Streams in the Desert for Kids
Take a Deep Breath
Musicians know that a song isn’t merely a series of notes. Deliberate beats of silence, called rests, make up the melody as well. Blending notes with rests, the musician creates a unique composition of harmony, melody, and depth.
As we go through our unique life, sometimes we are actively “playing notes” and sometimes we are obligated to take rests. Consider the times when we don’t get to do what we want, but instead have to take a break. God is still with us. Even unexpected disappointments are part of his plan. Just like rests in a song, they have a purpose. If we’re sidelined by a coach, we can accept the rest with the attitude that we will be ready when we’re called on again. If we miss a field trip because of the flu, we can still appreciate the quiet time that our body requires to get healthy again. If you are forced to rest, don’t let a bad attitude get in the way of the future notes you are to play.
Dear Lord, Even though I know you measure out the rests and the notes, I am still disappointed when I can’t participate where I want. Please help me get through it so that I will be ready when I can. Amen.