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And saying, "Where is the havtachah (promise) of the Bias HaMoshiach? From the time Avoteinu fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of HaBri’ah (Creation)."

For this is hidden from them (but they want it that way): that the Shomayim existed from long ago and ha’Aretz out of mayim and through mayim BIDVAR Hashem NA’ASU ("By the word of the L-rd were made" TEHILLIM 33:6).

Through this very mayim, the tevel (world) of that time perished in the mabbul (flood).

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And saying, "Where is the havtachah (promise) of the Bias HaMoshiach? From the time Avoteinu fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of HaBri’ah (Creation)."

For this is hidden from them (but they want it that way): that the Shomayim existed from long ago and ha’Aretz out of mayim and through mayim BIDVAR Hashem NA’ASU ("By the word of the L-rd were made" TEHILLIM 33:6).

Through this very mayim, the tevel (world) of that time perished in the mabbul (flood).

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