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Blog / Bible in 90 Days reading challenge starts today!

Bible in 90 Days reading challenge starts today!

The Bible in 90 Days reading challenge begins today!

If you’ve ever wanted to read through the entire Bible but didn’t know where to begin, here’s your chance: a reading plan that walks you through the entire Bible from start to finish in three months. It’s a summer reading challenge that could actually change your life.

Getting started with the Bible in 90 Days plan is easy, and you can do it right here at Just visit (and bookmark) the Bible in 90 Days daily reading page and go there for each day’s Bible reading. You can subscribe to the readings via RSS or iCal by clicking on the links to the right of the daily reading. (If you want to use a different Bible version with the Bible in 90 Days plan, you can choose a different Bible from the dropdown menu above the daily reading.)

If you want to delve even deeper this summer, there’s more to the Bible in 90 Days challenge than just the reading plan—at the Bible in 90 Days website you’ll find resources to involve your entire church in the experience. If you want to share the challenge with your congregation or small group, the tools there will help you do so.

Filed under Bible Study, Reading Plans