1 The small remnant of men after the destruction of Jerusalem. 2 The graces of God upon them that remain.

And in that day shall [a]seven women take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and we will wear our own garments: only [b]let us be called by thy name, and take away our [c]reproach.

In that day shall the [d]bud of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and pleasant for them that are escaped of Israel.

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  1. Isaiah 4:1 When God shall execute this vengeance, there shall not be one man found to be the head to many women, and they contrary to womanly shamefacedness, shall seek unto men, and offer themselves to any condition.
  2. Isaiah 4:1 Be thou our husband, and let us be called thy wives.
  3. Isaiah 4:1 For so they thought it to be without an head and husband.
  4. Isaiah 4:2 He comforteth the Church in this desolation, which shall spring up like a bud, signifying that God’s graces should be as plentiful toward the faithful, as though they sprang out of the earth, as Isa. 45:8. Some by the bud of the Lord mean Christ.

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