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Blog / Croatian NT and Disciples’ Literal NT Translations Now Available at Bible Gateway

Croatian NT and Disciples’ Literal NT Translations Now Available at Bible Gateway

We’ve just added two new Bible translations to our online library! Both are translations of the New Testament, one Croatian and the other English. The new additions are:

Hrvatski Novi Zavjet—Rijeka 2001 (Croatian New Testament): A faithful translation of the Greek New Testament for the 5+ million Croatian speakers in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and elsewhere. Read a sample chapter (John 3) or learn more about the Croatian New Testament.

Disciples’ Literal New Testament: an English translation of the New Testament that aims to more accurately represent the thought processes and perspectives of the original writers. It does this through (among other things) interpretive headings, paragraph breaks that make the writers’ intent more clear, and a literal translation approach that closely follows the grammar and rhythm of the original language. This makes the DLNT an excellent tool for pastors, students, or anyone who wants a New Testament reading experience that hews very closely to the Greek. Read a sample chapter (Galatians 3) or learn more about the Disciples’ Literal New Testament. (If you’re exploring this translation for the first time, we recommend using the text options menu to toggle headings on and verse numbers off for full effect.)

We’re proud to present these New Testaments on Bible Gateway and are grateful to their owners for making them available. Both can now be accessed through the Bible version drop-down menu on

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