Knowing the Bible is important, but living the Bible is the real goal of a life of vital faith.

Sign up to receive the email series, How to Live the Bible, by author and pastor Dr. Mel Lawrenz, who previously wrote the email series How to Understand the Bible and How to Study the Bible. The practical lessons in How to Live the Bible will help you understand how to apply the truth of Scripture to everyday life, with special application to managing the difficulties of life changed by our current global health crisis.

Everyday life includes highs and lows, accomplishments and failures, gains and losses. Whatever our circumstances, we need what James called “the implanted word” which can rescue us (James 1:21). We're to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.” Or, as Jesus said, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24).

But how do we do that? How do we get over our hesitations? How do we know what God wants us to do in response to the word?

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(Dr. Mel Lawrenz has written 17 books—most recently Spiritual Leadership Today—and serves as Minister at Large for Elmbrook Church where he was previously Senior Pastor. He trains an international network of leaders through The Brook Network.)