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Blog / Overcome the Holiday Stress With Our 5-day “Give Thanks” Devotional

Overcome the Holiday Stress With Our 5-day “Give Thanks” Devotional

Are you starting to feel the holiday stress already? Thanksgiving in the U.S. is just two weeks away, and Christmas isn’t far beyond that.

For a holiday season that is theoretically devoted to the celebration of gratitude and peace on earth, it’s an unfortunate fact that for many of us, the hectic pace of November and December crowds out much chance for spiritual reflection.

Well, we’d like to help you take a step back from the stress and re-focus on what really matters this holiday season. To that end, we’ve brought back our popular five-day email devotional, Give Thanks: Biblical Stories of Gratitude.

When you sign up for Give Thanks, you’ll receive a short reflection and Bible passage each day for five days. Each day’s reading features a Bible story about gratitude and a short reflection to help you think through what it means. Each reading is short, to-the-point, and won’t ask for more than a few minutes from your busy day.

If you’d like to add a bit of spiritual encouragement and inspiration to your holiday to-do list, sign up for Give Thanks today! You’ll be surprised what a difference a few minutes of Scripture will make in your daily routine. And if you enjoy this devotional, keep an eye out for our Christmas devotionals and reading plans, which will arrive in the very near future.

Filed under Holiday