Bible Gateway Equips You to Read and Understand the Bible, Wherever You Are.
This is how we honor Christ. This is how we honor visitors like you.
Bible Gateway celebrated its 25th Anniversary throughout 2018, and we’re excited to continue celebrating a lengthening legacy as the most-visited Christian website in the world—home to a growing database of more than 200 Bible versions in more than 70 languages.
Rely on Bible Gateway every day for all your Bible reading and studying needs!

Be inspired with our free Visual Verse of the Day!
We’ve identified the most popular Bible verses people search for and read on Bible Gateway and we’ve designed them into visually colorful and inspirational images. Sign up now to start getting these beloved verses delivered to your inbox every day.

Explore fascinating facts and stats about the Bible!
What’s the longest book in the Bible? How did the Bible come to exist? What’s been the influence of the Bible through the centuries? Become more knowledgeable about—and comfortable with—the Bible by investigating Bible Gateway’s 25th anniversary Blog posts and Infographics throughout 2018.