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New Bible Introduces the TEXT Bible Engagement Method

Buy your copy of The TEXT Bible: Uncover the Message Between God, Humanity, and You in the FaithGateway Store where you'll enjoy low prices every dayThomas Nelson Bibles, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, and bestselling authors Michael & Hayley DiMarco, announce the release of The TEXT Bible: Uncover the Message Between God, Humanity, and You (Thomas Nelson, 2022), a new Bible for students, young adults, and new believers.

The TEXT Bible (website) introduces the new Bible engagement method called TEXT:

  • Talk to God
  • Encounter God and humanity in Scripture
  • eXamine your heart
  • Talk to others

to help readers of every experience level interact with God’s message.

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7 Reasons Why Baptism Is Important

Gain an understanding of why baptism is important and what its four main traditional perspectives are: Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, and Church of Christ viewsWhy is baptism important? For thousands of years, the ceremony of baptism has been, and continues to be, an emotionally powerful depiction of positive change in a person’s life. While it extends beyond Christianity, for the Jesus follower there are at least 7 reasons why baptism is important: Jesus modeled it, Jesus commanded it, it’s a public confession, it signifies a new name, it represents a new life, it establishes a new identity and it unifies the faith.

In the book Understanding Four Views on Baptism (Zondervan, 2007), editor John H. Armstrong says, “From the earliest days of Christianity baptism has been a rite of initiation. By this watery sign, made in the triune name of God, people are openly admitted into the life and community of the church. All agree that baptism is the symbolic door into the church.”

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Colossians Confronts Individualism: An Interview with Jay Y. Kim

In Colossians, Paul wrote to Christians in the Colossae church to confront their individualism and the lie that the world revolved around them.

Colossae was an ethnically and religiously diverse city in modern-day Turkey where Jews and Gentiles co-existed. But the believers there had found themselves floundering as they tried to navigate what following Jesus looks like in a pluralistic society. So Paul wrote to the young church to confront individualism and the falsehood that the world revolved around them. This wasn’t just an issue for the Colossian Christians . . . it’s an issue for us today.

In this Q&A, Jay Y. Kim (@jaykimthinks) talks about his 6-session streaming video Bible study in the 40 Days Through the Book series, Colossians: One Jesus, One People (HarperChristian Resources, 2022).

What would you say is the core message of the letter to the Colossians?

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Weekly Brief – Week of August 14, 2022

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6 Bible Verses On How to Not Be Depressed

Prominent philosopher and professor J.P. Moreland explains how to not be depressed in his book Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming Anxiety and the Practices that Brought Peace available in the FaithGateway Store where you'll enjoy low prices every day

Do you wonder how to not be depressed as you encounter the personal pressures, polarization, and news stories of everyday living?

The Definition of Depression

Depression—one of the most common mental health issues—is a mood disorder that negatively affects how you think, feel, and conduct your daily routines. Also identified as major depressive disorder, clinical depression, or chronic depression, the symptoms of depression can be subtle or obvious.

Prominent philosopher and professor J.P. Moreland experienced depression in its various forms and explains how to not be depressed in his book Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming Anxiety and the Practices that Brought Peace (Zondervan, 2019).

[Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, How to Overcome Anxiety and Depression: An Interview with J.P. Moreland]

The Signs of Depression

Ongoing and progressive depression—for a period of two weeks or longer—can disrupt your everyday life. The symptoms of being depressed include:

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How to Live the Bible — Applying the Meaning of Scripture


This is the two-hundred-twenty-second lesson in author and pastor Mel Lawrenz’ How to Live the Bible series. If you know someone or a group who would like to follow along on this journey through Scripture, they can get more info and sign up to receive these essays via email here.

The world is a better place when millions of Christians study the Bible seriously, searching hard for the original meaning of its authors, uncovering the foundations on which all of life can be based. But the world is not a better place when those students of the Bible neglect to apply the truth of Scripture to real life, accurately and faithfully.

Pastor Mel Lawrenz says there is only one singular and specific meaning of Scripture passages, but a particular passage does have multiple valid applications.

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Country Music’s Biggest Stars Narrate the New Testament

New audio Bible features 14 of country music’s biggest stars, such as Charlie Daniels and Josh Turner, reading the New Testament.Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is proud to announce the release of the NIV Country Gospel Audio New Testament (Zondervan, 2022). This new audio Bible features 14 of country music’s biggest stars reading the New Testament in today’s bestselling modern-English Bible translation: the New International Version (NIV).

“We are thrilled to have partnered with country music artists we grew up listening to as well as some of today’s biggest names to bring this one-of-a-kind project to life. They all bring a new voice to this sacred text,” said Melinda Bouma, vice president and publisher of Bibles for Zondervan. “Our hope is that it reaches listeners right where they are with the beautiful message of God.”

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Weekly Brief – Week of August 7, 2022

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How to Live the Bible — Reading Scripture Naturally


This is the two-hundred-twenty-first lesson in author and pastor Mel Lawrenz’ How to Live the Bible series. If you know someone or a group who would like to follow along on this journey through Scripture, they can get more info and sign up to receive these essays via email here.

I shudder to think how close I came to giving up on the Bible. Like many people, I tried for years to read Scripture in ways that were doomed to fail. My way of reading made the Bible hard to understand, and it made me think this book was perhaps too inscrutable or too out of date for me to pay attention to it.

Yes, it was convenient when other people picked out the good bits and made juicy quotes just perfect for a bumper sticker:

  • “The LORD is my shepherd” (Ps. 23:1)
  • “Do not worry about tomorrow” (Matt. 6:34)
  • “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).

And then there is, “God helps those who help themselves.” Oops! That’s not actually in the Bible. But like many biblically illiterate people, I thought it was.

Pastor Mel Lawrenz offers 4 tips for reading the Bible, such as being sure we know the original context of the particular biblical book we’re reading.

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How Is God’s Grace Sufficient in My Weakness?: An Interview with Jacob Armstrong

Jacob Armstrong explains how the Bible says, with God’s sufficient grace, disappointments in life don’t have to break you down; they can lead to healing & abundant life.Heartache. Disappointment. Loss. Depression. Loneliness. Feelings of despair can overtake us and cause us to mentally, emotionally, or physically break down. But what does the Bible say is the answer? How does trusting God and applying biblical instruction in our lives lead to healthy and hopeful living? How is God’s grace sufficient?

Bible Gateway interviewed Jacob Armstrong (@armstrongjacobc) about his book, Breaking Open: How Your Pain Becomes the Path to Living Again (W Publishing Group, 2022).

Buy your copy of Breaking Open in the FaithGateway Store where you'll enjoy low prices every day

What message are you communicating with the title of this book?

Jacob Armstrong: Breaking Open is all about acknowledging a common ache, acknowledging that we all have places of pain, and that it’s actually in acknowledging this ache and facing it that we find the path to true life. As a pastor for 20 years of people of different ages, races, and life experiences, I’ve seen lots of differences in people. Culturally, financially, and politically.

But all the people I’ve had the pleasure to be around have one thing that’s familiar to them; one shared experience. What we all share is an ache. Everybody I’ve ever talked to has this same ache. It’s a longing. And I feel it too.

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