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Blog / Reciting God’s Word as a Community

Reciting God’s Word as a Community

The Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit is wrapping up today. Bible Gateway’s Jonathan Petersen was able to attend, and recorded a short but moving video of the audience reciting a Bible verse in unison:

The verse they’re reciting is Joshua 1:9:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV translation)

This verse is part of an address given by God to the Israelites after the death of their long-time leader Moses. God assures the people that despite Moses’ death, they need not fear that God will abandon them or forget the promises he made to them when Moses was alive.

I’ve rewatched the above video several times today. There’s just something compelling about hearing God’s Word spoken aloud not just by a lone preacher or reader, but by an entire gathered crowd of believers.

Most of us are accustomed to hearing the Bible read to us, and to reading it quietly to ourselves. But when was the last time you read a Bible passage out loud in unison with others? Give it a try the next time you’re gathered at a family dinner or with group of believing friends. You might be surprised at how appropriate it feels to read the Bible out loud in community.

Do you have the opportunity to regularly read Scripture out loud with others? Does your church incorporate communal Bible reading into its worship services? And even if you don’t have the chance to recite Scripture with others, have you ever tried reading the Bible out loud to yourself? Stop by our Facebook page to share your experience.

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