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Blog / Read through the Gospels during Lent: our Lent reading plan begins today!

Read through the Gospels during Lent: our Lent reading plan begins today!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent—and it’s also the first day of our Lent reading plan! While not every Christian tradition observes Lent, many churches and individuals set aside time during Lent to focus on Jesus Christ’s life and ministry.

Our Lent reading plan walks you through each of the four Gospels during the Lent season in preparation for Easter. If you’ve been thinking about spending more time in Scripture during Lent, this is a great way to do it.

Each day’s reading consists of a passage from the Gospels (an average of 2-3 chapters per day); over the course of Lent you’ll read the entire account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. There’s a reading for each day of Lent except for Sundays, which you can use to reflect on the previous week’s reading (or get caught up if you’ve fallen behind).

Reading the plan is simple. Just go to the Lent reading plan page and start reading! Check that page each day; the daily reading updates automatically. (You might wish to bookmark that page in your browser to make it easy to return to each day’s reading.)

If you prefer to read the plan through RSS or an iCal calendar, use the links provided to the right of the daily reading.

We hope you’ll find the Lent reading plan useful. It’s a good way to spend a bit of time each day focusing on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and the readings are short enough that it isn’t a burdensome time commitment. Try out the Lent reading plan, and let us know if you have any questions about it!

Special thanks to Central Presbyterian Church of Baltimore for making this Lent reading plan available.

Filed under Reading Plans