.
No one passes through any of its gates.[b]
Its priests are groaning.
Its young women are made to suffer.
Zion is bitter.

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  1. 1:4 Or “are in mourning.”
  2. 1:4 Or “All its gates are in despair.”

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